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Chapter Five

“Ray said she has teething rings...maybe she’ll use those for her ears?”

“I don’t know, we could won’t hurt.”

Nick reached into Madi’s diaper bag and grabbed a teething ring. “Here Madi. Chew on this.”

“This is kinda weird huh?” Lyndsey mused.

“Here we go!” Nick said to Madi as the plane took off.

She looked at him a little worried. “It’s OK Madi.” he reassured her.

“Somebody’s never flown before have they?”

“Probably not.”

“I hope she’s OK, should we give her a toy or something?”

“Yeah.” Nick laughed as Madi smiled at him and wiped her slobber on his arm.

“I mean, two days we’re on a plane with your daughter.”

“Tell me about it.”

“She seems to be a pretty easy going baby.”

“I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

“How long is she gonna sleep tomorrow?”

“Ray said she sleeps till about seven, then takes a nap at ten and sometimes another at one or two.”

“Seven? Oh God.”

“That’s what I said. It won’t be much different from touring though.”

“Right, but I was looking forward to sleeping for 3 weeks.” she laughed.

“You can sleep. Nobody told you you had to get up at 7.”

“OK, I was just going to help while she’s here.”

“Sleep all you want. If I need help, I’ll ask, OK babe?”


“It’ll give us a trial run for when you and I decided to take this route ourselves.” He flashed her a sexy smile over Madi’s head.

“You’re thinking about that, huh?”


“Madi could be an older sister, what do you think of that Madi?”

Madi threw her yellow ducky teething ring and hit AJ in the head.

“Madeline!” Nick laughed.

“Go Madi!”

“Alright little be nice.” AJ handed the ring back, pretending to be mad.

“Aww..AJ, how can you look at that face and be mad?” Amanda asked sweetly.

“I can’t! Which is frustrating!”

“I hope she doesn’t throw everything like that at home!”

“Trust me, she will.”

“After she goes to bed we should put stuff, everything.” she laughed.

“Good plan!”

“Pooh!” Madi cried excitedly.

“You want Pooh, Madi?”

“Where is it Nick?”

“I think it’s in the bag.” Nick once again rummaged through the bag, until he pulled Pooh out. Madi shrieked with excitement when she saw it.

“Shhh!” Nick laughed at her.

“She’s a screamer too!”

“It’s gonna be a long first couple nights.”

“Are you guys going to take turns getting up with her when Ray gets here? In the morning I mean.”

“Probably when she gets here, yeah.”

“That’ll probably be like heaven for her!” Lyndsey said with a laugh.

They listend to Madi tell stories and watched her play with her toys during the two hour flight. Finally, it was almost time to land in Tampa and make their way home.

“We’re about to land Mads!”

“What do you think would have happened if we didn’t see her in Virgin?”

“I would probably never know about Madi.”

Lyndsey looked down. “That’s....I don’t know.”

“I’m glad I do know about her.”

“You have a right.”

“How do you feel about it? Knowing I fathered another girl’s child?”

“I could say I’m a little jealous, but not because you were with her, we weren’t together. I would just love to have this with you someday.”

“We will. I promise. I’m ready when you are.”

“You’re ready when I am? So if I said I wanted to try tonight, I want it’re ready for that already? Again?”

“Are you serious? Or is this just a hypothetical situation?”

“I guess I was just trying to figure out if you really meant that the way you said it.”

“I meant it Lyn.”

“OK.” she smiled, “I think we can wait a while.”

"Attention. This is your captain speaking. I ask that you please fasten your seatbelts, we will be landing at Tampa International Airport in 15 minutes."

“Madi! We’re almost there!” Nick said excitedly, tickling her stomach.

“I hope she’s OK not being in her own bed tonight. I just thought of that.”

“Oh yeah...I think she will be.”

“What time is it sweetie?”

Nick glanced at his watch. “6:30. She’s going to want to eat when we get there.”

“What are we going to have?”

“Hot dogs and Mac -n- Cheese sound good?”

“Of course.”

“We’ll be eating simple things till I can figure out what else she can have.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Uh oh...she’s asleep.”

“Good timing Madi!” Lyndsey laughed. “Will she sleep if you pick her up when we get off?”


The plane landed and Lyndsey offered to grab the bags so Nick could carry Madi. She threw the diaper bag over her shoulder and led Nick off the plane.

“Is she still sleeping?”

“Yup. Where is everyone else?”

“I think they got ahead of us.”

“OK, let’s get our bags from baggage claim and get out of here.”

