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Chapter Eighteen

*New York-3 hours later*
“Hey guys! Come on in.” Rayanne held the door open for them.

“Hi. We made it.” Nick siad.

“Barely.” Brian added.

“I see that.” She turned to Nick. “Wrist or throat?”

He threw her a puzzled look.

“What’s bothering you?”

“Oh. Both.”

“Well thanks for coming.” she smiled.

“You’re welcome. Let’s get this move on the road.”

“Everything’s right in the living room, ready to go.”

“We had to wait for Lyn to take a shower so s he could take us to the airport.” Brian explained. “Because bonehead wasn’t gutsy enough to leave the Durango at the airport.”

“Well you’re here...that’s what matters.”

“It doesn’t change the fact that Nick’s a bone-”

“Shut up.” Nick interuppted him.

“OK boys! Let’s pack.”

“Where should I start?” AJ asked, putting his arm around Rayanne.

“Big stuff probably right? It’s all piled right over there.” She pointed to the corner closest to the door. “There’s stuff to drink still in the fridge if you guys want it.”

“No thanks.” Brian said as Kevin said “Thanks.”

AJ and Howie started carrying boxes out a couple at at time. They worked fast and got the drink out of the refigerator before gathering outside.

“Done. guys are fast! Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome.”

Nick snuck up behind Rayanne as she spoke and tackled her to the ground. “Hi Ray.”

“Oof.” she landed, pinned between him and the ground. “Hi Nick.”

“Get up, let’s go.” he said with a goofy smile.

“I was up Nick.” she laughed.

“Then get up.”

“OK.” she said getting to her feet. “Two of you need to drive. Two ride and someone’s coming with me.”

“I’ll drive.” Nick piped up.

“I will too.” Kevin offered.

“Let me run upstairs and make sure I got everything.” She ran upstairs to check, returning with three small coolers. “Almost forgot these. One for you, one for you and one for me.” she said handing one to Kevin, one to Nick and keeping one.


“Alrighty, we set to go?”

“I’m ready.”

“Alright, I’ll see you guys when we stop!”


Rayanne climbed in her Pathfinder, while Nick got in the lead truck, AJ following him. Kevin and Howie got in the back truck, Brian climbing in with Rayanne.

“Me and you, huh B?!”

“Yeah, you and me.”

“Hop in!” She put her seatbelt on and started the Pathfinder. “I’m glad you’re riding with me.”

“Me too! I can get all the good gossip!” he said as she turned out of the driveway onto the road.

“Good gossip? On what do you think I have gossip to share?” she smiled.

“Tell me something...”


“Between you and I...we’re friends, your answer will not change anything. OK?”

“OK.” she said slowly.

“If you hadn’t run into Nick...would you have ever told him?”

“I’ve always wanted to B. I just didn’t want...” she stopped. “I guess eventually, yeah, I would have. It was just very hard.”

“I’m glad you did.” he smiled.

“So am I. Very glad. It wasn’t fair to him or Madeline and I’ll never forgive myself for keeping him from her for so long.”

“I think he has Ray, don’t beat yourself up.”

“I can’t wait to see her.” she smiled at him. “This is the first time I’ve been away.”

“This morning she was so funny.”

“What’d she do?”

“She was running around saying,” he put on a baby voice, “puddo and bi bir.”

“I can’t wait to hear her say big bird. The first time she said that was with Nick ya know.” she said with a big smile.

“I heard. He was so happy.” he grinned.

“I’m glad, she loves him so much.”

“Let’s race them.”

“OK, but if I get a ticket guess who’s paying for it.”

“Nick. GO!” Rayanne stepped on the gas and flew by Kevin. “Faster.”

“Lord B, I’m going eighty two.”

Brian turned toward the window, making a goofy face and waving at Nick as they passed them. Rayanne stepped on the gas, accelerating steadily.

“We won!”

“Yes we did.” she smiled. “And no ticket.”

“Yet. You’re going...” he peered over at the speedometer. “ninety five and still gaining.” he smiled.

“Shit, I better slow down. Are they coming? I don’t want them to catch me!”

He craned his neck, glancing behind him. “Umm...yes. Just ride down the center line.”

“You do realize those trucks are a lot bigger than this pathfinder, right?”

He gave her a disapproving look.




“Are you chicken?”

“Me?! Chicken?” She raised an eyebrow. “You know me better than that Brian Thomas.” she said flooring it, riding down the middle.

Brian slapped his knee, laughing hysterically. “Go Ray!”

“Man, if I get pulled over...” she mumbled. “Put in a CD, will ya?”

“Sure thing!” He grabbed Brian McKnight and slipped in into the CD player.

“Thanks B.”

“You’re welcome.”

“OK, I refuse to go a hundred.” she laughed, slowing down to ninety nine.

“Good thinking.” he laughed.

This is gonna be a long ride.”

“I think those trucks max out at seventy five.”

“We’re gonna be so far ahead of them.” she giggled. We could stop somewhere and go shopping! Will you get me a water from that cooler?”

“You’re something else...” he laughed and handed her a water.

“Thanks.” She opened the water, singing.

“I’m surprised he didn’t take your keys.” He started singing along with her.

