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Chapter Sixteen

“Oh man, it’s seven thirty.”

“What time do you have to leave?”

“They guys will be here in half an hour. I’m surprised you didn’t wake Madi up.” He kissed her before getting up.

“Was I that loud?”

“As always.” he laughed.

“It’s your fault! You do it to me!”

“And I love it.” he said with an evil grin.

“You weren’t exactly quiet either!”

“I wasn’t screaming at the top of my lungs ‘Oh my God Nick! YES!!!!”

“So sorry.” she giggled.

“Better not be. It turns me on even more when you do it.” He kissed her again.

“Good. Now you better take a shower.”

“I’m going, I’m going.” He walked slowly to the bathroom.

“Do you need anything packed?” she called after him.

“I’d like you packed.”

“I just must feeling better.” she said following him to the bathroom.

“I am feeling better.”

“I’ll tell ya...go one night without me and it will be even better when you get home.” she grinned.

“I’ll try.” he smiled as he turned the water on and stepped in the shower.

Lyndsey packed him a few things in a bag, singing to herself.

“Up!” came Madi's small voice from the bed.

“Look who’s awake!”


“Let’s go change you. You feeling better?” she asked, picking her up.

“Pooh Nin.”

Lyndsey changed her diaper and put an outfit on her. “Pooh is on your bed, let’s get him.”

“Pooh!” she laughed.

“Here’s Pooh.” Lyndsey grabbed him from the crib and handed him to Madi. “Do you feel better?”

“Fank.” She shook her head up and down.

“You’re welcome pumpkin. Let’s take your temperature. 99.7.” she said after taking her temperature. “You still have a little bit of a temp. At least you haven’t thrown up.”

Madi smiled at leaned her forehead against Lyndsey’s. “Nin.”

“You’re so cute.”

“Dada seep?”

“Nope, he’s in the shower.”

“Mama seep?”

“Mommy might be sleeping. She’s at her house, you’ll see her tomorrow.”


“Yeah, tomorrow.”

Madi smiled. “O duce.”

“You want some juice? Let’s go get some.” She set Madi down. “Follow me!”

Madi ran after Lyndsey laughing and shrieking, all the way to the kitchen. “O duce! O duce! O duce!” she threw her head back and laughed.

“I’m getting it.” Lyndsey laughed. She handed the cup to Madi, who drank thirstily.

She drank till it was almost gone, stopping to catch her breath. “Fank Nin.” she said breathlessly.

“You’re welcome sweetie.” Lyndsey laughed and rubbed Madi’s head softly.


“Play?” Madi looked up and nodded. “What do you want me to play? Show me.”

“Dada, Nin. Pay.” She took Lyndsey’s hand and led her to the living room.

“Daddy can play later.”

“Pudo.” she said, pointing to her puzzle.

“OK, let’s play with the puzzle.

“We’re here!”

Lyndsey looked up and saw Brian and Kevin walking through the front door. “Hey guys.” she said.

“Hey Lyn. Hey cutie!” Brian said walking into the living room.

“Hi!” she jumped up and ran around the room.

“Madi, this is Brian. Can you say Brian?”


“Nick almost ready?” Kevin asked, sitting on the couch. “Come here Madi.”

“He should be.” Lyndsey said standing up.

Madi catiously tiptoed to Kevin.

“It’s OK sweetheart.” he said, reassuring her.

“Want me to check on him?” Lyndsey offered.


Lyndsey walked down the hall and stuck her head in the bathroom. “Nick? The guys are here.”

“Alright. I’m almost done, just gotta brush my hair.”

Madi made her way to Kevin and stood by his legs looking at him. “Up!” He picked her up and set her on his lap, smiling at her.

“OK, I’ll go tell them.” Lyndsey said, walking back to the living room. “He’ll be out in a sec. He has to brush his hair. Where’s AJ and Howie?”

“They should be here any minute. Howie had to finish cleaning.” Brian said.

“OK.” she smiled. “How’s Leigh?”

“Good. You might want to call her today or something, she gets bored so easily!” he laughed.

“I’ll do that.”

“Hey guys!” Nick appeared in the doorway.

“Hey little man!”

“There’s my baby!” he said giving Madi a kiss.

“Dada! Up!”

“You are up! Uncle Kevvy has you.”

She turned and looked at Kevin. “Ebby?”

