Chapter 4

"Hey, Bonnie. Of course I remember you. How could I forget..." Nick said, into the phone, plopping down on his bed. He heard her laugh.

"Really? Same here. So listen, are you going to be busy later on? I was wondering if we could do something together. You know, so I can thank you for last night. It really meant a lot to me," Bonnie whispered.

"That was no problem, Bonnie. You don't have to thank me. And sure, I would like to go out with you tonight," Nick said.

"Great! I met this girl, and I told her that we could do something tonight, so do you have a friend that can come with you so we can double date?" Bonnie asked.

Nick immediately thought of Brian, but it would be kind of hard, being that they didn't want to get swamped if they went out into the public without bodyguards. Especially two of the Backstreet Boys, which is harder to conceal than just one.

"Nick? Are you still there?" Bonnie asked.

"Oh yeah! Listen, I would have to get back to you on that one. I'll ask my friend, and see what he says, okay?" Nick said.

"Oh, yeah sure. I can always hang out with Emily tomorrow. So let's just go you and me, okay?" Bonnie said.

Nick immediately felt relieved. "Okay, Bonnie. That would be great," Nick replied.

"Okay, so how about around 8? At the LA Sheraton Hotel. My room is 745. You know where that is?" Bonnie asked, taking the cordless phone, towards the balcony. Seeing the many people that were enjoying the beach.

"Yeah, I know which one that is. So I'll see you later, okay? Bye," Nick said.

"Bye." Bonnie pressed the End button on the phone, and through it on the bed. She sighed.

Maybe things won't turn out so bad here. I already met the sweetest guy, and a really cool girl. I wish this could go on forever..."she trailed off, going back into her hotel room, to watch TV.

A few hours later, her phone rang. She picked it up.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hey, Bonnie! It's me Emily. Wanna go out for a shopping spree? I know where the coolest stores are," Emily said.

"Oh sure, Emily. I'll meet you in the lobby in 15 minutes, okay?" Bonnie said, excited that she was getting out of this boring room.

"Okay, Bonnie. Bye!"

Bonnie met Emily in the lobby a little while later.

"Ready to go?" Emily said, walking with her out of the hotel.

"Yeah. Definitely," Bonnie responded. It was such a beautiful sunny day. She wished her life were like that.

"Okay, then, let's go!" Emily said.

While they were shopping a while later,Emily was babbling about everything.

"Oh, I just absolutely love the Backstreet Boys! Aren't they like the best?" Emily said, pushing back her brown hair off of her face, sweat gleaming on her forehead. It was pretty hot that day.

Emily was only half paying attention to Emily, the other half was concentrated on what dress she would get."Who are they?" Emily inquired.

"You don't know who the Backstreet Boys are?? They're only the hottest boy band out!" Emily said.

"Really? I think I've heard of them. And some of their songs, but I never really got into them, I guess," Bonnie responded, finally deciding on which dress.

"Oh. Well my favorite is AJ because he's so spontaneous and crazy! Just like me sometimes," Emily said, continuing on the Backstreet Boys.

A few hours later, after they had finished shopping, Bonnie had told Emily that she would talk to her tomorrow, and was in her room, taking a shower, so she could get ready to go out on her date with Nick.

"Oh, what do I wear?" Nick said, frustratingly. On a very important night like this one, he couldn't seem to find something to wear.

"Nick, why don't you were a pair of khakis, and a shirt. It's not that big a deal," Howie said, entering the room just in time to hear Nick complain about what to wear. Nick just glared at Howie.

"Yes it is a big a deal, okay? Why don't you go buzz off?" he said, irritatingly, immediately regretting it. "I'm sorry, D, I'm just a bit jumpy," Nick apologized. Howie smiled.

"It's okay, man. I understand," Howie said, before he left the room. Nick decided to go with Howie's suggestion and put on a pair of khakis.

At eight, Bonnie heard someone knock on the door. She hurriedly grabbed her purse and swung the door open.

Chapter 5
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