Chapter 1

"Oh God, Jess. Here we are again, pathetic as ever, sitting here on a Sunday night, dateless. I'm sick of being so fat. I mean, look at us, pigging out on junk food when we should be thinking about going to the gym, and eating health foods like my mom is always trying to make me do," Laura Benson complained to her best friend, Jessica Dartson, as they ate their Doritos and chocolate chips cookies while watching another late night movie.

"Yeah, Laur, I know what you mean. But you know that we'd never last in the gym. We'd probably get so discouraged watching those skinny model look-alikes keeping in shape and the hot guys ogling their beautiful bodies," Jess replied.

"You're right, Jess, but if we don't, then we'll never be the ones that the guys want. We'll only wish it in our dreams...and I'll keep wishing that Nick Carter is my wonderful boyfriend who loves me for what I am on the inside," Laura reasoned.

"Oh, God, Laura, that's such a cliche. Nick Carter is so unreachable. You'll be lucky if you even get a glimpse of him on their next concert since you always get stuck with nose bleed seats! But, I guess you're right. Let's go check it out tomorrow, since neither of us have jobs right now, it'll be easier," Jess replied.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. But first, I have to go to this job interview tomorrow. My aunt set this interview up for me. She didn't tell me for who I was applying to be an assistant for, but she smiled and said to trust her, that I would have no problems whatsover with liking the person, but I just think she just wants me to get any job I can get," Laura said, munching loudly on her Doritos, her gaze fixed on the television.

"Okay. So when you get back, call me, and you can go pick me up so we can go together and see if we can sign up, okay?" Jess said, standing up.

"Okay, Jess. Hey, where are you going?" Laura questioned.

"I gotta get going because I gotta get up really early tomorrow to clean the house," Jess explained.

"Oh. Spring cleaning?" Laura inquired.

"Yeah. Even though it's only March, my mom insists that we have Spring cleaning as soon as possible. But when you get back, call me and I'll get ready so you can go pick me up, okay?" Jess said, grabbing her purse and walking towards the door.

"Okay, Jess, I'll call ya. See ya later," Laura said, waving.

"See ya, Laura. Bye." Jessica exited the room, and closed the door behind her.

The second she was alone, Laura turned on her back and looked up at the ceiling. She didn't have that much of a life.

"Well what do you expect, Laura, you're a fat pig. Do you expect guys to be drooling over a two hundred pound tank?" she asked herself, tears filling her eyes. At least Jess was better off, since she was 5'6, had wavy brown hair and brown eyes, and a vey pretty face even though she weighed almost as much as Laura.

She just wished for one second that everything would be perfect and the way she wanted it to be. She sighed, and turned over to grab the remote from the floor. Even that little task took a lot of effort.

"Man, I'm really out of shape. Jess and I should seriously join that gym, and in no time, I'll look the way I wanna look and not like some inflated whale," she mumbled, turning off the TV, then the lamp on her bedside table. She lay back on her bed, and let the cool breeze floating in through the window refresh her. Tomorrow was another day, and she had a very important interview to attend, or so her aunt said.

"I hope everything turns out well with that interview. I'm already worried about so many things in my life to be worried about swallowing my pride and asking my dad for money." With that thought, she drifted off to sleep.

Laura jerked awake when the alarm clock pounded it's annoying ring into her head. She slapped the alarm clock off, and let her eyes adjust to the light. She groaned, and stretched.

"God, I'm so tired," she muttered, throwing back her covers and getting out of bed. She walked into her adjecent bathroom, and took a shower.

"I'm so nervous. I hope everything goes well with that interview, because I'm in desperate need of a job," Laura said to herself, as she rinsed off the shower gel from her body.

After she had dressed and was in front of the bathroom mirror, she started putting on her makeup. Makeup was the only thing that made her look all right, if that. But she had beautiful long blond hair, and nicely shaped blue eyes. She finished applying her makeup and was satisfied she looked her best.

Twenty minutes later, Laura sat down in her kitchen, her bowl of cereal in front of her. She ate quickly, then poured herself a glass of orange juice and drained it, too. She stood up and stretched her large 5'4 frame.

"I better get going or I'll be late for the interview," she said, grabbing her purse and car keys off the living room table.

When she reached the building parking lot, she only had ten minutes to get to her interview. She quickly found a parking space, and rushed towards the elevator, jabbing at the floor number where she was headed.

When she got off the elevator, she went the way her aunt had explained, and found herself in the office with four minutes to spare. She went up to the secretary.

"Hi, may I help you?" the secretary asked.

"Yes, I have an appointment with Mr. Delaney," Laura replied.

"Your name, miss?" the secretary asked, opening the appointment book.

"Laura Benson," she replied, clasping her hands in front of her. When she got nervous she wrung her hands, and she didn't want to appear out of control.

"Ah yes, Ms. Benson. Mr. Delaney is ready for you. Just walk right in through that door there," the secretary said, pointing.

"Okay, thanks." Laura smiled and nodded, then turned in the direction of the door.

Half an hour later, the interview was almost over, and Laura was confident that she had a chance to get the job.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Delaney, but I wasn't informed for whom I would be working for, just that it was a job for a personal assistant," Laura stated.

"Ah yes...We intentionally keep that information to ourselves until we're sure we're going to hire the person," Mr. Delaney replied. He was a tall, fit man in his mid forties, with black hair streaked with gray, and stunning blue eyes. Laura didn't know how to respond to that. Mr. Delaney chuckled.

"But, since you got the job, I don't see any problem in telling you who you will be working for. Your credentials are very impressive and so is your resume."

"Thanks, Mr. Delaney." Laura said,smiling. She felt like she was about to burst with happiness. She had finally gotten a job on her own.

"Don't mention it. But now that we're going to be working together, you should call me Frank, and may I call you Laura?" he asked.

"Sure!" Laura replied. She could barely sit still in her seat. "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow. They're leaving tonight, and you're going to have to pack as fast as you can."

"You mean, I'm not staying here?" Laura asked confused.

"No, Laura. In fact, you'll be travelling a lot."

"But who am I working for?" Laura asked.

"Nick Carter, from the Backstreet Boys," Mr. Delaney replied. Laura almost fell out of her chair in shock.

Chapter 2
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