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Chapter Seven

Nick and Madi woke up at the same time, almost two hours after falling asleep.

“Morning beautifuls!”

“It’s still morning?”

“It’s almost noon. Did we have a good nap?”


“We should eat soon.”

“Will you make something? I’ll get started on this crib.” He set Madi on the floor and sat up.

“Sure. Come on Madi, wanna help me make lunch?” Nick headed down the hall to the bedroom and ripped open the crib box. Lyndsey and Madi headed to the kitchen, Madi watching Lyndsey cook from her high chair. “You like watching me Madi?”

Madi smiled at Lyndsey and nodded her head. She watched contently while Lyndsey made grilled cheese sandwhiches and soup for them.

“Oh Oh!”

“What sweetie?” Madi grabbed her bottom. “Uh oh...did you made a stinkie?” Madi scrunched up her nose and blew in and out. “I take it ‘yes’. I have to watch the stove. Hmm...Nick!!” she yelled.

“Lyn come help me a minute!”

“Nick the stove is one and she pooped! You want me to help you?”

A few seconds later he appeared in the kitchen. “What?”

“She needs to be changed, will you change her or watch the food for me?”

“I need you to help hold up the end. You can change her this time.” he smiled.

“Thank you so much!” she smiled back.

“You’re welcome. Good luck.”

She picked Madi up and carried her to the bedroom to change her diaper.

“Oh lord Madi!” Madi reached her hand down and tried to touch her dirty diaper. “No sweetie!” Lyndsey grabbed her hand. “Don’t do that. Icky baby.”

“No.” Madi shook her head.

“Here, play with Pooh.”


Lyndsey finished changing her diaper and put her clothes back on right as Madi threw Pooh across the room.

“Why’d ya throw Pooh, Madi?”


“Go get him while I wash my hands.”

Madi ran to get Pooh while Lyndsey went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

“Up!” she reached up for Lyndsey to take her.

Lyndsey finished drying her hands and picked Madi up and took her out to the kitchen. “OK Daddy, we’re back.”

Madi threw Pooh at Nick hitting him in the head, laughing hysterically.

Nick gave her a blank look. “I love you too sweetie.”

“How’d that feel?”

Nick cracked a smile.

“No. No hit.” Madi said, shaking her head.

“That’s hit. You shouldn’t hit people with Pooh.”

“No hit.”

“Pooh loves Daddy!”

“Daddy loves Pooh!” Nick said hugging Pooh.

“See they’re the bestest of friends, Madi! Is the food almost done?”

“Yeah. Madi loves Pooh!” He gave Pooh back to Madi after Lyndsey put her in her highchair.

“No sit!” she yelled standing up.

“Yes sit. We’re gonna eat lunch!” Lyndsey said pulling her legs through the holes, making her sit.

“No! Pay!”

“We can play after.”

“No sit!”

“Madi, sit so we can eat.” Nick instructed.

“NO!” she yelled, crying.

“Madi, look how good this is! Mmmm.” Lyndsey took a big bite of her sandwhich.

“Nooooo.” She kept crying.

“OK, get down then.”


“But you have to sit with me.” He took Madi out of her high chair and sat her in his lap. “See? It’s yummy! Mmmmm...” he said rubbing his tummy.

Madi took a bite of soup from him.

“I hope she doesn’t go crazy when we put that crib together.”

“I know. I think she’ll be OK.”

Madi took a bite of Nick’s sandwhich and swung her hands, knocking his soup and sandwhich on the floor.

“Madeline.” Lyndsey got down and started picking up the food. Madi turned her head to look at Nick quizically. “I don’t even want to say more right now.”

“Madi, what are you going to eat now?”

“You’re not being very nice Madi.” Nick said sternly, carrying her to the sink. He washed her face and hands and put her down. “Go play.”


“Go play. We have to clean up your mess now.” He grabbed a washcloth from the sink and starting sopping up soup next to Lyndsey.

“Eat your food, I can finish. I’m not hungry anyway.”

“Mine is on the floor.”

“Eat mine, I’m not hungry.” Lyndsey said as Madi walked into the kitchen carrying a glass vase. “Madi, bring that to Lyn.”

“We need a playpen for her.” he said as she ran down the hall carrying the vase.

“Good idea.” Lyndsey followed her down the hall. “Madeline! You need to give that to me.”

“Madeline Nicole Carter, come here please!” Nick stood at the end of the hallway. Madi turned to face him, Lyndsey getting out of the way. “Bring that here.”

Madi just stood there while Nick walked down the hall and took the vase away from her. “Thank you. Come play with Madi’s toys.”

Lyndsey went back to the kitchen and finished cleaning. “You gonna eat hun?”

“I’m not hungry now.” he said sitting on the couch to keep and eye on Madi.

Lyndsey threw the dishcloth in the sink and sat on the couch next to Nick taking his hand. “Are you getting frustrated?”

“I don’t want to yell at her.” he said. Madi climbled up on his lap and rested her head on his chest.

“I know you don’t, but sometimes she’s gonna need it. She’ll understand. I’m sure Ray yells at her.”

