Chapter 10

Everything was quiet. No one spoke. Emmalee felt so faint, she thought she was going to pass out. Jen had a satisfied smirk on her face. Nick stood there, rooted to the floor. Emmalee couldn't take the silence.

"You slut!" she cried.

"Oh, I don't think I'm the slut around here. That's you. You're the easy bitch that sold herself for money. You probably got some disease," Jen said.

"Listen you, you liar! I never want to speak a word to you again! Don't you ever direct a single word my way, or I swear I'll punch you so hard you'll wish you never met me!" With that, Emmalee stormed out of the room. She ran down the hotel stairs, tears streaming down her face. Her perfect little world had been shattered into a million pieces.

"Nick probably hates me," she said to herself when she had sat herself on a park bench that was not far away from the hotel. She looked at the ground, remembering her past, and how hard it was to get over it. Now all the memories had resurfaced. "I always told myself not to get on her bad side. I've seen her do some pretty awful things to people. I can't believe I considered her a friend. I shoulda known," she whispered. She jerked her head up when someone sat down beside her. She looked over and realized that it was Nick. She turned back and looked at the soft grass, tintilating her senses with its nice fresh smell, the soft breeze gently moving over her.

"Emmalee..." Nick started, looking down himself.

"Yeah, Nick?" Emma responded.

"I'm sorry she told you all those horrible things. I know how you are. You would have never done those things without a good reason," he said. Emma looked up.

He's so understanding, so innocent and pure. I shouldn't be putrifying his life like this. And he's so young. I never should have agreed to go out with him. I was just desperate, she thought, morosely. But I'm not going to break up with him. That's exactly what Jen wants. Anyway, I still love him.

"Thanks, Nick. You're such a great person," she said. You deserve better than a hooker has been, she said to herself.

"So what happened?" Nick asked. Emma cleared her throat. She spilled the whole story to him, about when her parents were so poor that they couldn't afford to buy food. Nick listened quietly and intently. She searched his face after she was done for signs of disgust. To her surprise she didn't find any. Just compassion.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, Emmalee," Nick said softly, putting a comforting arm around her arm.

"Thanks Nick. But I really don't need any pity right now. It's over and done with, and I never want to remember it again."

"Emma...what's up with that David guy? Is what she said true?" Nick inquired.

"Of course not, Nick! I love him as a friend, that's all! I've known him for a long time. He's my best guy friend. And I was just playing around him with. I do miss him. I miss everyone back home. All that stuff about me and him having a sexual relationship is a bunch of crap," she said. Nick expelled a sigh of relief.

"So you still love me?" Nick asked. Emmalee looked up.

"Of course, Nick! Of course I love you," she whispered, turning to him, and putting her hands on either side of face. She brought his face close and kissed him softly, her tongue tracing his lips, getting very deep. Emma broke off, her heart thudding in her chest.

"Then let's forget about everything that happened today. Jen is such a bad person. She wants to break us apart, but she won't succeed," Nick whispered, kissing her neck. "I love you so much, Em. More than I ever thought I could possibly love someone," Nick whispered into her neck, clinging on to her.

He's so vulnerable. I'm not going to let Jen hurt him. I won't, Emmalee vowed. I have to do something about her.

"I don't think I'm gonna let her stay in my house. Let her ask one of the other guys," Nick said. Emma smiled.

"That's a great idea, Nick."

Jennifer turned red. Her plan had failed. What was she going to do now? She had followed Nick, and she had heard the whole conversation. "Emmalee is going to pay so bad, she's the one who's going to regret ever meeting me," she said, turning on her heel, and walking away from Nick and Em. She had to think of something better. Something that will break them apart for good.

Chapter 11
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