Chapter 20

"Ms. Anderson?" the doctor asked. Bonnie took a deep breath.

"Yes, I'm Bonnie Anderson," she replied.

"Okay, I'm Dr. Johnson. Mr. Carter is in serious condition. That knife wound was very deep. If it would have been a mere fraction of an inch to the right, it would have killed him, but luckily it wasn't. But he is stil in a very serious and dangerous condition right now. We will have to wait and see what happens. We will inform you if we have any more news."

Bonnie nodded. "Thank you, doctor. Can I see him?" she asked.

" shouldn't, but I guess you could for a little while. Come, follow me," Dr. Johnson said, turning around. Bonnie followed him down long corridors, and into an ICU room. Bonnie paled when she saw how horrible Nick looked. So helpless, and so fragile and vulnerable. It broke her heart to see him this way. The sudden rage towards Andrew surprised even her. She wished he was dead so bad. She wanted to get rid of him. Even if he was in jail, that wasn't enough for her. Seeing what he had done to ruin her life, and almost end Nick's life was enough to want to kill him right then. Don't worry, Nick. Andrew will pay for what he's done, she thought. She grabbed the only chair that was in the room, and placed it right next to Nick's bed. The doctor quietly exited the room. She waited next to his bed, wanting him to wake up so bad, but knowing that it wouldn't work.

"Oh, please, Nick. Don't leave me. I love you," she cried softly. She grabbed his hand and started to rub it, hoping that he would get some comfort from it. She heard him groan, and brought her head up sharply. Slowly, Nick's eyes opened.

"Nick!" she cried gleefully.

Chapter 21
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