Chapter 10

"Hey, Natasha," Nick greeted when Alyssa met him in the sidewalk. She smiled.

"Hey, Nick. What's up?" Alyssa asked.

"I'm...good," Nick said, staring at Alyssa's body. She was wearing a cropped spaghetti strapped top that hugged her body, and tight black pants.

"Okay...can we get going, Nick? I don't have the time for you to be ogling my body," Alyssa remarked, almost bursting out in laughter. After her and Natasha had switched, she had this new air of confidence around her.

Probably 'cause people think I'm someone else, she told herself. She looked up at Nick and realized that he was beet red. She burst out laughing then.

"Nick, you're so silly," she said.

"Umm...let's get going, huh?" Nick said, changing the subject.

"Okay..." Alyssa said. They got in the car, and headed towards the theater.

"Alyssa! Get your butt down here right now!" Natasha heard someone say. She sighed, and stood up from her bed.

"Call me, back, okay, Mark?" Natasha said into the phone.

"Okay, Alyssa...bye," Mark said.

"Bye." Natasha hung up the phone, and exited the room, quickly walking down the stairs. She entered the kitchen, and sat down on one of the kitchen table chairs.

"What is it, Mom?" Natasha said, with a bored tone.

"Young lady, what is wrong with you? You were never so disrespectful with me before!" Mrs. Parker said, appalled.

"Whatever! Will you get on with it? Damn!" Natasha lashed out, irritated. Mrs. Parker gasped in shock.

"Alyssa Parker! You are grounded! No telephone, TV, or going out anywhere for two weeks!" Mrs. Parker said.

"You can shove your punishment up your ass!" Natasha spat out, furious.

"Make it four!" Mrs. Parker cried, dropping the spoon that was in her hand, and walking out the door.

"Shit! Now what am I gonna do? I won't be able to do anything the whole time I'm here! And I got Alyssa in a load of shit! Damn it!" Natasha cried, stomping out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She locked herself in her room.

"Good thing that Alyssa has her own phone line," Natasha muttered.

She hurriedly picked up the phone when it rang half an hour later.

"Hello?" she said into the phone.

"Hey, it's me, Mark."

"Oh, hey Mark!" Natasha said, settling herself in her bed.

"I had a great time with you, Nick. You really are very sweet," Alyssa told Nick when he had walked her up to her place. Nick blushed.

"I had a great time with you too, Natasha..." Nick said, smiling that gorgeous smile of his that melted Alyssa's heart.

"But I thought we'd never have this chance. I always thought you were too good for me, and that's why you didn't want to go out with me or even give me a chance," Nick said quietly.

"Nick, I'm so sorry. I just had so much going on in my life for a while, that I wasn't really thinking. How could I have ever turned down such a sweet guy like you," Alyssa said smiling.

"You don't have to say stuff like that, Natasha...I think you're the greatest-" he started. Alyssa interrupted him by putting a finger over his lips.

"Don't worry about it, Nick. It's all in the past. This is now, the present, and you're here with me," she said. She leaned in and settled her lips over his.

Nick couldn't believe it. The girl of his dreams was finally noticing him, and was kissing him. He returned her kiss willingly, running his tongue over hers, and encircling his arms around her. He pulled her as close to him as possible, not getting enough of her.

"Oh, Natasha, I-" Nick started.

"Call me Tash, Nick..." Alyssa said. She couldn't bear being called Natasha while he was kissing her. She wanted it to be her name that he uttered from his lips, but he couldn't find out.

"I really like you a lot, Tash. A lot," he said, when he pulled back.

"I really like you a lot too. But hey, wanna call me tomorrow? I have an early shoot so I need to get to sleep," Alyssa said.

"Okay, that's great. What time should I call you?" Nick inquired.

"Around six?" Alyssa suggested.

"Okay, great. So, I'll call you tomorrow, then, okay?" Nick leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her mouth.

"Goodnight," he whispered.

"Goodnight, Nick." She turned around, entered the card into the slot, and entered the room. She sighed happily. Everything was going better than expected.

Chapter 11
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