Chapter 6

Bonnie was quiet throughout the whole evening. Nick stared at her troubled face.

Maybe she doesn't wanna be here, Nick thought.

Bonnie couldn't get her mind off of that man that looked so much like Andrew. Could it have possibly been him? Bonnie thought pensively.

"Hey, are you okay? You're not talking much," Nick spoke up. Bonnie looked up and pasted a smile on her face.

"Oh, I'm all right, Nick. I was just thinking about how much I miss my family," she lied. That was the most plausible excuse. Nick believed it.

"Oh. Yeah, it must be tough. Why don't you give them a call? I mean, the odds that that guy has taps on your phone is pretty slim," Nick suggested.

"But I don't want to take the chance that he is. Knowing him, it is very likely," Bonnie said, "I don't want him to find out where I am. Especially if he's going to take me by surprise."

"Well, why don't you call one of your friends?" Nick said.

"I just don't wanna take the chance. It looks like I'm all alone. And I can't do anything about it," Bonnie said softly, tears welling up in her eyes.

Nick reached across the table and grabbed her hand. "Hey, you're not all alone. You have me," Nick said. Bonnie put a wobbly smile on her face.

"Thanks, Nick. For being there even if I only just met you yesterday," Bonnie said.

"Like I said before, no problem. I'll always be there for you if you need me. Even if you move on," he said.

"Thanks," Bonnie whispered.

They finished their meal a while later, and decided to go take a stroll down the beach.

"There's so many stars out tonight," Nick observed.

Bonnie looked up into the sky. The sky was really very beautiful. The crescent moon was very bright, contrasting against the dark sky.

"Yeah, you're right," Bonnie agreed. They walked a while longer, and then headed back to Nick's car.

On the way to her hotel, they talked very little. Bonnie decided to break the silence.

"Where do you live, Nick?" she asked.

"Around 15 minutes from where your hotel is," Nick answered.

"Do you live alone?" she asked, looking out the window, and seeing the trees rush by.

", but my family is on a vacation to Hawaii," Nick said. Bonnie looked at Nick strangely.

"Why didn't you go?" she asked curiously.

What do I say? I don't wanna tell her who I am yet. I wanna see if she would like me for me. I have plenty of timeNick thought, desperately trying to find an excuse. "Well, I just didn't have the time." He hoped that her curiousity was satiated; he didn't want to continue on this subject.

"Oh," Bonnie responded. She saw that they were already at the hotel. She opened the door and got out. When she saw Nick get out as well, she spoke up. "You don't have to take me upstairs, you know," she said.

Nick looked at Bonnie, smiling. "I'm a gentleman, right? I gotta escort you to your door..." he said, teasingly. Bonnie smiled.

"Okay, then," she said. They walked towards the elevators. A few minutes later, they were in front of her hotel room.

"I had a really great time," Nick said, leaning against the wall, while Bonnie unlocked the door.

"Me, too," she said, turning towards Nick when she had opened the door.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Nick questioned, getting closer to Bonnie.

"Yeah. You call me," she replied. When she saw him leaning closer, her heart started thumping.Oh my gosh, is he gonna kiss me?she thought.

Nick leaned in and placed his soft lips on hers gently. Bonnie responded to the kiss, and placed her arms around his neck. The kiss deepened, until they both got out of breath and broke away.

"Wow," Bonnie said, her cheeks flaming. Nick smiled sweetly.

" I'll see you tomorrow?" he repeated for the second time.

Bonnie laughed. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Nick. Sweet dreams," she said, stepping into the room.

"G'night, Bonnie. Sweet dreams to you too," he said. He impulsively leaned in and gave her a short kiss before stepping back and turning towards the elevators, his neck red.

Bonnie smiled as she watched him walk away.I think I'm falling in love...she thought, before closing the door, and heading towards the bedroom. She was tired, and was going directly to bed after she changed.

Nick walked into his house, feeling really happy. He was so happy. When he walked into the living room, he saw Kevin and Howie watching a movie. Kevin looked up.

"Hey, Nick. We gotta tell you something, and you won't like it. We hate the idea too, but we gotta deal with it," Kevin said. Nick immediately sat down on the chair in front of them.

"What's up? What happened?" Nick asked.

"Our schedule has been changed. We're going to start touring earlier than expected. We leave for our first concert in Germany next week."

Chapter 7
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