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Chapter Fourteen

“Lyndsey make sure you have something right there in case she gets sick again.” Nick said as he waited for Rayanne to answer the phone.

*Ring, Ring*

“OK.” She got up to get a pail, leaving Madi on the couch.



“Hey. How ya feeling?”

“A little better.”


“I’ll be there tomorrow. But...I’m not sure about Madi. She just puked all over me, herself and my bed.”

“Oh, poor thing. Has she been taking any medicine?”

“She still looks like she wants to be sick again.” Lynsey sat back down, taking Madi in her lap. "We went to the Med Station, which, by the way, we will not go back to. The Doctor gave us some prescriptions.”

“What did she eat? Anything?”

“She had some chicken soup.”

“Oh. Why won’t you go back?”

“Because I don’t like the Doctor.”

“If the Doctor gave her medicine, she should be getting better...” she trailed off.

“She should be.” Nick agreed.

“So she can’t come?” she said quietly. “I miss her.”

“I know. Right now I just wouldn’t want her flying all that way feeling sick.” He glanced at Madi. “She’s sitting with Lyn all dazed.”

“I know it’s best then. I”ll see her tomorrow night anyway.”

“Or early Saturday morning.”

“It’s frustrating being here when I know she’s sick.”

“I bet it is.”

“But I know Lyn’s taking good care of her.”

“Lyndsey is taking wonderful care of both of us.”

“I’ll have to be sure and thank her.” she smiled. “Is she with it enough to talk to me?”

“You can give it a shot. Madi...” Madi turned her head and looked at him. “Want to talk to Mama?”


Nick held the phone to her ear. “Hey my big girl.” Rayanne said softly.

“Mama.” she whimpered.

“You’re not feeling so good, are you sweetie?”

“No goo.”

“Are you taking medicine like a good girl?”

“No pay.”

“No play. Just rest and take your medicine for Lyn, OK? Mommy will see you very soon. Daddy’s coming to get me tomorrow and you stay with Lyn and get better so when I get there we can play!”

“No Dada go.”

“Tomorrow he has to come get Mommy. You want to see Mommy don’t you baby?”

Her lip quivered and a tear slipped down her cheek as she started to cry. “Mama.”

“Honey, shhh. Don’t cry. Why don’t you lay with Lyn and let Mommy talk to Daddy now. I don’t want you to cry.”

“Oh no, get the pail Lyn!” Nick said, realizing Madi was making faces and gagging.

He pulled the phone away from her as Lyndsey put the pail in front of her, just in time, as she puked again. Lyndsey rubbed her back and whispered to her. “Let it all out sweetie, you’ll be OK.”

Nick put the phone back to his ear. “Umm, Ray, I should go.” he gagged.

“Alright. I’ll call later. Bye.”

“Bye.” he said as they both hung up.

“Shh, Madi, it’s OK.”

Nick walked over to sit by Madi and Lyndsey.

“Bewwy!” Madi cried, rubbing her eyes.

“It’s OK sweetie. Want water?” Nick asked.

“Ake.” She held her hands out.

“I’ll get her some water to wash her mouth out.”

“No! Dada ake.”

He made his way to the kitchen and filled a cup with water, Madi sniffling as he walked away.

“What sweetie?” he asked, sitting back down.

“Ake!” She held her arms out to him.

“Come here.” He sat her on his lap. “Drink your water.”

Lyndsey rinsed the bucket out in the shower and returned to the living room. “She’s gonna freak when you leave tomorrow.” Nick frowned at the thought. “We’ll be OK though, don’t you worry about us.” she smiled.

“What time is it?”

“Almost eight I think.”

“I think I’m ready for bed.”

“I should stay near her tonight in case she’s sick. Do you want us to sleep with you or out here?”

“Drink that water all gone baby.” he said, setting Madi on the couch. “Hun, you don’t have to stay near her. I can get up if she gets sick.”

“How are you gonna know if she’s sick? She might not cry first.”

“How are you going to know? Are you going to stay awake all night?”

“If I’m next to her, I’ll hear her. You’re sick and you have to fly tomorrow. You should get rested, I’ll put her to bed and get you if she’s sick.”

“Fine.” He walked down the hall, shut the bedroom door and got in bed.

“Drink the water sweetie.”

“Wawa.” Madi said, tipping the cup up to take a drink.

“Good girl.” Lyndsey smiled, playing with her soft hair. “Wanna watch a movie and rock with me?”


Lyndsey made her way to the rocking chair and turned the TV on softly, rocking back and forth. She stroked Madi’s hair until she fell asleep in her arms.

Nick lay in bed, a tear slipping out of his eye. ”Why the hell am I crying?” he thought to himself.

Lyndsey got up slowly and carried Madi to her room. She laid her on her stomach and put the small white pail next to her crib along with another cup of water. She covered her up and lay Pooh next to her. “Sleep tight princess.” she said softly, kissing her forehead. She left the door open and went to the bedroom.

Nick rolled over so his back was to the door. Lyndsey climbed in bed next to him and covered up.

“Night baby, I love you.” she whispered.

“Night.” he said, Lyndsey not realizing something was wrong.

Chapter Fifteen

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