Chapter 12

"Help!" Bonnie cried, knowing it was useless for anyone to hear her. How was anyone going to know where she was? She was one hundred percent sure that she had not locked herself out. Was that even possible? I don't think so. Someone locked me out! she thought, angrily. The anger dissapated when she thought of who it could have been. Fear replaced her anger. Could it have been Andrew? No! That's impossible. He can't know where I am. That's impossible! she thought, settling herself back on the sun chair.

"Damn, Nick! Jump out of the car, why don't you," snorted AJ. Nick turned to AJ.

"Get off my back, Bone!" Nick said. He was anxious to get back to the hotel, so he could see Bonnie.

A few minutes later, he was knocking on Bonnie's door. "Bonnie?" he said.

Bonnie jumped off the chair, and pounded her fists on the balcony door glass. "Nick! Help!" she shouted.

"What was that?" Nick wondered. He knocked a little harder.

"Niiick! Heeelp!" she shouted harder, her throat starting to hurt.

"That was Bonnie's voice. But why can't she open the door?" Nick said.

"Someone locked in the balcony! Heeeeeelp!" she screamed. She coughed. She was forcing her vocal chords too much.

He heard faintly a cry for help. "Hold on, Bonnie, I'll go get the manager, or something," he shouted. He turned and ran down the stairs, not patient enough to wait for the elevators. When he reached the front desk, he told the lady what had happened. She sent a bellboy with the key, Nick behind the bellboy. They reached her room, and the bellboy unlocked the door. Nick ran inside, and saw Bonnie in the balcony. He frowned in confusion. He ran towards the balcony, and tried to open the door. It was locked. Light dawned on him. Someone had locked her in the balcony. He quickly unlocked the door and slid it open. Bonnie came inside, and threw herself on Nick, crying hysterically. Nick rubbed her back soothingly.

"It's okay, Bonnie. You're all right now. I'm here..." he said.

"N-Nick, s-someone locked m-me in the b-balcony," she said, between sobs. She gripped Nick harder. Nick put his arms around her.

"You're okay now, Bonnie, okay?" Nick said. Bonnie looked up. Suddenly, she kissed him deeply and fervently on the lips. Nick stood there shocked. After a second, he returned the kiss, getting more and more into it.

Bonnie broke off, as if she realized what she was doing. She blushed, stepping out of Nick's arms. She wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry, Nick. I was just in the midst of hysteria. I didn't know what I was doing. Please forgive me," she said. She had liked it a lot. Just as she thought she would.

"It's okay, Bonnie. I came over to tell you something anyway," he said.

Bonnie looked up. "You do? What?" she said, momentarily forgetting about what she had just gone through.

"I know this isn't the time, especially after what happened to you, but I gotta tell you now or I'll lose my nerve," he said.

"What is it, Nick?" Bonnie asked.

"I really really like you a lot. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" he said.

Bonnie stood there, shocked. Her wish had come true. Nick wanted to be her boyfriend. She jumped into Nick's arms.

"I've been waiting for you to say that! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" she said.

"Really? I mean, you like me too?" he asked.

"Of course I do, silly! Isn't it obvious?" she said, before they starting kissing again.

Chapter 13
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