Chapter 8

Bonnie sat there, absorbing the shock. This she had not anticipated. It just couldn't be. She distinctly remembered Emily telling her something about the Backstreet Boys, and hearing a couple of their songs. What were the odds that she would meet him? Pretty slim.

"Yeah right, Nick. Come on, will you please be serious?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Nick sighed and stood up. He walked over to his drawers, and pulled out a CD. He walked over to Bonnie and handed her the CD. She stared at it for so long her eyes began to water. It read: Backstreet Boys-Millennium. She saw Nick's face smiling back at her. She just couldn't believe it. A surge of anger went through her. She looked up at him.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" she asked angrily, standing up.

"Because I didn't want my fame to change anything about the way you would feel about me. I wanted to see that you truly did like me for who I am, not who I was. Please understand me," Nick pleaded. Bonnie sighed, and turned her gaze from his. She did understand.

"Yes, Nick. I understand you. So you must be the famous Nick Carter, huh? I never caught your last name, but I do remember hearing something on the radio about a Nick Carter, from the Backstreet Boys," she said, sitting herself back down.

Nick was so relieved that she understood his position. That showed how sincere, sweet, caring and understanding she really was. That made him fall for her even harder.

"Yeah, that's me," he said. Something just occured to Bonnie.

"Hey, why did you show up at the hotel so late?" she wondered. Nick looked up, remembering what had happened earlier. He sighed, and sat down next to Bonnie.

"Our tour date got moved to next week. We're leaving in like two days to Germany to start off our tour," Nick said softly. He looked down at his hands.

"Oh, I see," Bonnie whispered.

"Hey! Why don't you come on tour with me? Isn't that a great idea, and an answer to all of your problems? Well, your immediate problems, anyway," Nick said, excitedly. He hadn't thought of this before. He thought his idea was ingenious. Bonnie brightened momentarily.

"But, Nick. I don't even know you. I can't just go with you on your tour. I met you yesterday for pete's sake," Bonnie said.

"So what? I already know that I'm attracted to you; I feel as if I've know you forever. You could come with us at least until you decide where to go. And I think Germany is the perfect place. In fact, touring with us is the perfect escape. He will never know," Nick reasoned, trying desperately to persuade Bonnie to agree with him. What would the guys say about this? He would have to sit down and explain it to them, but he thought they would understand.

"Okay, Nick. It's a deal. I go with you until I decide what to do. You're right. Germany is the perfect place to hide. Thanks so much," she said, as she stood up and walked over to Nick. She put her arms around him in a hug. They soon found themselves glued at the lips, their mouths moving over the other's. Nick pushed her back onto his bed, and continued their little make out session.

Chapter 9
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