“Good idea.” Lyndsey grabbed their few bags off the conveyor belt as promised. “Can you get this one?”

“Yeah.” Nick flung a bag over his shoulder, careful not to wake the baby. “Let’s go.”

They headed to the Durango, Lyndsey buckling the carseat into the backseat, then piling the bags in the back while Nick got Madi settled in her seat.

“OK, let’s go.”

“Take me home driver! I’m tired.” she laughed.

“We’re on our way.” he smiled, starting the Durango and heading home.

“Want me to get her or do you want to?” Lyndsey asked Nick as he cut the engine in the garage.

“I’ll get her, she’s still sleeping.”

“Alright, I’ll get the door for you.”


“Home sweet home!” she laughed walking through the front door.

Nick carried Madi directly down the hall to their bedroom, laying her in the middle of the bed.

“She sleeps good once she’s gone!” Lyndsey commented, following him into the room.

“Yeah she does.” he agreed.

“That’ll be good!”

“Oh more ways than one.” he said with a grin as he kissed Lyndsey softly.

“Nickolas! You’re daughter is in the room!” she laughed, but kissed him back.

“She has no idea what I’m talking about.” he smiled sideways at her.

“We might want to get her up soon though or she’ll never sleep tonight.”

“I was thinking that too, but let her sleep for right now. Let’s unpack.”

“And wake her up when we’re done?”

“Yeah. How about I unpack and you make some grub.”

“Alrighty, sounds good.”

Nick brought the bags in the house one at a time while Lyndsey cooked Mac -n- Cheese and Hot dogs, singing.

“Sweetie! Food’s ready!” she yelled down the hallway.

“Good, I’m starved. I’ll get Madi!” he yelled back.

He walked into the bedroom and found her still sleeping. “Madi. Wake up.”

Lyndsey set the food on the table and pulled the high chair between her seat and Nick’s.

“Hey...Mads!” he shook her a little. She woke up slowly, rubbing her eyes. “Hey, sweetie, you want to eat?”


“Mommy’s not here. It’s just Daddy and Lyn, but we’re going to have fun. Let’s go eat!”

Nick picked her up and carried her out to the kitchen. She babbled and grabbed his finger before he placed her in her high chair. Her food was already cut into tiny pieces on her tray.

“There you go! Dig in!”

“How was your nap Mads?” Lyndsey asked as they started to eat.

Madi said nothing, but threw Lyndsey a huge smile.

“Eat up baby girl.”

“Can she feed herself OK?”

“Yeah, she can. She makes a huge mess but she can.”

Lyndsey watched as Madi put two bits of hot dog in her mouth at the same time.

“Is that good Madi?”

“Oh, I forgot to call Ray!”

“You better call her when we’re done.”

“I will.”

“Look at her eat! She’s so cute!” she laughed as Madi stuck her hand in her macaroni and cheese and shoved a fistful in her mouth.

“Tomorrow we should go get a crib for her. So she has a bed of her own to sleep in.”

“That’s a good idea, where is she going to sleep tonight?”

“Probably with us if that’s alright.”

“Of course it’s alright.” she smiled, showing Nick she was sincere.

“If not I can make a bed of blankets on the floor for her.”

“I want her to sleep with us.”


“She doesn’t look like she’s eating much anymore.” Lyndsey noticed after a few minutes.

“Madi are you full?”

Madi nodded a ‘yes’ in Nick’s direction.

“OK, let’s get you cleaned off.”

“Are you done babe?” Lyndsey asked as he got a warm washcloth to clean Madi’s face and hands.

“Umm..yeah, I’ll eat more later.”

“Are you sure? I’ll leave it if you want.”

“Put it in the fridge for me.”

“OK.” Lyndsey began cleaning off the table.

“Want some help?”

“That’s OK, you clean her off, I got it.”

Lyndsey turned to see Nick struggling with cleaning Madi’s face. “Madi, come on!” he laughed.

“No no!”

“Being difficult is she?”

“Good enough. Let’s go play.” He threw the dishcloth at Lyndsey. “Will you rinse that out for me honey?”

“After you threw it at me?!” she joked. “I will, but you better make it up to me later.”

“Oh, I will.” he grinned. “I have to call Ray, will you play with her?”

Lyndsey finished putting the leftovers in the refrigerator. “Of course! Where are her toys?”

“In her bags.”

Lyndsey pulled Pooh and some books and puzzles from Madi’s bag and sat with her on the floor as Nick picked up the phone to call Rayanne in New York.

*Ring, Ring*

“Hello?” Mandy answered the phone.

“Is Ray there?”

