Chapter 5

"Hey, Nick," Bonnie whispered, staring into Nick's beautiful eyes. She exited the room, and closed the door behind her.

"Hey, Bonnie. What's up?" Nick managed to say. He was still ogling how beautiful she looked. Her blonde hair up in a french twist, with curls falling down, and her blue eyes accentuated with her mascara. She was wearing a beautiful blue tank top, with a pair of khaki pants.

"Nothing much. Looks like we have a similar taste in clothes," Bonnie noticed, seeing that Nick also had a blue shirt and khakis, only the blue shirt was lighter than hers. Nick laughed.

"Yeah. We do. Is it okay if I take you to this nice little restaurant that I know? They have good desserts," Nick said, as they walked out of the hotel, and into his jeep. Just then, Bonnie froze. Nick stared confusingly at Bonnie. "Hey, hey are you okay?"

Bonnie stared at the guy across the street. It looked exactly like Andrew.It can't be. Could it?Bonnie thought, as she stared intently across the street.

"Bonnie, are you all right?" Nick asked, with a concerned look on his face. Bonnie looked at him.

"Sorry, Nick. I thought I saw someone I know. But it wasn't," she lied. She wasn't sure if it was really Andrew. She tried to calm down her nerves, so she could enjoy that night with Nick. Her mind had to be playing tricks on her. It had to.

Chapter 6
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