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*Ring, Ring*

“Hello?” Rayanne answered the phone.

“Hey.” It was Nick.


“What are you up to?”

“Nothing too exciting, I just got back from the mall.”

“Why do I find that easy to believe?” he laughed.

“I was bored, I had to do something!”

"Of course, shopping was at the top of your list!”

“Yup, it was! What have you been up to?”

“Working. Making people happy. Doing what I love.”

“You’re kinda good at that.” she smiled.

“I try.”

“You do good. Most of the time.”

“Most of the time? What do you mean by most of the time?”

“You can’t make everyone happy all the time.”

“I know that. I thought you meant my performing.”

“No, you do fine at that.” she assured him.

“I was thinking I’d have to come kick your ass.”

“You think you can, huh?”

“I know I can.” he smiled. “Why don’t you come back?”

She paused. “I didn’t know you wanted me to.”

“I’m asking, aren’t I?”


“So, what’s your answer?”

“Is Lyndsey still there?”

“Yes, she is.”

“Then why would you want me to come back?”

“Why wouldn’t I want you to come back?”

“Why didn’t you call sooner after I left?”

“I was busy.”

“Apparently pretty busy.”

“I was! You were here for a while, you know how things get!”

“So, how’s it been going with Lyndsey since I left?”

“It’s been fine. Why is this conversation all of a sudden about Lyndsey?”

“Just things I need to know before I think about wanting to come back.”

“So if things have been completely shitty between Lyndsey and myself, you'd be on a plane tonight? Is that what you're saying?”

“I did not say that.”

“You were thinking it.”

“You don't know what I was thinking. I just wanted to know what was going on, I'm aware of how you feel about her.”

“If you're aware of that fact, then what difference does it make?”

”I thought you wanted to be with her.”

“You know what?” he said, a little frustrated.

“What Nick?”

“If I wanted to be with her I wouldn't have called you. But now that I think about it, she doesn't bitch like you do.” he said.

“Bitch, huh?”

“Yes. Did I stutter? Lyndsey this, Lyndsey that! I thought this, I thought that!”

“Well I am sorry Nick! Jesus, that's why I left in the first place. It's nice to know what's going on when I'm not there.”

“It shouldn't have mattered!”

“Shouldn't have? Maybe it did to me.”

“You left, therefore whatever happened with me and her is none of your business. Maybe it did matter to you, but it was your choice to leave.”

“I didn't want to stay and compete.”

“In other words you don’t want to come now and compete, so this phone call was a waste of my time and money. Am I right?”

“I did not say that! You always do that!” she said, raising her voice slightly.

“That's what I'm getting out of this.”

“It's not what I'm saying.”

“And you're not denying the fact either. So if this call was in fact a waste, please let me know so I can hang up.”

“Denying what? That I don't want to compete with her?!”

“That this call was a waste of time and money like I've said 3 times now!”

“It's not my money! It's your call whether it's a waste or not.”

“Again, I ask. Was this a waste of my time and my money? Or are you going to come? I have things I could be doing. Things I should be doing.”

“If you have stuff you need to do, then go do it.”

“Fine. And I'll take that as a ‘no’, you're not coming, while I'm at it. Bye.”

“ the way, thanks so much for calling.”

“The phone lines go both ways. Or did that slip your mind?”

“Yup, must have. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about the phone.”

“You are so completely impossible to deal with. Did you know that?!”


“Do not sit there and try to bitch at me for not calling when you know damn well that I have shit to do! How many times did you actually see me pick up the phone and call people while you were here?”

Fine, that I'm sorry for. I think you got your point across nicely.”

“It's about time! Do you have any other smartass quips before I hang up?”

“Umm...let me think for a minute.”

“I don't have a minute, I have a date.”

“A date, huh? Backup I see.”

“Yeah a date. Time out with somebody who cares.”

“Insinuating I don't?”

“Somebody who understands that things get busy.”

“Oh my God, you are not still on my case about that. I understand you don't have time to call, fine!”


“Ugh! Are you trying to piss me off?”

“Is it working?”

“Yeah! I’m getting a little annoyed with the attitude!”

“Attitude?! I’m not the one with the attitude! All I did was call to tell you I want you to come back. You’re the one getting snippy.”

“Fine. So I’m guessing this is it, huh?”

“Yup. Like I said, I have stuff I should be doing.”

“Fine, I hope you have a wonderful date.”

“I will. Bye Rayanne.”

“Bye Nick.” she said quietly before hanging up.

Uh oh! They hung up! Does that mean it's over? Of course not, what fun would that be?! Wanna find out what happens? Go ahead and read Chapter 1 and be sure to let us know what you think!

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©Love Will Find A Way