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Hola! Well, I've decided to start on a little bit of comedy here by posting these pics. I bought these concert pics when I was in Florida visiting a pal. She took me to a giant flea market where this guy sells all these concert pictures of different performers. All I can tell you is that I went spending crazy once I stepped inside and got a look at all he had to offer! Just thought I'd share the wonderful viewing pleasure with you all, plus add my little comments below each special picture! Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Brian: I don't ever remember singing "We've Got It Goin' On" in that key before....

Brian: Leighanne, if I told you once I've told you a million times, don't wave at me while I'm onstage! I'll make this one exception....since it is New Year's Eve....

Brian: What? Nick's fly is down again? Okay, I'll tell him! Wait, you don't want me to tell him?

Brian: Wonder if anyone would notice if I took care of this itch.....

Brian: C'mon, Nick! No one will notice if we sneak out for a real quick game!

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