Chapter 2

Bonnie told Nick everything about what had happened to her in the past. She started to cry again when she finished telling her story. She was positive now that Nick would probably leave right now because of her complicated life.

"It's all right, Bonnie. It's not you're fault. I can understand what you're going through. I wish I could help somehow," Nick said, as he moved closer to Bonnie and put an arm around her shoulder.

"You've done all you can, Nick, and I'm very grateful. Thank you. You turned out to be a really good listener," she said, wiping away her tears.

"Yeah, I've always been a good listener. So listen, I gotta go now..." Nick started, realizing that the meeting was going to start soon.

I knew it. He's blowing me off after what I told him. I knew it, Bonnie thought dejectedly.

"I have a meeting in like fifteen minutes. Maybe I can talk to you another time?" Nick asked hopefully. He really hoped she agreed because even though they just met, he felt attracted to her.

Bonnie looked at Nick. Now that she looked at him closely for the first time, she saw that he looked really familiar.Where have I seen him before? Somewhere in Florida? Because he did tell me that he used to live in Florida,Bonnie thought,Yeah, that's probably it. He used to live really close to where I used to live. Bonnie dismissed the thought, and turned to Nick.

"Yeah, sure, Nick, I would like that. I think we could be friends," Bonnie said.

"Okay, here's my number," Nick said, taking out a piece of paper from his pocket, and a pen from his shirt. He then scribbled his parents' home phone number, where he was currently staying, and handed it to Bonnie.

Bonnie took the piece of paper, and stuffed it in her pants. She stood up, and Nick stood up as well. They stood there for a minute awkwardly, unsure of what to do next.

"Call me," Nick said, before leaning in and kissing Bonnie on the cheek. Then he turned around, and started walking away.

Bonnie stared at his retreating back, and smiled for the first time in a long while.

Chapter 3
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