“Yeah, just a second.”

“Hello?” Rayanne picked up the phone, hearing Nick say “Madi, don’t touch that please. Hey Ray.”

“Hey! How is everything?”

“Good. She slept most of the way, and when we got here we ate. Now I’m talking to you.”

“Did she eat OK?”


“Or throw more of it?”

“The mess was minimal.” he laughed.

“Good, what is she doing now?”

“She’s playing with Lyn. You want to talk to her?”


“OK, hold on. Madi, Mommy’s on the phone!”

“Mama!” Madi threw down her toys and ran to the phone.

“Say ‘hi’ to Mommy.” Nick instructed her.


“Hey sweetheart! How are you?”


“Do you miss me?” she asked laughing.

“Mama!” she laughed, leaning her head back.

“So you’re having fun huh? You like being with Daddy and Lyn?”

Madi babbled something Rayanne couldn’t understand.

“Yeah?! I’m so glad. Mommy misses you!” She could hear Nick and Lyndsey laughing in the background.


Nick stopped and looked at her.

“Oh my God...Mads, what did you say? Dada?”


“Mads, let me to Daddy hun.”

Madi sat silent, smiling.

“Give the phone back to Daddy Madi.” Rayanne tried again.

Madi dropped the phone so Nick could pick it up.


“Nick did you hear that?!”

“Yeah...I liked that.”

“She’s never said that.”


“No never.”


“I can’t believe how quickly she’s bonding with you like this.”

“I like it!”

“She must love you.” Rayanne smiled on her end of the phone.

“We’re going out to buy her a crib and stuff tomorrow.”

“That’s sweet of you. I’m going back tomorrow, so if you call, call me at my house.”

“OK, same number?”


“Want me to call you as soon as she wakes up?”

“I’m leaving at about if it’s before then you can.”

“Or do you want a break?” he laughed.

“It will be nice to have the night to myself!”

“We’ll see what happens then. How are you dealing with her gone?”

“It was a little hard at first, and I miss her like crazy, but I know she’s in good hands, so I’m content.”

“OK, I just thought I’d ask.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem.”

“I should probably go, give her a kiss for me?”

“I will. Madi, let go of Lyn’s hair!” he said with a laugh.

“I keep trying to break her of that hair habit!”

“I’m thinking I should chop mine.”

“How is she with Lyn?”

“Good. She’s taking a liking to her. They get along great.”

“That’s good to hear. Makes me feel even better about her being there.”

“Lyn’s being real helpful about it.”

“Tell her thank you. I should go for real though.”

“I will. Talk to you later.”

“Bye Nick.”


“What did Ray say?” Lyndsey asked as Nick hung up the phone.

“She misses Madi.”

“Aww. I imagine she does.”

“She’s glad you and her get along.”

“That makes me feel good. I don’t want things to be weird.”

“Nah...let’s give her a bath!”


Madi looked up at Nick with an excited smile.

“Ray said she loves bathtime.”

“Looks that way! Come on Madi, bathtime!”

Madi grabbed Nick’s hand and followed him to the bathroom. Lyndsey turned on the water as Nick laid Madi down and started taking off her clothes.

“Is this too hot Nick?”

He stuck his hand under the water. “No.”

“All ready when you are Mads!” she turned the water off.

“In ya go!”

“Wawa!” Madi splashed in the shallow water.

“ Whoa! Maybe I should go get a slicker!”

“Splashy girl!”

“Will you go get her bath stuff?”

“Sure.” She ran into the bedroom and grabbed her rubber ducky, shampoo and pajamas.

“You having fun Madi?” Nick asked.

Madi smiled big and shrieked.

“I’m having a lot of fun.”

Madi smiled again and threw her hands up in the air.

“Wow, I guess you like it in here huh? I’m glad I found out about you.”

Lyndsey reached the bathroom, standing outside the door to listen. She heard Madi splash and water hitting the floor.

“Madi! I’m all wet!” Nick laughed. He stood up and stepped into the tub fully clothed. “This is better huh?! Lots more fun this way!”

“Nick!” Lyndsey walked in, laughing.

“Hey honey! Wanna come in too?!”

“You two having fun?”

“Of course!”

“Sure I’ll get in!”

Madi laughed as Lyndsey stepped in the tub in her clothes and sat on the other side of her.

“Wash the baby!” Nick laughed, wetting Madi’s hair.

“Here’s her shampoo...soap stuff.”


“You get her hair, I’ll get her body.”


Lyndsey soaped up the washcloth, washing Madi all over.

