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Chapter Twenty

“Mama, Nin pay.” Madi said, flashing them a smile.

“You want us to play?” Lyndsey asked.

Madi laughed and nodded her head up and down.

“Madi, where’s Pooh? Mommy hasn’t seen him in so long!”

“Oh, I think he’s in her crib.” She headed over to the crib.

“Pooh!” Madi said, her eyes lighting up.

“Pooh!” Rayanne laughed.

“There’s Pooh.” Lyndsey leaned down and grabbed Pooh from the crib.

“What do you want to play with us Madi?”


“OK...what with Pooh?”

Madi squirmed to get out of Lyndsey’s arms, so she put her down. She took off running down the hallway, holding Pooh in her hand.

Rayanne reached the living room, sitting on the floor. “I have a feeling this is going to be a watching game for us.”

“Or not.” Lyndsey laughed.

“I can’t believe I’m sitting. I’ve been sitting for a day and a half in that stupid car.”

“I would have gone nuts!” Lyndsey laughed.

“Damnit!” Nick yelled from the bathroom.

“Uh oh.”

“I’m not sure if I want to be alone with him tonight.” she laughed.

“You can take him far, far away.” Rayanne smiled.

“I wonder what crawled up his butt.”

“I hit him with Madi’s wet shirt, he was not happy.”

“Oops?” she laughed.

“Who knows though, he was in that car a long time. Apparently too long.”

“Apparently so. It’s good that you two are able to be friends still.”

“Yeah, it’d be so hard if we weren’t.”


“Uh oh...Madi. I’m scared to see.” Lyndsey said.

“You walk ahead of me.”

“Gee thanks!” she laughed as they walked into the kitchen. “Oh no.”

“Oh no what?”

“Uh oh.” Madi said looking at what was on the floor.

“Look what broke. His great grandmother’s plate. But you know what? That’s what he gets. I told him to put it up.”

“Oh my God. He told me to put stuff away if I was gonna let her run.”

“Madi, come sit on the couch OK?”

“I didn’t know she...oh well, nothing we can do now, huh?” They started picking the pieces of the plate up off the floor.

“Exactly. Just put it on the counter so he can see it.” They finished picking up, setting the glass on the counter. “It’s not broken too bad. Mostly big pieces thankfully.”

“I’m gonna go talk to my daughter for a minute. Madi honey, come sit with Mommy.” Madi walked slowly to Rayanne. Rayanne picked her up and held her on her lap. “Sweetie, we have to be very careful around Daddy’s stuff OK?”

“Daddy tuff.”

“Don’t touch anything without asking Daddy, Lyn or Mommy first, OK?”

“Is she cut at all?” Lyndsey asked from the kitchen.

“Let me see your hands baby.”

“Daddy, Mama, Nin.” she said showing her hands.

“Uh oh, you have a cut Madi. That’s why you shouldn’t touch Daddy’s stuff OK? We better put a bandaid on you.”


“I’ll get one.” Lyndsey offered, running to the bathroom.

Rayanne took Madi to the sink and turned on the faucet. “Stick your hand under the water for me.” Madi obliged, putting her small hand under the luke warm water. Rayanne rinsed a tiny bit of blood off before drying her her hand.

“Lyn are you ready to go?” Nick asked while she searched for a baindaid.

“Ready when you are babe.” She located one and took it out to the kitchen. “Here ya go.” she said handing it to Rayanne.

“Thanks.” She put the bandaid on Madi’s hand. “Does he know about the plate yet?”

“All better Madi? I don’t think he does.”

“All better Madi!” she said, putting Madi down. “Where are you guys going?”

“I’m not sure, we haven’t decided. I think I’m dressed for just about anything though.” she smiled.

“You guys probably need this after this week!” she laughed.

“Actually it wasn’t such a bad week. I had fun!”

“I’m glad, she likes you a lot.”

“Here comes Nick, we better grab out hard hats.”

“Oh yeah, good idea!”

“Oh boy, six already?”

“Looks that way.”

“I’ll be back, I have to run to the store for a minute.” Nick announced. He kissed Lyndsey, grabbed his keys and walked out the door.

“He seems to be a little better.” Rayanne noticed. “At least I hope.” she laughed.

“Yeah...let’s try to peice this plate together while she’s keeping herself busy.”

“Where is she anyway? Oh OK, I see her. She’s so hard to keep track of!” She picked up a piece of plate.

“I know.” Lyndsey agreed, grabbing a piece.

“Glue? Or how?”

“Let’s let him decide that. We’ll just get the pieces in the right spot for now.”

“Good idea.”

“Aren’t there like places that put these back together?”

“I hope so! She’s been here for a week and she broke something sentimental already.”

“Wanna do me a huge favor?”


“Check while we’re gone. Hopefully he won’t notice it’s broken, and we can take it to get it fixed if there is a place.”


“It could save both our butts.” she laughed.

“It’s not your fault, although I know how he gets. So it probably will be.” she smiled.

Lyndsey walked to the fridge and got out a cup of yogurt. “Well it’s not yours either.”

“I guess I just have to pay better attention to her. It was so different before, nothing was breakable.”


“Where’s the phoen book? When you leave I’l look for a place.”

“On top of the fridge.”

“OK, thanks.”

“Madi, want some yogurt?”

“Ogur pease.

“Here.” She held out a little spoonful for Madi, who ate it right away. She smiled at Lyndsey and rubbed her tummy.



“Madi, can you say ‘big bird’ for me?” Rayanne asked.

“Bi bir no.”

“Why not?” she laughed as there was a knock on the front door. “That’s the first time I’ve seen her say that.” she smiled at Lyndsey.



“Just a sec, let me get the door.”

“Madi, what should we play tonight? It’s just me and you.”

“Lyndsey opened the door with her yogurt still in her hand. “Nick, what on earth are you doing?!” she laughed, seeing him standing on the step.

“These are for you.” he smiled and handed Lyndsey a dozen roses.

“Thank you baby, that’s so sweet!” She gave him a soft kiss.

“Yeah, well you know...” he smiled. “You ready?”

“Sure am, just let me go throw my stuff away.”

“OK.” He waited in the doorway as she ran to the kitchen to throw her stuff away.

“OK, we’re going.” She put the roses in water. “Don’t forget to look for a place.”

“OK, have fun!”

“We will.” she smiled. “Bye Madi!”

“Bye bye Nin!”

Chapter 21

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