Chapter 16

Bonnie moaned. "Nick, stop!" she whispered, trying to free herself from Nick's grasp. But he continued to kiss her neck, sucking on it gently. Finally, he looked up, his eyes glazed.

"Why, baby? Don't you like it?" he inquired, sitting up. They were at the beach, in the dark, and no one else was around.

"Of course I do, Nick,'s kinda creepy here at night, don't you think?" she asked, crossing her arms across he chest, shivering slightly, the cool night breeze going through her. Nick put one of his arms around her.

"You're cold. Maybe we should head back," he said, standing up, and pulling Bonnie with her. Bonnie nodded vigorously, and picked up their blanket.

"For some reason, this place is giving me the creeps," Bonnie whispered, pressing herself closer to Nick's side.

"Don't worry, baby, it's probably just the dark. Let's go back to the hotel. We'll sleep together," he said reassuringly.

"Okay," Bonnie replied. She suddenly felt the hair on her neck stand up. She felt as if she were being watched. She suppressed the urge of turning around for a little while, but ended up turning around. She looked back, and saw nothing. She breathed a sigh of relief.

As they lay in bed together, Bonnie's head on Nick's chest, she thought about Andrew. Will this all ever end? Will I have to continue running forever? The tour will be over soon. Where will I go then? she thought. She finally decided to just close her eyes and go to sleep, and forget about Andrew.

A month later, the tour was nearing it's end. Only one more show in Miami, and it was finished. Bonnie sat in the front row of the arean, as usual, watching the guys do sound check. She lay her head back on the seat, in an uncomfortable position. She had not talked to Nick about where she was going to go after this, and frankly she didn't know. What was to become of their relationship? She stood up, and walked unnoticed up the aisle and into the concession room. She walked to the nearest bathroom, and locked herself in it. She walked to the sink, and splashed cold water on her face.

"Okay, guys, we're finished. See you later," the sound technician announced. Everyone nodded, and Nick turned towards the seats. Bonnie wasn't there. He shrugged. She had probably gone to the bathroom. He walked up the aisle.

"Later, guys, I'm gonna go see if I can find Bonnie," he said, turning back towards the rest of the group, which nodded in response. He continued up towards the door that led to the bathrooms.

Bonnie finished, and let herself out of the bathroom, and bumped right into Nick.

"Hey, were are you going in such a rush? I was about to knock on the door and see if you were in there," Nick said, pulling her into his arms.

"Nick...about where I'm going after tonight's concert-" she started.

"You're coming to live with me in my house, right? I mean, it's extremely safe, and nobody knows where it is, except you know family and the guys. He won't be able to find you there," Nick said.

"But Nick, it's so close to home. He might-"

"Don't worry about it, baby. Even if it is in the same city, we'll be in the secluded part, where almost nobody knows where it is," he coaxed.

"But, Nick, I-"

"Okay?" he said.

"Well, okay, Nick. Just as long as nobody knows where we are, I think I'll be safe," Bonnie said.

"Great! You'll love it! It has an indoor pool, and an adjoining outdoor pool, jacuzzi, spa, everything that I wanted in there, because I got that house built especially for me during the time I was recording and touring with the guys," Nick explained. "Do you wanna go eat at a nice restaurant? I'm so hungry."

"Sure, Nick." He started leading her towards the exit, so they could go find a restaurant in which they could eat it, unaware of the pair of watchful eyes that were following their every move.

Chapter 17
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