“Close enough.” Kevin said, laughing along with everyone else.

“Am I driving you guys to the airport or are you driving yourselves?” Lyndsey asked.

“Take us please. I don’t want to leave the Durango there.”

“Let me go take a quick shower then. I’ll be really fast.” She ran down the hallway to the bathroom in her and Nick’s room to take a shower.

Madi slid off Kevin’s lap and walked over to Nick. “Pay Nin, puddo Dada!”

“What baby? Are you ready to eat?”

“Pay puddo a Nin.”

“Lyn is washing up. We can play with a puzzle, but I think you should eat.”

“Bi bir!” she smiled.

“Can Brian play with you while I make some food?”


“OK, go get Brian!”

Madi ran toward Brian, flopping on his lap and laughing. Nick went to the kitchen to make scrambled eggs.

“Hey there kiddo.” Brian smiled at her.


“Go get it.”

Madi ran to get the puzzle and returned to Brian with it, sitting next to him. Nick came back in and sat down to watch.

“Binin puddo!” she looked at Nick and smiled.

“Yeah, play puzzle with Brian. I have to make your breakfast!” He stood up and went back into the kitchen.

Lyndsey appeared in the kitchen, showered and ready.

“Eat!” Madi yelled, throwing the puzzle piece that was in her hand.

“It smells like it’s ready. Bri, put her in her high chair.” she said, turning Sesame Street.

Brian put Madi in her high chair before Nick put a plate of eggs on her tray. “Eat up!” he instructed.

“Bi bir!” she siad eating her eggs with her hands.

“Big bird is on.” he smiled at her. “Let’s go load the Durango.” He grabbed the keys and opened the back of the Durango.

The guys each put their bag in the back while Madi ate and watched TV.

“O duce.” she said, craning her head to see where Nick went.

“Is that good?” Lyndsey asked.

“Goo. O duce?”

“I’ll get you some orange juice.” She filled a cup with juice and handed it to Madi, yawning.

Madi tipped the cup up drinking happily. The guys walked back in laughing, shutting the door behind them.

“What’s so funny fellas?”

“Nothing.” he laughed more. “We’re ready.”

“Do you know when you’ll be back?”

“Tomorrow sometime.”

“How’s your wrist?”

“Better. It’s still kind of sore.”

“Be careful.”

“I will. It doesn’t really bother me though.”

“Tell Daddy to be careful!” she said, turning to Madi.

“A-ful Dada!” Madi laughed, looking to the door as AJ and Howie walking in.

“There you two are!” Lyndsey smiled.

“I will be careful baby. What’s up guys?”

“Notta.” AJ said.

“It’s early Nick.” Howie got out through a yawn.

“Dada egg?” Madi asked, holding a handful of eggs out to Nick.

“Thank you.” he said taking a bite. “Are you done?”

“Let me clean you up.” Lyndsey said picking her up. “Let’s wash up and go outside with them OK?”


“Here.” She handed Madi to Nick after she cleaned her off.

Nick took Madi and grabbed his plane ticket before heading out to the Durango. He put Madi in her car seat while everyone else climbed in. He got in the driver’s seat and drove to the airport through the thick morning traffic.

“We made it.” he said pulling into a parking spot, cutting the engine.

“Barely. We better hurry!” Lyndsey said taking Madi.

“We are!” The guys all grabbed their bags, Nick taking Lyndsey’s free hand in his.

They walked inside hearing an announcement for their flight. Flight 237 to Buffalo boarding in fifteen minutes.

“That's us.” Nick said, taking a deep breath.

“Whoa! We just made it. Give me a kiss.”

He leaned down and kissed Lyndsey softly on the lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” he said softly.

“Tomorrow night...” she said smiling, her eyes closed.

He grabbed Madi out of her arms and held her tight. “You be good for Lyndsey! Give Daddy a kiss.”

Madi kissed Nicks lips quickly. “Dada bye bye?”

“I’m going bye bye. I’ll be back tomorrow. With Mommy!”

“Mama?!” her eyes lit up.

“Yeah, Mama.” he smiled.

“You better go hun.” Lyndsey said talking Madi back.

“OK.” he leaned in and kissed Lyn on the lips and Madi on the forehead.

“Have fun Lyn!” Brian smiled.

“We will!”

Nick waved and walked backwards as they headed for their gate. Lyndsey stood watching until she couldn’t see him anymore.

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