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Yep, I can almost guarantee you that this was Nicky Carter's reaction once he found out that two of his good friends, Brian Littrell and AJ McLean, will most likely be put through the wringer with two new books by two old girlfriends.

As you all have probably heard by now Samantha Stonebreaker (ex to Brian) and Marisa Jackson (ex to AJ and daughter to former BSB manager, Donna Wright) will be releasing their own writings about their times with the Backstreet babes. Samantha's book will be entitled "What you wanna know: Backstreet Boys Secrets Only a Girlfriend Can Tell" and Marisa's is called "Loving AJ: My 6 year Romance with A BSB".

Now normally I wouldn't promote a thing like this, and my following paragraphs will tell you why. The only reason I'm giving this ANY attention on my page whatsoever is to pass along one single message: DON'T GIVE THESE WENCHES MONEY BY BUYING THESE BOOKS!

Let's take a looky at my reasoning. These are EX-girlfriends that are writing these things. As we all know, there's a reason why they are now EX-girlfriends. These ex couples may be on good terms, but if you ask me it's more likely not close-knit relationships. That gives them both motives to write.

Motive number one: REVENGE
Jilted lovers. Yes, if ya'll are old enough to be in relationships, you most likely have acquired one of these along the way. I've stayed friends with most of my ex-boyfriends, but there are a couple I would love to write a tell all book about! Then again, they aren't famous so I wouldn't make any money. That brings me to motive number two!

Motive number two: COLD HARD CASH
These two girls may be wenches, but they aren't stupid. They've dated two of the most sought after young men in today's society. Two men that they know full well other girls want to know about. What better way to do that then to write a trashy book about your times with them? Not only do you get your revenge (see motive number one) but you also get BIG BUCKS from naive fans. That in itself should make Backstreet fans outraged. They're making money off the Boys in devilish ways. They make money, get revenge and show off. That brings me to motive number three.

Motive number three: LOOK AT ME
"Oh, look at me! I dated a Backstreet Boy!" These girls not only get the above mentioned treats, but they also get something else; NOTICED! Granted, Marisa's already pretty well set in life with the parents she's got, but think about it. Other than dating AJ and who her parents are, have you ever heard anything else about her? And Brian's ex....she's been hidden someplace this entire time just bustin' to get out! Their trashy writings will get them press big time. I mean, it's starting already or else I wouldn't be writing this!

So, when these books are finally released I'm pretty sure that all if not some of us will be curious as to what's contained inside. Here's an idea though! Plan to spend the day at your book store of choice and flip through the sorry excuse for a book there! Your curiosity will be satisfied PLUS you won't be helping these two girlies buy a condo or a sporty new car!

© Adonis 1999