Chapter 14

"Babe, what's wrong? You've been quiet all night," Nick said, putting his arms around Bonnie's waist as they walked down the beach. Bonnie looked up into Nick's deep blue eyes.

"Nothing's wrong, Nick. I'm just thinking about my family and friends, and how much I miss them," Bonnie lied.

"Are you sure, hon? I think it's more than that," Nick continued. He stopped and turned her towards him. He pulled her into his arms, and rubbed them slowly. Bonnie upturned her head and stared at Nick.

"Yes, I'm sure, Nick. There's nothing more. I just miss everyone back home a lot." Tears started to form, and they slowly slipped through her eyelids. She buried her head into Nick's shoulder. He put his arms around her, and comforted her.

"I'm so sorry that you have to go through all this, baby...but it led you to me. That's something good that came out of all this, right?" Nick said, trying to make her feel better.

"Yeah, Nick. You're right. I wouldn't have met you. Oh, Nick, what am I gonna do? I can't run forever," she cried.

"It's okay, baby. We'll figure something out. Right now, we should head back to our hotel. It's getting a bit dark," Nick said. They turned around and started to head back towards their hotel.

Andrew saw them walking away. He started to laugh. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, my sweet. This will all soon be over...just not the way you expect it," Andrew said to himself, smiling wickedly, as he turned back from where he came from.

Bonnie lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. She had asked Nick if he would sleep with her tonight, saying that she didn't want to be alone. But that was only half of it. She really didn't want to be alone in case that Andrew showed up. She knew that she probably was imagining things when she thought she saw him earlier that day, but she wasn't going to take any chances. She turned her head, and stared at Nick's sleeping form. He looked so angelic, she just wanted to hug him, and kiss him, and be with him forever. But she knew that couldn't happen. She didn't want to endanger his life. And she couldn't stay with him forever. Sooner or later, she would have to move on. Either by going back home and facing her problems, or keep on running away from Andrew. The second idea didn't seem so appealing. She didn't want to run for the rest of her life. That wasn't a life at all. A life with no friends, family, or anyone else. She'd rather die than go through that for her whole life. She sighed loudly.

Nick slowly came out of his deep sleep. He looked at the clock. 12:30 AM. He looked at Bonnie and realized that she was still awake. He put one of his arms on her stomach.

"Hey, how come you're still awake, baby? Are you having trouble falling asleep?" Nick asked, concerned. Bonnie turned to Nick.

"I'm sorry I woke you up. I'm just so restless. I haven't been able to fall asleep."

"Don't worry about it, hon. Why don't you take some sleeping pills? I have some," he suggested. Bonnie shook her head.

"No, Nick. I'm not too fond of pills," she replied. "I'll just have to try to fall asleep on my own." She slid closer to Nick, and put her head in the crook of his shoulder. Nick gave her a soft kiss on her mouth.

"Okay, Bonnie...goodnight, then," he said, yawning.

"Goodnight, Nick," Bonnie said.

Finally, a short while later, she was able to drift off into a deep sleep.

Chapter 15
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