Favorite Quotes
Here's a bunch of quotes from websites and some of my friends.
love is in the air...a few quotes I like
- 'My heart is an open door waiting for you to enter.'
- 'If I would have known my heart would break, I would have loved you anyway.'
- 'How Can I Follow My Heart When It Is More Confused Than My Head?'
- 'You and her that's what you want. You and me that's what I dream.'
- 'How can you be friends with someone when everytime you see them you want them even more?!'
- 'He may not be the most attractive, he may not say all the right words, but when you see him, you know he's the one that can make you smile, laugh, and cry all at the same time.'
- 'Your looks may grab my eye, but your personality will hold my heart.'
Quotes and jokes from friends
- 'Just nod and smile, nod and smile'.
- 'If it's carbonated water, does it explode? YES'!
- 'Pickle'
- 'Your too pretty to be in the ugly club, get out!' Ashley 'No thats not fair, I am ugly' Me
- 'They put the wristband in the toilet, and then ___ took a dump! He is wearing it now!'