Chapter 21

"Bonnie..." Nick croaked, suddenly feeling the sharp pain on his side.

"How do you feel, Nick?" Bonnie whispered, leaning closer to Nick, still holding on to his hand.

"Like I've been stabbed, basically," he said, a hint of humor in his voice. Bonnie almost smiled.

"Oh Nick. How can you joke around when you're in such a serious condition? I'm so sorry about Andrew. I really am, sweetie. I wish he had done that to me. You didn't deserve it at all." Tears formed in Bonnie's eyes.

"Shhh....don't say that, Bonnie. I'm glad it was me, and not you. I wouldn't be able to bear it if you...if you died," he finished softly, trying not to breathe too hard so as not to hurt himself worse.

"Well, Nick, I would definitely not be able to live knowing I was responsible for your....death. Let's not talk about this. I'm just glad that you're awake. It must mean that you're better, I hope," Bonnie said, retrieving her hand.

"No. Give me your hand. I feel....safer that way, if that makes any sense," Nick said softly. He looked so vulnerable right then that Bonnie wanted to cry. This guy was so nice and so sweet and caring. He didn't deserve this. Bonnie grabbed Nick's hand again. Just then, a tight-lipped nurse entered the room with a needle in her hand.

"I'm sorry, miss, but you're going to have to leave. There is a very strict regulation for this wing. The patient needs to rest," the nurse said. She looked to be around her thirties, and looked very sour and bitter. Bonnie didn't want to protest, or argue with her. She stood up, and softly pressed her lips against Nick's mouth.

"I'll see you later, Nick. Get better, so I can see you soon," she whispered into his ear. "I love you, Nick." With that, she placed another quick kiss on Nick's mouth, and left the room.

A few weeks later...

"I'm so glad I'm finally going home. I miss my family. I've only seen them once during my entire stay here. Well, that's understandable being that they live in California," Nick chattered on, very relieved to be out of the hospital. Even though he still had to take it easy, he was still glad.

Bonnie and Nick were on their way to the car. When they reached it, and had settled in, Bonnie started the car, and slowly maneuvered the car out of the parking lot, and into the street.

"I'm glad that you're finally going home, too. Now, I can rest easy knowing that Andrew, the jerk, is behing bars, and will be for a long time, since you're pressing charges, and I pressed a lot of charges too, for different accounts," she said, easing onto the highway.

"Yeah. He's finally where he belongs," Nick replied, feeling great that everything was going back to the way it was.

Chapter 22
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