Chapter 13

A couple of weeks later, Andrew showed no signs of appearing, and Bonnie had all but forgotten about him. Almost. Occasionally, she would think about him, and what he was up to, but she never imagined that he was so close. They were now in Spain, booked for four concerts in Madrid.

Bonnie sat on the computer that Nick had gotten her so she could fill up her time when they weren't in. She was in a chat room, and this guy had IMed her.

Adrian4375: Hey, wassup? Age/sex?

Bonnie128: Hey...I'm 20...uh, can't you tell by the name? I'm a woman.

Adrian4375: LOL, Sorry, just checking. You never know, ya know? I'm 22. I live in FL, what about you?

Bonnie128: Me too! What part are you from?

Adrian4375: Orlando.

Bonnie128: Cool, me too. But I'm in Spain right now on a trip.

Adrian4375: That's cool, Bonnie. What part are you in?

Bonnie128: In Madrid.

Adrian4375: Hey, maybe when you get back, we can meet...

Bonnie128: But we just met! Plus...

Adrian4375: What??

Bonnie128: I have a boyfriend.

Adrian4375: Aww damn, really? I shoulda known a sweet beautiful girl like you should have been taken.

Bonnie128: How do you know I'm beautiful?

Adrian4375: Because you sound beautiful! So you must be, right?

Bonnie128: Uh, I gotta go. Maybe I'll talk to you later.

Bonnie was starting to get a creepy feeling like if Adrian was Andrew. Even though that was ridiculous.

Adrian4375: Well, okay, babe, I'll catch ya later! Bye!

Bonnie quickly signed off, and started to write a letter to her parents instead. She typed slowly, and after she was done, she printed the letter, got an envelope and got a stamp from the dresser. Right when she sealed the envelope, the hotel room flew open, and Nick came in.

"Hey, baby, did ya miss me?" Nick asked, putting his arms around Bonnie, and planting a kiss on her mouth.

"Uh, yeah, sure I did, Nick," Bonnie said. "Can you mail this letter for me, Nick?" She held up the letter.

"Sure, hun, anything for you..." he said, sweetly. Bonnie smacked him on his arm.

"Stop messing around! I'm hungry," she said.

"I was just about to tell you abou this beautiful little restaurant near the beach. We can eat dinner there," Nick suggested.

"Sure, let's go. What about the rest of the guys?" Bonnie asked.

"Oh, they're gonna order in. It's just the two of us, babe."

They dropped off the mail in the mailbox, then headed towards the restaurant, which wasn't far from their hotel.

When they were seated, the waiter came to ask for their orders.

"Que quieren de comer?" the waiter asked. Bonnie looked up at the waiter in confusion.

"What the hell did he just say?" Bonnie asked Nick.

"What do you we want to eat. Don't worry, I took Spanish classes while in junior high, I remember most of it. I know the basics, and a little more," Nick explained. Bonnie smiled.

"Oh, that's so cool...Um...I want this one," she pointed to something that looked good, since the menus had the pictures of what they were offering.

"That looks good, I'll have that one too." Nick turned to the waiter. "Queremos dos de estos," Nick said, pointing to the picture. The waiter nodded.

"Y que quieren para vever?" the waiter asked, pen hovering over the pad.

"Umm...una Coca-cola...What do you want to drink, babe?" Nick asked.

"Coke too, please," she answered.

"Dos Coca-colas, por favor," Nick told the waiter. The waiter nodded and retreated.

"Wow, you sound good, Nick," Bonnie said, smiling.

"Thanks, hon...I try," he said teasingly.

"Oh shut up!" she said laughing. Just then, she saw someone scurry by through the bushes that were outside. She stared intently but didn't see anything else. The figure looked very familiar...

"Bonnie, what's the matter?" Nick asked, noting her odd expression. He reached over the table, and rubbed her hand.

Bonnie turned towards Nick, and put a smile on her face.

"Nothing, Nick. So when's your next concert?" she asked, trying to change the subject. She couldn't shake the feeling that that figure was Andrew. But it couldn't be. He couldn't have possibly found out she was here. It wasn't possible.

Chapter 14
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