“Has anyone ever told you you have a wonderful voice Mr. Littrell?”

“Nope, never.”

“Well I am now.” she smiled.

“Well thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I missed you guys so much.”

“I missed you Ray!” He leaned over giving her a bear hug, shaking her.

“Brian! I’m driving!” she laughed.

“So?” He glanced up, smiling. “Oh! Watch out for that pole!”

Rayanne focused on the road just in time to swerve. “SHIT!”

“Whoa nellie!”

“Holy Shit. That was...”

“I told you to watch out for that pole.”

“Man, you had to hug me, huh?!”


“Well, I miss your hugs. Just be careful when you decide to plant the next one on me.” she smiled.

“I’ll try.”

“I have to pee. Think they’ll get pissy if I pull over so soon? Are they anywhere near us or did I leave ‘em all behind?”

“They’re coming.”

“Jeez man, can’t you drive any faster?!” AJ complained. “We can’t just let her cruise like that!”

“The pedal is to the floor man! You want to drive?!”


“All her crap weighs too much!”

“Should have made her drive this big ugly thing.”

“I know. Why are they pulling over?”

“Maybe they’re waiting for your sorry ass.”

“You’re not funny bone. I’ll make you walk.”

“I’d get there faster.” he mumbled.

Nick slammed on the brakes. “Climb out.”

“Fine! Have fun driving alone!” he said, climbing out.

Nick pulled the U-haul to the side of the road and got out. “Ray, I’m driving with you. I’m not driving that truck anymore.”

“Why not?”

“AJ won’t shut up because I’m not driving fast enough. I’ll show him fast I can go.” He got in the driver’s seat of the Pathfinder and shut the door.

“Whoa, calm down blondie, I gotta pee before we go anywhere. Kev and D aren’t even here yet anyway.” she laughed.

“On the side of hte freeway? Something wrong with the rest stop up ahead?”

“Well how far is it? I gotta go!”

“A mile.” AJ piped up.

“Hurry!” Brian yelled. “Here comes D and Kev!”

“OK, I can wait.” she smiled. “Go make someone else almost crash B!” She hopped in next to Nick and buckled up.

“Yeah, AJ!”

“Lucky me.” AJ said, rolling his eyes as he climbed into the driver’s seat.

“Go Nicky, I have to pee.”

Nick floored it, sending Rayanne back in her seat. *Eeeeeeeeettttt*.

“Fast enough for you?”

“I almost hit a pole.” she said with a huge grin.

“I saw. What was that all about?”

“I was going like, a hundred and Brian decided to lean over and squeeze the shit outta me.”

“Glad I wasn’t riding with you.” he laughed.

“It wouldn’t have happened if you were riding with me.”

“You never know. What would you do if I did...this?”

“Do what?”

“THIS!” he yelled slapping her thigh. “Yippee!” He looked at her shocked.

“OUCH NICK!” She rubbed her leg, looking over to see a satisfied grin plastered across his face. “Meanie.”

“You deserved that.”

“I did, huh? And why is that?”

“I’m leaving it at that, because it’s over and done with and there are no more secrets. I don’t want it to be a big deal.”

“Thank you.” she smiled. “Just don’t hit me anymore.”


“I am so excited to see Madi.”

“Hopefully she’s feeling all better.”

“I hope so. OK, get off.”

“She was doing better when we left, but I still didn’t think it would be a good idea if she came.” he said, pulling off at a rest area.

“Probably not, too long in a car.” She jumped out as soon as he parked and ran toward the building.

“Run, run, run!!!” Nick yelled, sticking his head out the window.

“I am! Leave me alone!”

“Alone?” he thought to himself. “OK, I’ll leave you alone!” He put the Pathfinder in gear and very slowly backed up.

Rayanne stopped dead and turned around. “Nick!”


She ran back to her car. “I have to pee.

“Then go!”

“I would like my car to be here when I get back. With you in it.” She turned again and ran back toward the bathroom.

“Oh, so you don’t want me to leave you alone?!”

“I want you to stop...just stay there!” She disappeared into the small brown building.

“I did stoop!” he yelled out the window. “That girl needs to make up her mind.”

Rayanne went to the bathroom and washed her hands, then walked back out to see Nick driving off slowly in her car. “Nickolas Gene!”

He slammed on the brakes as she made her way to the open window. “Problem Miss?”

“I need a ride, can you help me out?” she asked with a sweet smile.

“I’m not sure if I have room.”

“Please? I’m good company.”

“I suppose. Get in.”

“Thank you.” she smiled and got in. “I’ll make it worth your while.” She turned toward him and winked.

“Hey lady, I’m engaged.” he laughed.

“Where is everyone?”

“I think they kept going. Some people don’t have to pee after forty five minutes on the road.”

“Hit it then and I’ll tell my bladder to behave the rest of the trip. I’m sick of this CD, any requests?”

“Whatever you got.” She let the radio play while she flipped through her book looking for something to listen too. “The Friday song is on. Don’t put anything in.”


”Everybody’s working for the weekend...” he sang.

Rayanne looked at him and couldn’t help but smile.

“What the smile for?”

“I like it when you sing.”

“I know you do Ray.” he smiled back at her.

Chapter 19

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