Chapter 3

Jessica lay in her bed that night, her thoughts full of Nick. She turned her head towards the window, and stared out at the full moon. She sighed.

"We will never be together. I know that now. I don't deserve him. Mrs. Carter is right. He is way beyond my level of everything." Her eyes filled with tears, and she let them flow freely onto her pillow.

"Why is life so unfair?" she said.

A month later...

"God! I have to think of something so Jess and I can be together," Nick said.

"Man, this sure sounds like Romeo and Juliet to me," Brian snorted.

"You're not helping, Bri." They had officially gone on vacation for two months. Their next tour was six months away.

Kevin had gone back to Lexington, Kentucky with his wife. Howie had gone on a vacation to some remote island with his girlfriend, and AJ had gone home, which wasn't too far away. But he was probably at some club partying the night away. Brian had sold his Florida home because numerous fans had found out where he lived, and he could never get any peace. So he was staying here in Nick's mansion until he could find another place.

"Where is this girl anyway? I haven't seen her in a while myself," Brian said, leaning back on the cushioned chair in Nick's bedroom.

"I don't know, she has to be around somewhere, but I haven't seen her at all in the last month. Can you believe that? Live under the same room, and I haven't seen her once," Nick complained.

"Your mother probably arranged that," Brian commented dryly. Nick had thought of that as well, but he didn't think his mom would go so far.

"Every time I try to go to the maids' wing, my mother stops me. Ugh! I'm gonna have to sneak over there," Nick joked. But then he thought about it. "Wait a minute. That's what I'm gonna do! In the middle of the night, I'm gonna sneak over to Jessica's room," Nick said excitedly.

"You do what you gotta do, buddy, but I'm turning in. It's pretty late and I'm tired," Brian said, yawning. He stood up, stretched, and walked to the door. "Goodnight, Nick." He exited the room, and headed towards the guestroom where he was staying at.

Chapter 4
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