Chapter 22

Bonnie and Nick lay on Nick's bed, Bonnie's head carefully placed on Nick's chest, on his good side. They were watching an interesting movie. Life had finally gone back to normal. Bonnie looked up at Nick, and placed a kiss on his chin. He leaned his head down, and captured Bonnie's lips between his own, drawing her into a deep sensual kiss.

"Things couldn't be any better now that Andrew is put away for good," Bonnie whispered after they had broken apart, her hand going up and down his chest gently.

"Yeah. We don't have to worry about him anymore." Nick hesitated. "Bonnie..."

Bonnie looked up at Nick expectantly. He sat up, so Bonnie sat up as well. "What's up, Nick?"

Nick sighed. "Bonnie...I love you with all my heart and soul. I can't imagine being apart from you. I want to be with you forever...Will you marry me?" Nick said, pulling out an engagement ring box from his pocket. Bonnie stared at it in shock. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't have been more happier. Ever. She almost jumped into Nick's arms but remembered that he was still tender around where the wound was.

"Oh Nick! I love you too! Of course I'll marry you!" she said. They stopped their words with a sweet kiss.

When they broke away, Nick spoke up. "We're gonna be happy, baby. I'm gonna make up so happy, and there's nothing that can stop us from being happy now..."

In the lone, dark cell, Andrew sat on his small cot, anger and pure hatred running through his body.

"It isn't over yet, you little fools. You probably think you're so happy. But I won't let that happiness last. I'm going to ruin your lives for good," Andrew vowed, settling himself into his cot, all sorts of plans running through his head. No. He would not let them get away next time.

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