Chapter 21

Two weeks later, Kevin knocked on Emma's door. Luckily, her name and address were listed in the phone book. The door swung open. Surprised, Emma just stood there.

"Kevin! Hi, what's up? If it's about Nick, I don't wanna hear it. Tell him that I'll never return his calls, so to stop trying to talk to me." She started to close the door, but Kevin stopped her.

"No, actually, I didn't come because of Nick," Kevin said.

"Oh really? Then what did you come for?" she asked, exasperatedly, and rolling her eyes, her body blocking the entrance. It was obvious she didn't want to let him in, and that she didn't want to talk to him. Kevin sighed. Just then, he knew it was a hopeless cause. Even if Emma was over Nick, she would never like him.

"No, you were right. I did come for Nick. I'll tell him," Kevin lied, and turned to leave.

"Kevin?" her soft voice stopped him. He turned around.

"Yeah, Emmalee?" he asked, expectantly.

"How is Nick?" she asked.

"Oh, he's just fine and dandy." He sighed. "Actually, he's a wreck. He's lost without you. He has lost about fifteen pounds, he doesn't want to talk to anyone. I heard he came like two weeks ago, and you totally blew him off. He said you were so cruel to him, and that he didn't even deserve it. Emma, I know Nick. And I know that he loves you very much. There has to be a sensible explanation as to why you saw what you saw. It probably wasn't what it appeared to be. Think about it," he said. He turned around, and started to leave once again.

"Kevin?" she said again.

"Yeah, Emmalee?" he asked, without turning around.

"Thanks," she said softly. He turned around then.

"No problem." He turned around once more and walked down her front walk, and got into his car.

Emma sighed, and closed her front door. The truth was, she really did miss Nick, and she still loved him a lot. Now that she thought about it, she never really let Nick explain what had happened. She didn't listen. She sighed again, and just when she was about to go into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, her doorbell rang again.

"Who could it be now?" she said to herself, walking towards the front door, and opening it. She was completely unprepared for who was there. It was Jennifer. Anger filled her insides.

"What the hell do you want now, Jennifer? Haven't you gotten enough?" Emma asked angrily, but as she said that, she saw something different about Jen.

"Emma, I'm very sorry. I've come to explain everything. And this is the whole truth. I don't wanna lie anymore, and I don't want to be the cause for breaking you and Nick up," she started. "Can I come in?"

"Well...okay. But this better be good. If it isn't, I'll make good of that threat I told you before," Emma said. They walked into the living room, and sat down. Jen took a deep breath.

"Okay, this won't take long, so please hear me out. As you probably already know, I drugged Nick, pretended to be in bed with him, and got a guy to take pictures. I thought it would be a little suspicious, because why would we want pictures taken of something we didn't want to be known? And everything that you read in my diary is true. I didn't fake it for your benefit. That night, at the last concert, I knew you were coming out of that door, and I stopped Nick, so when you opened that door, I would throw myself on Nick to throw him offguard, and kiss him."

Emma gasped.

"Yes, that is the truth, and no, Nick didn't send me here to tell you this, I didn't lie in my diary, everything I've said is true. And you know why I did it so I don't have to explain that." Jennifer looked up for Emma's reaction.

"What made you change your mind, Jennifer?" Emma inquired. She had believed every word Jen had said, because this was the first time Emma has ever seen her look sincere, and she looked different, in a good kind of way. Her superior look and snotty personality weren't there anymore.

"Well, that same night, Nick confronted me. He told me all of these things that made me think about what I was doing, and who I was hurting. He said that I was heartless and that really got to me. I had to make everything right, even though I woudln't like it. I know it took me like two weeks to get my courage in check, but here I am. Emma, Nick loves you very much. I'm sure he's probably horrible right now. I've said all that needed to be said, and I hope you accept my apology. I'm sorry that I've caused you so much trouble and pain in your life, and I promise it will never ever happen again. As from now, you could consider me out of your life and Nick's forever. Goodbye," Jen said, and stood up. She walked up to the front door, and Emma followed her.

"Goodbye, Jen. And thank you." Jen looked up, surprised.

"Thank you for what?" she asked.

"For having the courage to tell me the truth," Emma said. Jen nodded, and left.

"Oh, God, what have I done to poor Nick? I should have trusted him. He probably doesn't want to talk to me ever again," Emma said. She rushed to her phone, and dialed Nick's number.

"Hello?" a dull voice answered. She didn't even recognize it at first.

"Nick?" she asked.

"Emma?" his voice changed a little.

"Nicky, I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I promise to trust you from now on! But just please say we'll be together again! I'm sorry for not listening to you, and for hurting you. I was just trying to do what I thought you had done to me," she explained softly. Silence.

"What made you change your mind?" Nick asked finally.

"Well, first Kevin came, and he told me that things aren't always as they appear to be, especially if you haven't heard the story yet. And then Jen came. She told me the truth, Nick. She looked so sincere, that I believed her. Please, Nick! Forgive me for not believing you. Please come over," she begged, forgetting about her pride. Nick sighed. He still loved her very much, but he didn't want to be hurt again, because she didn't trust him enough.

"Okay, Jen. I'll come over right now," he said.


Half an hour later, he was there. He looked so handsome, that Emma almost gasped. She couldn't believe what she had done to deserve this sweet person.

"Sit down, Nick, please," she said. "So have you forgiven me yet?" she asked.

"Emma...I don't know if I can do this again. I mean, I don't want to be doubted again. I don't want to be hurt by you anymore, because it really does hurt. A lot. I don't want to set myself for that again. I can't go through with it. I won't go through with it," he said softly.

"Nick, please! I promise that I'll never doubt you again. I promise you! I love you so much, Nick, and I have been miserable without you. Please say you'll come back to me again, and I swear I'll never hurt you again, and I'll ask questions first, okay? Okay?" she repeated when she got no answer. Nick sighed again, torn between what to do. He really did love Emma a lot, and it was hell to have to be without her, but was it worth the risk of getting hurt again? Was it? Would he rather be alone and miserable, or with her and cautious? Actually, he didn't think he'd be cautious if he had her word. Her word. Did it really matter? Was it really important to him?

Of course it is, what am I thinking? I believe her. If she swears that she'll hear me out if there's a next time, then I should give her a second chance, right? And I love her so much... Nick thought.

"Please, Nick. Answer me. I love you, sweetie," she said. Nick sighed yet again.

"Okay, Emma. We'll get back together. But I trust you. I trust that you'll never do that to me again. You promised me. You swore. Okay?" he said. Emma threw herself into his arms.

"Oh, Nick, I love you so much, I can't believe I ever doubted you. It all seems so silly now, doesn't it? But it's okay. I love you..." she said, trailing off, kissing him deeply on the mouth, her hands all over him.

"I love you too, baby. My love for you is so strong it will go on forever and ever and ever..." he stopped, and kissed her again.

"We'll always be together," Emma started to sing.

"From now until forever..." Nick finished, and they both started laughing.

"I love that song, Nick," Emma said, setting herself on Nick's lap, and wringing her arms around his neck.

"Me too. Maybe that should be our song. What do you think?" he asked, kissing her neck gently.

"It's perfect. Just like you." They started to kiss again, their love renewed and flowing with passion. Nothing could tear them apart now.


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