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Okay, this is the only subject I'm probably going to REALLY voice my opinion about. Why? Because it's something that deals with the way a person, Nick Carter to be exact, looks.

For some time now, I'd say ever since the end of BSB's tour last year, some people have had nothing better to do with their time except ridicule and point out how Nick's body has been changing. It's something that happens, people. He's only nineteen, remember this. He is still physically and mentally maturing. He's going to fluctuate with his weight, but it doesn't change the person that he is. It doesn't change the beautiful way he sings. It doesn't change the devotion he has to his fans. Or does it?

Let me tell you, if I knew people that didn't even know me had the nerve to talk about my looks, I wouldn't be too polite to them. Nick's already a shy person by nature, but throw the constant cracking on by some fans into the mix and we'll get an even more closed mouth Nick.

He still croons out the tunes like always and, despite the fact that he knows certain cruel individuals crack on him about the way he looks sometimes, he holds his head up and only seems to gain more self-confidence. At least, that's how he portrays himself to the public. In interviews he seems to show a hint of sadness about the subject but then ends off with, "This is who I am and I like myself this way."

Look, I know I'm not to national spokesperson for Nick Carter, but I do feel the need to at least say something about this. I feel the need to say that nothing gives a person the right to say something about the way someone else looks. It truly is the inside that counts. Cracking on the way someone acts (like being an asshole or prick, etc...) is one thing. Cracking on the way someone looks is just wrong.

In the near future, I plan on posting pics that other have used against Nick (poking fun at his tummy and hiney) and seeing the good things in them! I'm sure any true Nick fan will enjoy it!

So, you wanna help and join in the fight? Go ahead! Just post the above banner I have made on your website to let people know that you believe in standing up for WHO Nick is and not what he LOOKS like! All I ask is that you do indeed leave my name in the corner so I get credit for it!

That's all I have to say for now on this subject. I'm sure I'll be posting more soon! Toodles for now! :o)


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