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Little Bits About Me...

I've always been and always will be a Southern gal. To me, there's no where on earth quite like the South. I was born in Charleston, South Carolina, but most of my adult years have been spent in North Carolina. So it's with great pride that I share my Southern heritage with you.

Southern Ways is About...

Bringing out the many endearing qualities of what it means to be a Southerner and what makes the South unique in this great country of the United States of America.

We're going to talk about some interesting topics. Some of which I hope you'll find useful in your travels around the South. While others, I hope you will find inspiring or maybe even humorous. But however you should find them, it is my heartfelt wish that you will feel the hospitality and graciousness that still exists in the South.

Now let's do a little time traveling via that phenomenal talent of the mind called "imagination" and last but not least, by way of the internet. So get comfortable and I hope you enjoy the sites.

Best Wishes and God Bless,
Miz Dixie Belle

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Girls raised in the South may look shy and demure
But looks can be deceiving
We're really Steel Magnolias!

Southern Ways © Copyright 2000-2006
Site Created and Maintained by Miz Dixie Belle
All Rights Reserved