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Teem & Abra's Big Ol' Page 'O' Linx & Fun!!! ^_^

PLEEEEEEZE visit these people! > <; Hopefully they'll start talking to us again if they get more net traffic!

Our Lords and Masters, we had to put this link up or else they'd try to kill us... AGAIN!!!

The Pokémon Picture Archive! I love this place!

Saiyan Poliwag's DBZ Zone
This is a very funny DragonBall Z comedy page! Even if you don't know a LOT about DBZ (which I don't), it's a riot!

GTGold's Animé Picture Page
I know, it doesn't sound like that big a deal, but go look at it anyway, it's got a cute skit on the main page, hehe ^_^

Digiworld~ShadowEarth (Think the banner's big enough?) Anyway, check this out, because I'm afraid of Jax beating me up if you don't or something...

For the love of Mike! PLEEEEZE let me go back home! Ugh!