Chapter 17

"Oh, wow, Nick, this place is so beautiful!" Bonnie exclaimed, after Nick finished giving her the tour. He smiled.

"I told you you would like it, hon, because it is beautiful. Just like you are," he said, putting his arms around her.

"Oh, shut up, I know you're just sweet talking me, Nick," she said, struggling to get out of his arms.

"You know you like it," Nick teased.

"Oh, come off it, Nick!" she laughed.

"Why don't we go in the pool for a while? I'm kinda hot," Nick suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. It feels good to be off the road," Bonnie said, walking up to her bags. "But I gotta go unpack first. I gotta find my bathing suit."

"Well, okay. But hurry, okay? I'll be waiting by the pool." Nick walked off, and Bonnie carried her two heavy suitcases up the long winding stairs. When she reached the room Nick told her she would be staying in, she dumped the contents of both suitcases on the bed, and began to put it away.

When she had finished, she took her bathing suit, and changed into it. She walked to the window which gave her a perfect view of who came. She stared out of it. She thought she saw something in the shadows.

"Bonnie, get a hold of yourself. You're just imagining things, like always." She walked away from the window, and went to find Nick.

"What's wrong, baby?" Nick asked, putting his arms around Bonnie's waist in the water.

"Nothing, Nick. Why would something be wrong? Everything's fine," Bonnie choked out. She didn't want to admit that she was scared stiff that Andrew would find them.

"If you're sure..." Nick trailed off, staring deep into Bonnie's eyes. Bonnie nodded slowly.

"Of course I'm sure, Nick. Um, why don't we go back inside? We've been here a while, and I'm tired," Bonnie said, wanting to get out of exposure.

"Sure, Bonnie. Maybe we could watch a movie together," he suggested, leading her out of the water. They went into the cabana attached to the back part of the house, and took showers in there.

Tears stung at Bonnie's eyes. What am I going to do? she asked herself, as the warm water ran down her body. She grabbed the soap, and started to scrub her body hard, trying to stop thinking about her life, and just concentrate on the present.

"That shower felt so good, especially in this weather," Nick commented, as they lay in Nick's bed, watching a rerun of Friends.

"Yeah," Bonnie agreed quietly.

"Baby, you've been quiet all night. You have to tell me what's wrong. I thought you could tell me anything," Nick said, bringing Bonnie closer to him.

"It's just that I'm afraid that Andrew's gonna find us here. If he does, I dunno what he'll do," Bonnie replied, knowing she couldn't keep it from him any longer.

"Babe, forget about him. Let's just concentrate on us for now, okay? He won't be able to find us. I promise. No one knows where we are." Nick leaned down towards Bonnie, and gently placed his lips over hers, moving them so slowly, letting his tongue enter her mouth. He pulled her under him, and he was on top of her, their tongues exploring each other, their hands moving over their bodies. Nick moaned into Bonnie's mouth. Waves of euphoric sensations filled both of them. Nick broke away from Bonnie's mouth, and ran his tongue down her neck, his hands going under her shirt. He went back up and kissed Bonnie again. His hands pulled her t-shirt over her body, and he threw it on the floor. He quickly undid her pants, and helped her slide them off. Then he kissed her stomach, then her neck, and finally her mouth again. She was only left in her bra and panties, and she felt a slow chill permeate her body. She froze. Nick didn't notice. He continued to suck gently at her neck, making her moan. She grabbed Nick's head. He reached behind her, and tried to undo the clasp of her bra. This definitely set her into action.

"Nick! Stop!" she cried, moving away from him, and reaching towards the floor to grab her t-shirt. He looked up, confusion in his still glazed eyes.

"What's wrong, baby?" he asked softly, hurt seeping through his body when her rejection jarred into his mind. She didn't want him.

"Nothing, Nick.'s just that I think we were moving a little bit too fast there," she said, pulling the t-shirt over her head.

"I'm sorry, I got a little carried away," Nick apologized, still confused about why she pulled away. They had been going out for a while. What was wrong with him wanting to see her?

"Okay. Well, I guess I better go to my room. I'm very tired," she said, getting out of Nick's bed, but not before he grabbed her hand.

"Hey. Weren't you gonna sleep in here with me?" he asked. Bonnie blushed.

"Oh, yeah. Okay, well, I'm gonna go get a glass of water. My throat is parched," she said, as an excuse to get out of the room. Once she was out, she closed his room door, and leaned on it. She took a deep breath, her thumping heart starting to slow down a bit. She walked down the carpeted stairs, and walked into the immaculate kitchen.

"You can tell no one's been here in a while. It's totally clean," she said to herself, as she walked towards the refrigerator. She took out a bottle of spring water, and poured it into a glass she found in one of the cabinets. She downed the water in less than a minute, and started to head back upstairs, when she saw a flashing light coming from outside near the bushes. Her heart started beating again. She closed her eyes to get a grip on herself, but when she had reopened them, the light had disappeared. She ran back upstairs, and went into Nick's room. She closed the door behind her. Nick was sprawled on his bed, still watching Friends. He was propped up by his pillows, his legs crossed at the ankles. She noticed that he had taken off his t-shirt. He looked so good. She stared away and climbed in next to him on the bed, sitting herself as far away from him as possible.

"Hey, why are you all the way over there? You're not afraid of me, are you?" he said, half joking. He stretched out his arm. Bonnie hesitated for a second before getting close to Nick. He planted a kiss on her neck.

"I love you, Bonnie. I don't know what I would do without you," he said softly, his vulnerability clearly expressed.

"I love you too, Nick." She pressed herself closer to him, closing her eyes for a second. She sat up again, and Nick yawned.

"I guess I'm kinda tired myself." Nick lay down on the bed, and put his head on Bonnie's lap. She started to run her hands up and down his back, soothingly automatically.

Nick's eyes started closing slowly, until he had drifted off to sleep. Not long after that, Bonnie started to fall asleep too. She gently took Nick off her lap, and she lay down next to him, putting her arms around his middle.

Everything is going so perfect. The time has finally come. Everything's going to turn out just the way I planned it. Even better since the closest house was miles away, Andrew thought. He crept out of the bushes, and out into the deck of Nick's house. He knew that Bonnie had seen him, because he saw the way she had frozen at her window as she stared down into the shadows. And he had seen her trying to find out what that light was. And it had been his flashlight. He had cursed himself for the mistake, but he hadn't known she had come downstairs. But apparently, she had thought nothing of it, because she had gone back upstairs, and everything after that was quiet. He soundlessly moved towards the glass door of the deck, and opened his box of equipment, that would help him break into the house. He had already found out that there was an alarm, so after all the lights inside of the house had been turned off, he had cut the electricity, so the alarm wouldn't be able to sound. In less than a minute, he had the glass door open, and he stepped into the house. Now the only thing left to do was find the two. He quickly checked his silencer to see that everything was set. He stuffed the gun back into his pants, and started up the stairs that led upstairs.

Chapter 18
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