“Scrub, scrub, scrub!”

“Gotta get under your arms! Behind your ears!”

Madi threw her arms around in a fit of laughter and giggles.

Lyndsey stopped washing and looked at Nick.

“What?” he asked.

“This is going to be so much fun isn’t it? When we have one.”

“Yeah it is.” he said with a huge smile. “RINSE THE BABY!!”

Lyndsey laughed and watched as Nick leaned Madi back slowly to rinse her hair. She rinsed off her tiny body when he was done.

“OK, now what? We’re all wet.”

Madi threw Nick a puzzled look.

“You got get in dry clothes, I’ll play with her, then you can get her ready while I change.” Lyndsey suggested.

“Why do I have to get the dry clothes on? I want to play with her.” he pouted jokingly.

“I think she’d like that. I’ll be right back then. Don’t have too much fun without me!”

“We’ll try not to!”

Lyndsey stepped out of the tub, took her sopping clothes off and threw them in a pile by the toilet.

“Whoa honey, good thing Madi is here.”

“Gotta be good in front of your daughter.” she laughed and leaned down to give him a kiss.

“Yup, don’t want to give her any ideas.”

“I know.” she smiled as she made her way to the bedroom for dry pajamas.

“Splash, splash, splash! Splash Madi!”

Madi smiled at her father and slapped her hands down on the water, splashing him.

“Ahh!” he laughed with her.

Lyndsey walked back in the bathroom and took a seat on the toilet.

“You guys done yet? Or are ya gonna play more?”

“I need to get out. As much fun as it is.” he laughed, handing Madi to Lyndsey.

She laid Madi down on a towel on the floor and began drying her off. Nick climbed out of the tub and took his wet clothes off. He headed to the bedroom and put on dry basketball shorts.

Lyndsey finished drying Madi off, powdered her butt and dressed her in a lightweight pair of white pajamas covered in butterflies.

“We had fun tonight huh?!” she said brushing Madi’s hair lightly. “All set? Wanna go show daddy how pretty you are?”

She picked Madi up and carried her down the hall to the living room.

“How do I look daddy?” Lyndsey asked holding Madi in front of her.

“Doesn’t my baby look pretty!” he said with a smile. “Why don’t you start rocking her while I go make a bottle.”

Nick headed for the kitchen to make Madi a bottle. When it was warm enough, he went back to the living room and took Madi from Lyndsey and sat down in his favorite dark green recliner.

“You two look cute together daddy.” she smiled.

“Thank you!” He flashed her a cheesy smile.

“Want me to take a picture?”


Lyndsey went down the hall to their bedroom and grabbed the camera.

“OK, get ready Mads!”

“OK Madi, let’s take this thing our of your mouth for a sec.” Nick said, pulling the bottle from her mouth.

“Gonna get a picture with Daddy!”


Lyndsey smiled at them and snapped a picture *Click*

“Sit still, I want another one!” she instructed. *Click*

Nick laughed as Madi flashed a smile.

“How cute! I can’t wait to get these back.”

*Ring, Ring*

“Will you get that?” Nick asked.

“Sure. Hello?” she picked up the phone.

“Hey Lyn!”

“Hey Ray, what’s up?”

“Are you guys getting ready to put Madi to bed?”

“Yeah, Nick’s giving her her bottle and rocking her right now.”

“Aww...I wish I could see that. I just can’t go to sleep...”

Lyndsey laughed. “Want to talk to her?”

“Yes please.”

“Madi, Mommy’s on the phone!”

“Ooh Mommy!” Nick sat her up.

“Mama.” she said sleepily.

Lyndsey handed Madi the phone, Nick helping her hold it to her ear.

“Hey baby! How’s my girl?”

Madi’s face lit up and grew into a big smile and she threw her hands in the air.


“Is Daddy giving you your bottle?”


“She said it again!” Nick said.

“Aww...that’s right Madi, you’re with Daddy now.”

“Looks like someone loves Daddy very much.” Lyndsey smiled.

“I just wanted to say goodnight sweetie! Mommy loves you very much!”

Nick took the phone away from Madi’s ear after she was silent for a minute.

“You done?” he laughed.

“Yeah, I could not sleep without saying goodnight.”

“I knew you’d call.”

“You did? It’s my first night without her.”

“She was all calm and gonna go to sleep, then you had to call and get her all excited didn’t you?!” he laughed.

“And now you’re the lucky one who gets to calm her down again!”

“She’s bouncing on my lap and climbing all over like there’s no tomorrow.”

