Chapter 11

A few days later, Andrew had found the hotel that Bonnie was in. He smirked. He had to plan carefully what he was going to do. Maybe I'll give her a couple of scares, before moving in for the kill, he thought pensively. Yeah, that's what I'll do...

"I have to find a way to tell her that I have feelings for her, Bri. But I don't know how. Maybe she'll think it's too soon," Nick said, sitting on the floor cross-legged, as he played Mario Kart with Brian.

"I dunno, Nick. Just go right out and tell her," Brian said, trying to concentrate on the game.

"But what if she doesn't like me?" Nick whined. Brian sighed.

"I don't know, Nick. At least you'll know if she likes you or not. Damn!" Brian exclaimed, as he fell into the river in the game.

"Well...I guess I'll tell her. I know she's going through a lot right now, because of that obsessed ex, but I'm gonna tell her. Tonight. I'll invite her to go with me to dinner," Nick said. Brian nodded.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Well, Nick, we better start getting ready. We have an interview with some reporter in less than an hour." They stood up, and Nick turned off the game.

"Okay. But what about Bonnie?" Nick said, walking toward his closet.

"Nick, she can stay alone by herself a few hours. It's not like she's a baby, and needs a babysitter," Brian said.

"Well, I guess you're right."

Bonnie sighed. She stared out the balcony of her hotel room into the bright sky. It was a beautiful, warm day. She only wished that she didn't have so many problems. She lay on the sun chair, with her sunglasses on, and her face turned towards the side. She soon drifted into a light sleep.

Andrew slipped into Bonnie's hotel room. He took a quick look around the room, and didn't see her. He turned towards the balcony, and he saw her there, sleeping peacefully. He almost laughed. This was perfect. He tiptoed towards the balcony sliding doors, and swiftly locked it, so there was no way she could get in. She couldn't do anything, because they were 15 floors from the ground. He quiety turned around, and walked out the door.

"Come on, Nick! We're gonna be late! The guys are waiting for us downstairs," Brian said exasperatedly.

"Okay, okay, I'm done!" Nick said, walking out of the bathroom, his damp hair slicked back. "But I gotta tell Bonnie first," he said. Brian nodded, and they exited their hotel room. Nick walked to Bonnie's room, and knocked. He waited a few minutes, but nobody came out.

"Come on, Nick! She probably went out for a walk or something. Leave her a note," Brian said, taking out a pen from his pocket. Nick took a scrap of paper from his pocket and wrote:

Hey Bonnie,

We're going to an interview that we have. We won't take long.



He slipped it beneath her door, and they were soon on their way downstairs.

Bonnie roused out of her sleep, stretching. She looked at her watch, and saw that she had been out there for three hours. She quickly looked at her skin. It wasn't sunburned.

"Thank God I remembered to put on suntan lotion," she said, standing up and grabbing her bag. She walked towards the balcony doors, and tried to slid it open. But it wouldn't budge.

"That's weird. Maybe it's stuck," she said, putting down her bag, and pulled on it with all her strength. After a few minutes, she stopped. She realized that it was locked. Someone had locked her in the balcony.

Chapter 12
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