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This is a photo of the Chief Joe Whitehand

& Chief William Crazy Bear shortly
after the treaty signing

The artical that was run in the Fort Davis News in Texas


On Nov. 7th the Blue Mountian Métis Nation together with the
Métis Nation of the United States made history.

After five days of talk and negotiations Chief Joe Whitehand
Meachum representing the Métis Nation of the United States
from Virginia and Chief William Crazy Bear Hoff representing the
Blue Mountian Métis Nation of Fort Davis signed a historic treaty.

That treaty brought these two native nations together to form the
United Métis Nation of the United States of America.

With the last United States census over seven million people
claimed mixed Native American heritage.

These people are Métis and have rights, responsibilities
and benefits that they may not even know about.

One of the goals of the United Métis Nation
of the United States of America is to educate the public about Mé'tis
history, culture and spiritual rights.

If you are of mixed Native American Indian heritage and wish to
learn more about your rights, responsibilities and benefits as a Métis
person please contact the Blue Mountian Métis Nation at
Box 201 Fort Davic, Texas 79734