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When the Boys first broke out, they all seemed pretty single thanks to the guidance of Johnny and Donna Wright. These two managers knew how to play their five cards correctly.

As I look back on old interviews from overseas on my many video cassettes, I notice things I wouldn't have noticed a year ago. I noticed their body language and evasive eyes. And as we all know, it's in the eyes! LOL!

Being the big Nick fan I am, I watched him the closest. I noticed how he would quietly answer the dreaded girlfriend questions with quick replies. I noticed he could never really keep eye contact with the camera when he spoke of such things. Some may pass it off as his shyness. Others may think of it as him being secretive since he is so adiment about his personal life. Me, I took note and thought about it seriously. Nick's always said that he hates liars. At the time of these interviews (I'd say they were done between 1996 through 1998), I believe he did have some come and go girlfriends. In that kind of a career at his young age, that just won't do. He was becoming one of the things he hated most in life, a liar, thanks to misguiding managers. It wasn't just Nick though, it was Brian and AJ as well as we all found out later.

In any event, they slowly shook the "boy" image and became men. Let's take a peek at the situations!

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