Chapter 9

The next morning, Bonnie opened her eyes, and found herself in an unfamiliar room. The bright light flooding through the window almost blinded her. She turned her head, and almost gasped in shock. Nick was sleeping beside her, his hair messy, and his lips slightly parted. What did I do? she thought, desperately trying to remember if they had done anything. Nothing came to her memory, so she sighed in relief.

Nick slowly opened his eyes, and saw Bonnie wasn't beside him anymore. He groaned, and sat up. He got out of bed, and walked towards his adjoining bathroom. He opened the door and his jaw dropped. Bonnie was naked in front of him. He immediately turned crimson.

Bonnie's face turned red as well. She grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around herself. "Nick! What are you doing in here?" she asked. Nick turned even more red.

"I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in here." He quickly got out of the bathroom, and closed the door behind me, but her naked image was still implanted in his head vividly. She was so beautiful. He sighed, and walked downstairs to eat some breakfast. He found that all four of his bandmates were already in the kitchen. He decided this was the perfect moment to tell them about Bonnie.

"Hey, Frack, what's up?" Brian said, eating some cornflakes. Howie and Kevin were eating cereal as well. AJ was eating some eggs and toast.

"Umm...I have something to tell you..."

A while later, Nick had gotten the guys to agree to allow Bonnie on tour with him, after he had explained what was going on with her. He knew he shouldn't have told them but it was the only way they would have agreed, because management was very picky about who went on tour with the guys. Especially if they were girlfriend-type.

Chapter 10
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