“So she misses me! I was hoping she wouldn’t forget about me too quickly!”

“Never.” Nick laughed.

“I guess I can let you put her to bed now.”


“Give her a hug and kiss for me.”

“I will. Sleep tight.”

“You too. Tell Lyn ‘bye’.”

“Alright. Bye.”


Nick hung up the phone and tried to get Madi to lay back down.

“She misses her a lot huh?”

“Yeah she does. She says ‘bye’.”

“OK.” she smiled.

“Who wouldn’t miss her though? OUCH!! Madeline! You have to be careful of that spot!”

“Yeah Mads...careful, Lyn needs that!”

“Man, she’s got a kick!”

Madi’s lip quivered a little before she started to cry.

“It’s OK sweetie! You just gotta be careful.” he gave her a hug to comfort her. She wrapped her arms around his him and buried her face in his neck.

“She’s probably just tired sweetie, I bet if you give her the bottle she’ll be out in no time.”

“Here, let’s sit down and have this bottle.” He got her turned around and cradled her head in his arm, giving her the bottle, which she started sucking right away.

“See,” Lyndsey smiled. “All better Mads.”

“All better...”

“Can I have Daddy’s other leg Madi?” she asked as she sat down on Nick.

“Hey there. Getting jealous?”

She smiled and gave him a kiss. “Just a little! She’s awfully cute!”

“Yeah. Is she asleep yet?”

She looked at Madi quick. “Yeah, she is.”

“OK, get up.”

Lyndsey got up so Nick could carry the baby to their room. He laid her in the middle of the bed, kissing her on the forehead before returning to the living room.

“Time alone.” he smiled.


“Not really.”

“Good. What do you want to do?”

“What do you want to do?”

“Why don’t we lay on the couch.” she suggested, smiling.

“OK.” he laid down on the couch.

“Comfy?” he asked as she laid on top of him.




“Extremely. I get to sleep with two very beautiful girls tonight.”

“You’re too sweet.” She kissed him. “You were so good today.”

“I was?”

“Yes you were.”

He smiled contently. “Where should we go tomorrow, to get her a crib and changing table or whatever she needs?”

“When Ray gets here what are we going to do with her stuff till she gets her own place? Like she’ll have two cribs and tables.” she asked, ignoring his question.

“I’ve got storage space in town.”

“Am I staying here when you go to help her move?”

“If you want. The other girls are staying. It’ll only be a couple days.”

“When are you going? I keep forgetting.”

“When Ray calls to say she’s ready. We’ll head up and rent some U-hauls.”

“Maybe I’ll stay here. We’ll see.”

“Alright. I’d almost rather you do stay here so you can work on cleaning that spare room a little for when she gets here.”

“Fun!” she laughed. “I could do that for you.”

“Whatever you decide is fine with me.”

“You’re too good to me.”

“I have to be.” he smiled.

“And why is that?”

“Because...I never thought that I would lose my mind, that I could control this." he sang softly. Lyndsey lay her head on his chest and smiled, listening contently. “We’ve just begun...Don’t want to lose you now.... That’s why.”

You never will sweetie.” she lifted her head to look at him.

“Same goes to you.”

“Good, cause I’m not letting you go anywhere.”

“Good. I love you.” he said kissing her softly.

She kissed him back and felt his hands make their way to her back. He slowly removed her clothes while she did the same to him...

“Sweetie, we should go to bed. So Madi doesn’t roll off.”

“I can’t wait to sleep with her between us.”

“Come on sexy.” He stood up and helped her off the couch.

“Thanks sweetie.” She led him down the hall to their bedroom by the hand and pulled back the covers.

Nick carefully climbed in on one side of Madi, Lyndsey on the other.

“Good night.” he said softly.

“Night sweetie, love you.”

“Love you more.”

They both fell asleep quickly, sleeping peacefully until Madi woke up at two o’clock.

“Ugh, Madi.” Nick picked her up and walked toward the door.

“Nick?” Lyndsey sat up rubbing her eyes.

“Go to sleep.”

“Are you sure?”

“Unless you want to sit here and watch me rock her.”

“I’ll pass...sleep is nice.”

Nick made his way to the living room and sat down, singing a lullaby that put them both to sleep.

“Nick?” Lyndsey reached across the bed. She looked at the clock when she realized he wasn’t there. 4:22.

She lazily made her way to the living room. “Nick? Nick...Nick wake up.”


“Sweetie, come back to bed.”


“Let me take the baby for you.”

“Good idea.” He handed Madi to her and they headed down the hall to bed.

Chapter 6

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