Chapter 1

Bonnie Anderson flopped back on her bed. She looked around her spacious room in a Los Angeles hotel in the beach front. She was tired and drained of all energy. Her eyes filled up with tears, and she let them fall to the pillow, the pillow absorbing it. She had been here for less than a day, and she already felt as if she would die of the loneliness.

"I hate you, Andrew. Look at what you've done to my life," Bonnie whispered into the room. Andrew Foreman was obsessed with Bonnie. When she broke up with him, all he wanted to do was get back with her, but when she sternly refused, he vowed that if he couldn't get her, then no other man could. He had already attempted to kill her once, and Bonnie wasn't going to stick around Florida for him to try again. She had run away from him. She had been to ten different cities in the past six months, trying to escape. She didnt' risk being in a place too long in case that he could trace her from her phone calls to her family and friends.

"I'm gonna go out for a walk. Maybe that'll clear my head some." Bonnie stood up from the bed, and grabbed her purse, before she slammed the room door shut behind her, and started to head for the elavator.

"Maybe I can stop thinking about how much I miss everyone back home with this walk. I dunno what else to do," Bonnie said to herself, as she started to walk across the sand, the beautiful blue ocean beside her, tantalizing her to go for a swim on this gorgeous June day. But she felt too depressed to go for a swim. Especially by herself. No one to share the laughter with.

"What am I gonna do? I can't run forever, and I doubt that psycho would give up. I'm only 20. I'd rather die than run away for my whole life." Slowly, she walked farther and farther away from the hotel in which she was currently residing. She stared into the ocean, hoping that it might hold the answers to all of her problems. She looked at the sun which showed signs of setting soon, the sky a mixture of orange and red. She sat down on the soft sand,and brought her legs up to her chin, her arms going around them. She put her head in between her arms, and started to sob wrackingly.

From a distance, Nick Carter saw the girl that was crying openly. He debated if he should go see if he could help, or walk away and pretend that he had never seen her.

"That would be harsh," Nick whispered, making his way towards the young woman that sat on the sand, apparently in a lot of distress. He knew he had a Backstreet meeting in less than an hour, so he couldn't stay here long. When he got close enough to talk, he spoke up.

" you need any help?" Nick asked, sitting himself a few feet away from her, a faint smile on his face. She looked over at him, her blue eyes shining with unshed tears. She quickly brushed away the tears.

"I'm okay," Bonnie said, turning her gaze back towards the scenic sunset.

"Are you sure? I mean, if you need someone to talk to, it's better if you tell a complete stranger, dontcha think?" Nick asked, trying to lighten the mood. Apparently, she didn't recognize who he was, and he felt a little relieved.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I really do need to tell someone..." Bonnie whispered, looking back at Nick.

"I didn't catch your name," Nick said.

"Bonnie. What's yours?" Bonnie asked.

"Umm...It's Nick," he said hesitantly. He hoped it didn't ring any bells. It didn't. She nodded.

"Well, what happened was that..." Bonnie started. She spilled the whole story to Nick. She already felt a weird attraction towards him, and she had just met him. She felt as if she could tell him all her problems, and she did.

Nick also felt something towards Bonnie. The way she looked so vulnerable and beautiful in the light just got to him.

Chapter 2
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