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I know, I did it again! I just love making banners!
My "link" banner at the bottom of the page will stay the same, though! :o)

It's the only subject that gets more attention than their music itself;
their girlfriends. The controversy over the whole thing amazes me.
I belong to numerous fan fic lists on the internet and about 80%
of the time the main topic is who each Backstreet Boy is dating.

Now, I don't plan on having this site be like most
that are about the girlfriends. Unlike some other
sites, who shall remain nameless since I have nothing
personal against the people who run them,
I will not profess about how I support these
girls. How can I support them when I know
practically nothing about them and I
don't know them personally? Yes, I know, I
support all the Boys and I don't know them. The Boys
have given us the opportunity to get
to "know" them in many ways. We've had more than a
sufficient enough peek into each of their lives. The
girlfriends on the other hand are just names;
people tied in with the Boys. Therefore, I
don't see why I should support the gals. What I
can do is support the whole idea of the
Backstreet Boys having personal relationships. Have I
lost you yet? LOL!

This page will not be all about the gals. I will
indeed post a couple of pics and a brief background on
them in case some of you have been hiding under
a rock and have no clue who these young
ladies are. For the most part though, the foundation
of this page will be my opinions about
the whirlwind surrounding our favorite men
and the women in their lives.

I can't help but think of how I'm contradicting myself
just a bit with this page. I totally
believe the Boys have the God given right to their
personal and private lives. Another part of me can't
help but want to know more, though. Anyone
else feel this way? I sure as hell hope so!

On this page, you will find info that has been in
print or has been spoken by the Boys themselves. The
pages made by people who claim to
have "insiders" annoy the hell out of me and I
consider them nothing but hubs for the rumor mill. If
this describes a site you own, I apologize in
advance. It's the way I feel, though.

You will also find plenty of humor as I interpret
quotes the Boys have made. Don't take any of my joking
to heart. It's just me having by cracking
on the things our adorable Boys say.

Okay, that's my long intro. Now that it's over with, I hope you enjoy the page!

In the beginning

(My thoughts on how the boys were made to fib and how they finally broke free!
This also contains the links to each Boys' seperate page.)

This girl needs help!

(My opinon about the Enquirer article about Nick and AJ)

The Ex-girlfriend books

(My view on the whole ordeal)

Picture of the Week!

(Who is getting all the eye candy attention this week?)

What's really on their minds!

(Some rare pictures and my take on what is
really running through their noggins during a concert!)

The News!

(The little things that go on in the Boys'
lives everyday!

Neither Is Nick!

(Wanna know what the above words mean? Well,
you won't find out until you click the link!)

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Wanna link my page and have a pretty
banner to go with it? Just save this image
and then use it as the link on your site!

All graphics on this page are made by
me, Adonis, (unless otherwise stated) and I
would appreciate if you didn't take them. Believe me,
I surf BSB sites nightly so don't think I
wouldn't run across it eventually!

This is where you can join my updates list!

© 1999