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Chapter Eleven

Lyndsey arrived home a short while later, going to the bedroom. “Nick?”

“Hmmm.” She found them asleep on the bed, Nick in boxers, Madi in a diaper.

“I got your medicine babe, can you take it quick? Then you can go back to sleep.”

“Yeah.” He sat up slowly.

“Here’s some water.” She handed him a glass of water and his pill.

“You’re too good to me sweetie.” he said standing up to give her a hug.

“I love you.”

“I love you. Will you lay with us?”

“Of course. I just need to give her her medicine first.”

“OK.” Nick took his spot on the bed next to Madi and watched as Lyndsey woke her up.

“Madi huh, can you get up for a minute?” she spoke softly, picking Madi up and holding her in her lap.

“Mama?” she asked with a confused look.

“You’ll see Mommy tomorrow baby, but I need you to drink juice for Lyn OK?” Lyndsey handed her a sippy cup of orange juice which had her medicine in it.

“O duce?”

“Yup, orange juice.”

Madi gave Lyndsey a half-hearted smile and drank her orange juice.

“Thank you sweetheart. Want Lyn to take a nap with you and Daddy?”

“Nin nap.” she said patting the bed.

“Done with your juice?” she smiled.

“Gone.” Lyndsey took the cup from her, setting it on the nightstand.

“OK, let’s lay down.” Lynsdey layed down, with Madi between her and Nick. He reached his arm over both of them and smiled contently. “Sleep and get better. I love you Carters, ya know!”

“Good, cause I love you Littrells, ya know!” he smiled at her.

“I love to hear you say that.”


“Why wouldn’t I love to hear you say you loved me? There’s nothing I’d rather hear.”

“Just asking.”

“Go to sleep baby.” she said looking down at Madi, who was drooling and snoring.

“I can’t now.”


“You’re here.”

“Should I leave?” she asked jokingly.

“No way!”

She snuggled closer without squishing Madi. “What would I do without you?”

“I won’t go there hun.” he laughed. “Let me go put her in her crib.” He picked her up gently and took her to her room, placing her in her crib, before returning to the bedroom.

“I missed you.”

“Now I can hold you closer. I won’t breathe on you though.”

“Those words come close.” she laughed. “I hate not being able to kiss you when you’re so sweet.”

“Who says you can’t?”

“Not the way I want to.” She kissed him on the cheek.

“If you get sick I”ll take super good care of you.”

“You won’t be here silly.”

“I’ll be gone for two days.”

“Promise you’ll take good care of me.”

“I promise. Cross my heart, pinkie swear.”

Lyndsey smiled and stuck her pinky out. Nick linked his pinky with hers and crossed his heart with his other hand. She moved closer to him and kissed him softly on the lips.

“I miss that.” he smiled.

“I can’t wait till you get all your strength back.” she laughed.

He raised an eyebrow. “And why is that?”

“So you can cook me dinner.”

“I’m about sure that’s what you meant.” he laughed quietly.

“So I can show you how much I love you.”

“Wow, I’m suddenly feeling a lot better! It’s a miracle!”

“You’ll drain every ounce of energy you have silly boy. You can’t afford to do that right now.”

“I won’t if you do the work.” He flashed her a sexy smile.

“So you’d just...” She got on top of him, “lay there? And let me...” She leaned down and kissed him, “do whatever I want?”

“I sure would. I only have one rule. No teasing.”

“What fun is that rule?!” she laughed.

“Fine you can tease, as long as you finish what you start.” he smiled up at her.

“I always do.”

“That you do.”

She leaned down and kissed him again, running her tongue along his lips and down his neck to his ear. She gently nibbled on his ear, then sat up. "Shall I keep going?"

"Yes you shall." Lyndsey kissed Nick fully on the mouth, letting her tongue play with his, while Nick ran his hands through her hair. She climbed off him, and planted a trail of kisses down his chest, to his belly, and drew a circle around his naval with her tongue. She reached her hand down, and felt his hardening penis. She rubbed gently as she scootched up and kissed him fully on the mouth. She pulled away and smiled. "More?" He asked with a crooked grin.

"I think I can come up with something..." She moved down his body, removing his boxers slowly, freeing his erection. She looked up at him, took it in her hand, then placed a trail of kisses from the tip to the base. Nick let out a small sigh. Lyndsey smiled, then licked up to the tip. She opened her mouth and took it in, swirling her tongue around the tip. She then slowly took the rest of him in her mouth. His body tensed up a little as she massaged his testicles.

"Lyn..." Nick gulped. The feeling of him in her mouth was almost more than he could handle. Lyndsey took him in fully, and bobbed her head up and down a few more times. "I want you." Nick squeaked out, his breathing getting heavy. Lyndsey scootched up his body and kissed him. She then slowly removed her shorts, tossing them to the floor, followed by her panties. She straddled Nick's waist, feeling Nick's penis against her. Nick moved his hips, trying to enter her, but Lyndsey pulled herself off him slightly, not letting him. She leaned down and began sucking on his neck, while Nick reached down between her legs, trying to slip his fingers inside her. Lyndsey reached down and pulled his hand away, holding it above his head. She then took his other one and held it above his head also. "You're terrible." Nick groaned.

"Shhh." Lyndsey silenced him with a kiss, then allowed his penis to enter her. She sighed as he filled her insides completely, and a smile crept across Nick's face as Lyndsey began rocking back and fourth.

"Oh God Lyndsey." Lyndsey pulled herself almost completely off Nick, then slowly took him in again. She smiled at the way he let his mouth hang open as his climax approached.

"I love you" Lyndsey whispered as she leaned down to plant a kiss on his red lips. Nick slipped his tongue into her mouth just as a pleasured moan escaped him. Lyndsey pulled away, and started picking up her pace.

"I love you too." Nick could barely get it out. He was getting closer to his release. Lyndsey pulled herself off him, letting his tip tease her. She then took him all the way in, pressing hard against him. "Oh shit...oh" Lyndsey did it again, and Nick released himself inside her with a loud groan. “Wow.” he grinned.

She laid down on top of him and kissed his nose. “Feeling better now?”

He turned his head to cough. “Yeah.” he grinned again. “I haven’t had that happen to me in...since we brokeup.”

“Fun isn’t it?”


“Did I wear you out?” she asked with a sexy smile.

“Yeah, you did baby. Look at me sweating and I didn’t even do anything!”

“You were pretty good for not doing anything!” she laughed.

“No comment on my end.”

“Just laying there you’re the sexiest thing I ever did see!”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, really.”

“Mmmm.” He pulled her down for a kiss. “You’re sexy period.”

“You sure know what I like to hear!” she smiled.

“I didn’t say it because you want to hear it. I said it because it’s true!”

“And just why are you so sweet to me Nickolas Carter?”

“Want me to change?”

“Not one thing.”

“Then don’t ask questions.” he laughed.

“No more questions.”

“Thank you. What time is i t?”

“Almost six.”

“Ugh, it feels like it’s about eleven.”

“Are you hungry?”


“Madi should eat, but I do not want to wake her up.”

“Don’t, it’s nice when it’s quiet around here.” he smiled.

“I know, but she needs to get something in her before she’s out for the night.”

“What about you? I’d think you’re pretty full.” he grinned. “Or do you still have room?”

“Hmm...let me think.” She put on a pensive face. “You fill me up perfectly, but I always have room for more.” she smiled.

“Well, I’d give you more, but you emptied me out. I’m spent.”

“Glad to know I can do that.”

“Come here.” he said, pulling Lyndsey down on him. “Let’s sleep.”

“Mmm, sounds good.” They both fell asleep quickly.

Chapter 12

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