Chapter 7

"What!? That can't happen! It just can't!" Nick exploded. "I'm not going anywhere!" he continued. Kevin and Howie were taken aback. Just then, Brian and AJ entered the room.

"What's all this racket, guys?" Brian asked, settling himself into one of the chairs.

"Nick just found out that there has been a change of schedule. I didn't think he would take it that bad. Do you really need a vacation, Nick?" Howie teased.

"Shut the hell up, Howie. Nobody asked you anything, okay?" Nick shouted, steaming mad.

"Hey, calm down, Frack. We tried to change it, but management said there's no way. That we have to start touring in Germany next week. There's nothing we can do about it," Brian sympathized.

Nick put his head in his hands. What am I gonna do now? I can't just leave Bonnie. Especially right now, when she needs me. I know that I just met her, but I think I have serious feelings for her, and I can't leave her here...I just can't, Nick thought, trying to come up with something. He didn't know what to do.

Bonnie lay in bed, thinking about the kiss she had shared with Nick.He's such a great kisser,she thought, sighing. She wished she could stay here forever just to be with him. The phone's shrill ring startled her. She reached to get the cordless that was on the bedside table. "Hello?" she said into the phone, sitting up in bed. She hoped that it was Nick. She just heard heavy breathing. She immediately got scared. "Who is this?" she said, with a tremor in her voice.

"Guess who?" Andrew's voice came over the phone, laughing. "You thought you could get away from me? What'd you think I was, stupid? Nahh, I put a tracking device on your car. You will never be able to escape me now. I'll be over to get you love." He started to laugh again.

Bonnie dropped the phone, and ran into the closet. She extracted her suitcause, and began throwing clothes frantically into it. After she had put in all her clothes, she ran into the bathroom, almost tripping in her great rush to get out of there before Andrew came. She grabbed all her toiletries and carried them over to her suitcase. She had to leave. Now. She called the front desk to sign out and to ask for a taxi immediately. When she hung up, she grabbed her purse, her backpack, and her suitcase, and opened the hotel room door. She dragged the suitcase over to the elevators and waited impatiently for it to come.

"I gotta go tell Bonnie. I gotta tell her the truth," Nick kept on repeating. He grabbed his keys and was almost out the door, when Kevin stopped him.

"Where are you going at this time of night, Nick? It's very late," Kevin said.

"I gotta go see Bonnie. Right now," he said, trying to leave again, but Kevin's arm stopped him.

"Can't this wait until tomorrow? You'll have plenty of time then," Kevin reasoned. Nick pulled his arm away.

"No, Kev. I need to do this right now, or I won't be able to sleep. I have to tell her now." With that, he jogged towards his car, got in, and was soon screeching away towards the hotel where Bonnie was staying at.

"What's taking this taxi so long?" Bonnie said, desperate, and exasperated at the same time. She saw a jeep pull up in front of her. "Nick?"

Nick jumped out the car, in his rush, he almost passed right by Bonnie, when she heard her say his name. He turned to her, and saw her suitcase, and bags. He looked at her in confusion, forgetting the reason why he was there. "Where are you going, Bonnie?" Nick asked, puzzled.

Bonnie looked Nick straight in the eye. "I was about to leave," she said quietly. She saw the taxi pull up.

"But why, Bonnie? Why are you leaving?" he asked. She sighed.

"I received a phone call from Andrew. He knows where I am, and could be here any minute. He put some type of device on my car that tells where I am. I have to get out of here as soon as I can. I'm sorry that I wouldn't have time to say goodbye in person, but I was planning to call you," she said softly, looking away.

"You were going to leave without seeing me first?" he asked, hurt lacing his voice.

"I'm sorry, Nick. But you have to understand what I'm going through right now. I have to go right now," she insisted.

Nick thought of the perfect idea.

"Hey, come to my house. He won't be able to find you there," he said. Bonnie didn't have time to argue, all she wanted to do was get away. She nodded and started walking toward Nick's jeep, forgetting about the taxi.

They reached his house a while later. They both got out of the jeep, and Nick carried her suitcase. Bonnie just stared at the house. It was so big and beautiful. She slowly trailed behind Nick.

When they entered the house, everything was quiet, and the lights were off, except the light in the living room. Nick walked directly to his room, and Bonnie followed him. Once they were both sitting on his bed, Nick turned towards Bonnie. He had to tell her now.

"Nick, I have to get out of California as soon as possible. I can't risk staying here long. Especially so close to where he's at," Bonnie started.

"I know, Bonnie. I have to tell you something first," he said softly, hoping that she wouldn't get too upset.

"What is it, Nick?" Bonnie asked. Nick cleared his throat.

"Well, you see, I am, um, kinda, well, um..." he trailed off, unsure. Bonnie stared at him.

"Spit it out, Nick. What is it?" she asked. He decided to try again. To just say it straight out this time.

"Bonnie...I'm part of this pop group called the Backstreet Boys."

Chapter 8
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