Chapter 10

A few days later, when they were on the plane to Germany, Bonnie felt so relieved she felt like crying. Andrew will never find me in Germany. He'll never know I went to Germany in the first place, she thought. She turned her head, and Nick, who was sitting next to her, was sleeping. He looked so peaceful, that Bonnie sighed. Peace. Will I ever be peaceful again? she wondered, falling asleep herself.

"So she's on her way to Germany, huh? She thinks she can get away from me, but she can't. She never has, and she never will," Andrew said to himself, as he saw the plane rise up into the air. "Well, I'll just have to follow her." He walked up to the desk, and asked the lady where exactly in Germany that plane was headed. From there, he could use his tracking device he had planted on her suitcase to pinpoint where she was.

Bonnie opened her eyes, and saw that Nick was also awake, looking at her. When he got caught staring at her, he turned bright red and turned his head. Bonnie smiled.

"Hey, Nick. Did you sleep well?" Bonnie asked, trying to break the discomfort. Nick turned back to her with a smile.

"It was alright, compared to other times that I've slept in airplanes. I sleep better when we take our own private plane, though, because of the noise, and I'm more comfortable with only my friends around," Nick explained. Bonnie nodded.

"So how come you guys didn't use you're private plane this time?" Bonnie asked.

"It's in repair right now," Nick replied, fishing out his walkman and putting it on his head. He took out an extra pair of headphones and extended them in Bonnie's direction.

"Wanna listen to some music? I can connect it to my walkman. It has two inputs," Nick explained. Bonnie nodded. They still had a long way before they arrived in Frankfurt, Germany, and the rest of the guys were still sleeping. Bonnie grabbed the headphones and put them on her head, and once again drifted off to the sound of the music.

"When they arrived in Germany, and had gotten thier luggage, they headed out to the awaiting limousine that would take them to the hotel where they were staying.

Later that night, when Bonnie was in her hotel room, there was a knock on her door. She finished putting away the last garment of clothes that was left, and walked to the door. She unlocked it, and swung it open. Nick stood on the other side of the door with a shy smile on his face. Bonnie smiled as well.

"Hey, Nick. What's up?" Bonnie asked, motioning him inside. He entered the hotel room, and Bonnie closed the door behind him.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with me. The rest of the guys went to some club that they found the last time we were here, and you have to be 21. I'm not 21 yet," Nick said, shifting his weight. Bonnie nodded.

"Sure, Nick. We can watch a movie. I actually found an English channel on this TV. There giving a movie. Wanna watch?" Bonnie inquired, as she went to sit on her bed. Nick sat down beside her.

"Sure, that would be great," Nick said.

An hour into the movie, Nick turned to Bonnie. She looked up at him questionably. He cleared his throat.

"What Nick?" Bonnie asked when Nick didn't show any signs of saying anything.

Nick shook his head. "Nothing, Bonnie. Sorry." He turned back to the TV. Bonnie shrugged and did the same.

Chapter 11
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