“I’m sure she does.”

“Is she gonna fall asleep again?”

“I don’t know.” He passed Madi to her. “See. I’m gonna go finish her crib.”

“You don’t need me?” she asked laying down, Madi on her chest.

“I’ll figure it out myself.”


20 minutes later Lyndsey walked into the bedroom to see what Nick was doing.

“I just put her on our bed, she’s out like a light.”


“Need help?”

“Help me screw these in then it’ll be done." She helped him screw the screws silently. “Done.”

“It’s nice.”

“Get the sheets and blankets.”

She walked to the bedroom, quietly getting the Pooh sheets and blankets they had bought with the crib and Madi’s other blankets. Nick was sitting on the floor when she walked back in the room.

“Nick, what’s wrong?”


“Are you sure?” He didn’t respond. “Sweetie, talk to me please.” she pleaded, throwing the blankets in the crib in a ball.

“I’m just not sure how to handle her by myself.”

“Just do what you think is right. I know you don’t want to yell at her, but like when she ran off with that vase, she needs it sometimes.”

“I know.”

“Come here.” she pulled him into a hug.

“I love you Lyndsey.”

“I love you Nick.”

“Let’s make her bed so she can sleep in it.” They stood up and put the sheets and Madi’s blankets on the bed. “I’ll go get her.” He walked across the hall and carefully picked Madi up off the bed. He carried her to the spare room and laid her in her new crib.

“There. Now...we can have our bed to ourselves again.” he smiled.

“That’s a good thing.”

“Yeah it is.” He leaned in and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back. He deepened the kiss before slowly pulling away. “Lyndsey.” he said sweetly with a loving smile.


“Will you do me a huge favor?”

“Depends on what the favor is.” she smiled back at him.

“Go vaccuum the Durango for me? It’s all sandy.” He flashed her a crazy smile.

“Anything for you dear.” She playfully slapped him on the arm.

“Thank you.” He kissed her again.

She pulled away. “Expect me to get any vacuuming done kissing you?” she laughed.

“Sorry, go do that for me quick.” He stepped back.

She grabbed the keys off the ring and headed for the garage. He snuck out behind her to watch.

“Hey Lyn! Are you busy?” he called as she unlocked the door and plugged in the cleaner.

“What?! Does it look like I’m busy?!”

“Sorry! Just watch out. Brian lost something of yours between the seats.”

She turned her attention back to her task, taking the floormat out of the passengers side of the Durango.

“But before you go digging for it...” He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder. “Will you marry me?” he whispered.

She turned to face him, tears forming in her eyes. “Nick! Yes! Of course I will!”

He gave her a huge smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a big hug.

“I love you so much.” she whispered in his ear.

“I love you more. I’d try finding that thing he lost of yours though, because if you suck it up, you’re gonna have fun finding it in all that dust and sand.”

“You can’t love me more.”

“Wanna bet?”

“I know you can’t.”

“How are you so sure?”

“Because I know you can’t. You can’t possibly love me more than I love you.”

“We’ll see about that.” He flashed her a smile and turned to walk in the house. “Better find your thing. It’s part of your job.”

She climbed in the front seat and started shoving her hands down the cracks. She felt a hard box under the passenger side seat and pulled it out.

Nick picked up the phone inside to call the cell phone in the Durango.

*Ring, Ring*

“Hello?” she answered sweetly.

“Did you find it?”

“Yes I did. I haven’t looked at it yet.”

“Don’t look yet.” *Click*.

The garage door opened and Nick walked in and got in the driver’s side of the Durango.

“Open it.”

Lyndsey slowly opened the small black box. “Nick! Oh my God, it’s beautiful...” She looked at him, a tear slipping down her cheek.

“You like?” he smiled.

“I love.”

“Come here.” he extended his arms and gave her a hug and a soft kiss. “I’m glad you like it.”

“MAMA!!!” Madi yelled from her crib.

“She’s awake.”

“We better go see what’s up.” Lyndsey got out of the Durango, shutting the door behind her.

“You don’t have to vacuum if you don’t want. That was just my clever way of getting you to find it.” he smiled.

“Thanks sweetie.” she smiled back, taking his hand.

They walked in the house, heading to the spare room.

“Sweetie pie, what’s wrong?” Nick asked picking her up.

“Mama!” she cried.

“Madi, Mommy will be here in a few days.”

“She’s probably just still tired.”

“She just had two naps though.”

“Mama!!” she cried louder.

“Madi, it’s OK. Want me to take her Nick?”

“Sure.” He handed Madi, who was still crying, to her.

She bounced her up and down and rubbed her back. “That better baby?”

Madi screamed louder, throwing her head back.

“I guess not.” Nick said.

“Whoa...wanna watch Pooh? Pooh Madi?”

“No!” she shook her head.

Lyndsey carried her down the hall to the living room, Nick close behind.

“Look Madi, want to watch TV? We can watch cartoons, Pooh. We can play with a puzzle.”

“Mama, mama, mama. MAMA!!!”

“Let me call Ray. Maybe if she hears her voice she’ll calm down.”

“Good idea.”

