Chapter 11

A month later, while they were in the Philippine Islands, Jen knew exactly what she was going to do. She smiled for the first time in a while. Maybe this thing was going to work out after all, and she would be able to stay with Nick. She picked up her purse, and was out of the hotel. She was going to go to the drug store.


"Oh shut up, Bri! That is not true!" Nick blushed. Emmalee laughed. All the guys and her where in a little restaurant eating dinner, and Brian had just revealed a very embarrassing secret of Nick's.

"Oh yes it is, Nick! Admit it, or I'll tell more!" Brian said, laughing.

"Okay, okay! I admit it! It's true! It's all true," he cried, desperately trying to stop Brian from telling more embarrassing stories. Everyone laughed until their stomachs started to hurt.

"Ooh, Nicky, I never knew you were like that!" AJ teased.

"Shut up about it guys!" Nick pleaded.

"Okay, Nick. But only because what I said was pretty embarrassing," Brian said, trying to control his laughter.

"I'm never gonna forgive you for this I hope you know, Bri," Nick said, smiling.

"Oh, please, anything but that!" Howie said, cornily.

"You're corny, D!" AJ cried out loud. Howie looked offended.

"Hey, at least I try!" he said.


Jennifer walked out of the drug store, feeling triumphant. She sighed happily. This plan was sure to work perfectly. Now, the only thing left was to find the right time to do it...


"Nick, remember you promised that you were going to watch a movie with me after dinner," Emmalee said, standing up from the table.

"Oh, yeah! Sorry, guys, gotta go," he said, standing up as well, grabbing Emmalee's hand. He took out one hundred Filipino pesos, and threw it on the table.

"I get the tip," he said, and he rushed off pulling Emmalee behind him, laughing.

"That wasn't nice, Nick. That bill had to be over one hundred dollars. This is a very expensive restaurant!" Emmalee cried.

"Well, in Filipino currency, probably around six hundred pesos," he said, laughing. "This is payback for them laughing at me know," he said, again turning red. Emmalee laughed.

"Sorry, I can't help but laugh. It's just so funny," Emmalee said.

"I know, I know. Let's change the subject. Why don't you come live with me when we get back to Florida?" he asked. Emmalee looked up at Nick.

"Well, I guess that's a good idea," Emmalee replied.

"You think?" he said, pulling her closer to him.

"Yeah. I think it's a good idea. I don't like my apartment, anyway," she said, laughing. "I've never seen your house."

"It's pretty big," Nick replied. They got into the rented car, and drove back to the hotel. Emma leaned her head on Nick's shoulder, and he put one of his arms around her. The ride wasn't too long, but Emmalee still fell asleep. She was exhausted.

When they reached the hotel, and Nick had parked in front of the hotel, he gently shook Emma awake. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you sure you're up to that movie, baby?" Nick asked, rubbing her arm. "You look tired."

"Yeah, Nick. I'm just a little tired, but I can stand it," Emmalee said, getting out of Nick's arm, and opening the car door, and stepped out. Nick got out too, letting the valet park the car. He grabbed Emma's hand, and they walked inside of the hotel.

"I'm so thirsty," Emmalee said, her throat parched.

"Me too. Let's buy some water." They walked up to the candy stand, and got two bottles of water. Emma quickly opened it, and downed half of its contents in a single gulp. Nick almost choked on his water, trying to contain his laughter.

"You must have been pretty thirsty, Emma," Nick commented. Emma slapped his arm playfully.

"What could you expect in this heat?" she responded. They walked up to their floor. Nick's bedroom was across from hers. She had paid for her own hotel room, because she couldn't stand being with Jen.

"I'll be over in a few minutes, okay?" Nick said, opening his hotel room door. Emma nodded and did the same. She plopped down on her bed, and closed her eyes,so she could wait for Nick to come.


"So you know what to do?" Jen asked the bellboy she had found in the hotel lobby. The bellboy nodded, holding up her camera. She nodded. "Don't forget. The minute I call you, you go to room 456, and take the pictures okay? I'll give you the rest of the money after you've completed your job," she said. The bellboy again nodded. She turned around and headed towards the elevators. She had seen Emmalee and Nick buy bottles of water. Her plan was working better than expected. Now the bellboy didn't have to go take Nick something to drink under the pretense of room service. When she had reached her floor, she slowly walked up to Nick's room, and used the key the bellboy had given her. She opened the door quietly, and heard that Nick was in the shower. Perfect. She surveyed the room before she saw what she was looking for sitting on the bedside table. She tiptoed towards it. She opened the bottle cap, and poured in the powder sleeping drug. He would be out in a matter of ten minutes once he drinks it. She quickly left the hotel room, and went to her room to wait.


Nick exited the shower, whistling. He walked over to the bottled water, and swallowed the rest of its contents.

Chapter 12
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