Nick picked up the phone and dialed Rayanne’s number, hoping she’d be home by now.


“Hey.” Madi screamed in the background. “Small problem.” he said with a light laugh.

“What’s wrong? Is she OK?”

“She’s been crying for you for about 5 minutes. She just woke up. I thought maybe if she heard your voice she might calm down.”

“OK, let me talk to her.”

Nick walked to where Lyndsey was trying to rock her and put the phone to her ear.

“Hey sweetie! It’s Mommy. How’s my baby doing? Are you having fun? Fun with daddy and Lyn?”

Madi paused from crying for a brief minute before starting up again.

“A, you’re adorable; B, you’re so beautiful; C you’re a cutie full of charm.” Rayanne sang to her.

Madi quieted and rubbed her eyes. “Mama.”

“That’s right honey, it’s Mommy. Mommy misses you too baby, but Daddy’s bringing you home very soon.”


“It’s Mommy, Madi. I’m packing your stuff so we can live with like Daddy.”

“Mama, Dada.” she looked at Nick. He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

“That’ll live with Mama and Dada...and...Lyn.”

“Mama, Dada, Nin.”

“Yup, Mommy, Daddy and Lyn. Are you OK now sweetie? Can I talk to Daddy?”

Madi screamed and laughed. “Dada!”

“Yup, I need to talk to Dada now.”

Nick took the phone. “Hello?”

“I think she’ll be OK now. Did you hear her say ‘Mommy, Daddy, Lyn?’”

“We weren’t sure if that’s what she said or not.”

“I think it was, because I said it, then she did.”

“Cool!” he smiled.

“She’s talking a lot isn’t she?”

“Yeah, she is. She said something last night...what did she say...?” he tried to remember.

“I started packing today. It should probably take me about 3 days.”

“Oh really? How’s it coming?”

“I’ve only been at it for a few hours.” she laughed.

“Working hard, aren’t ya Ray?” he laughed. “I wish I could remember what remember what she said...just a sec.” he turned his head away from the phone. “Lyn, what did she say yesterday?”

“Umm...I have no idea, are you sure it wasn’t this morning when I was asleep?”

“Oh yeah! Has she said 'big bird' before?” he asked Rayanne.

“No...did she?”

“Yeah, when I asked if she was ready for breakfast.”

“She did?! How did she say it? I hate missing stuff like that.”

“Something bir.” he laughed. “It was cute. You gotta hear her say it.”

“I’ll have to make her say it for me sometime. What is she doing?”

Nick looked at Lyndsey and Madi. “Playing with Lyn.”

“See if she’ll talk to me again.”

“Ray...I’ve got something I want to tell you first.”

“Oh, OK, what is it?”

“Lyn and I are getting married.”

Rayanne spoke slowly. “Oh...OK. Congratulations.”

His face fell slightly. “You don’t sound so happy.”

“I’m happy for you.” she tried to sound happy. “As long as I get to come!”

“Ray, you can’t lie to me.”

“I’m not lying to you Nick.”

“Well then, no you can’t come. You have to stay and babysit.”

“She’ll be hurt she’s not there Daddy!”

“I wouldn’t make her sit home.” he chuckled. “Of course you can come. Don’t say anything. I just thought it would be fair of me to tell you right away.”

“I won’t. Can I hear big bird now?”

“OK, hold on. Madi! Mama wants to talk to you.” he held the phone to Madi’s ear. “Talk to Mommy!”

“Madi, can you say ‘big bird’ for Mommy? Big bird...can you say that?”

“Mama.” she smiled and babbled.

“Madi, say ‘big bird’ for mommy. Big bird, big bird, big bird.”

“No bi bir! Mama. No.”

“No big bird? What’s wrong with big bird?”

“I puddo.”

“Oh...I see. You’re playing with a puzzle. Is Lyn playing with you?”

Madi laughed and clapped her hands.

“Are you being good pumpkin?” she continued.


“Are you?”


“You played plane?” she asked, laughing. “Sweetie, Mommy should go, can you give the phone back to Daddy?”


“Yup, give the phone to dada.”

Nick heard his name and took the phone. “Hey.”

“Is she being good...honestly? She liked to test people sometimes.”

“We had a little problem during lunch. She didn’t want to eat in her chair, so I put her in my lap. That worked for like 2 minutes. Then she threw all my food on the floor.”

“Did you yell at her?”

“Not really.”

“She knows she’s not supposed to do that. Next time she does that just tell her she can’t have desert if she throws food.”

“OK, I’ll remember that. Then she got ahold of a vase while we were cleaning up the mess.”

“Oh God...did she break it?”

“No, but she got yelled at for that. She ran down the hall with it.”

“What did she do when you yelled at her?”

“She stood there. So I took the vase and left it at that.”

“Oh, that’s good.”

“Yeah. We got her a crib.”

“That’s sweet of you. Has she slept in it yet?”

“Yeah she did for a while today.”

“That’s good. Alright, I should probably go pack some more.”


“Give her a kiss for me.”

“I will. Bye.”

“Bye Nick.”

Chapter 8

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