Chapter 14

Nick rushed into the hospital and ran to the desk, panting for breath. The nurse behind the desk looked up and gave him a pleasant smile. She looked to be in her mid twenties.

"Hi, may I help you, sir?" the nurse asked.

"Yes, I'm looking for the room where my wife is located. Her name is Jenna Carter," Nick replied. The nurse typed something on the computer keyboard.

"Ah, yes, you're wife is in room 218," the nurse said.

"Okay, thanks." Nick left the desk and ran to the elevators, impatiently jabbing at the button with his finger. Finally, the doors swung open and he stepped in. He pressed 2 on the panel, and patiently waited for the short ride up. When the doors had opened, he ran down the hall.

"210...212...218." He stopped in front of her room, and pushed open the door. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Jen?" he called out.

"Here, Nick," Jenna whispered. Nick came farther into the room, and saw Jenna holding a baby in her arms. He stood there, awed at the sight.

"It's a girl, Nick. Emily Anne Carter like we decided," she said softly, smiling. "Here, wanna hold her?"

He nodded mutely. He walked over to the bed. Jenna outstretched her arms, and Nick took the baby from her arms. The baby had the most incredibly bright blue eyes he had ever seen. They were so beautiful. Her hair appeared to be blond.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Jenna asked.

"She's gorgeous. Hey, I thought you would still be in labor," Nick commented.

"Once I started to push, she was small enough to come out very easily. Once her head was out, everything else was a breeze. I'm sorry you missed it," she said.

"Yeah, me too. I shouldn't have gone to that stupid party," Nick said.

"Sorry I pushed you to go. I had no idea this would happen," Jenna apologized.

"It's okay, baby, as long as Emily is okay. And she looks great to me," Nick said. He put the baby back into Jenna's arms. Just then, a nurse entered the room.

"I'm sorry, sir, visiting hours are over. You're going to have to come tomorrow." She walked over to the bedside. "Mrs. Carter, I will take the baby now so you can get some rest."

"No, it's okay, I-" Jenna started.

"I'm sorry but I have to take her." The nurse took the baby from Jenna's arms and walked out of the room. Jenna sighed.

"Well, honey, I better get going, I don't want her to come in here again and kick me out," Nick said. He kissed Jenna softly on the mouth. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. Bye, Jen." Nick walked out of the hospital, thinking how lucky he was to have a beautiful wife and a gorgeous baby girl.

5 years later...

Jenna soaped the sponge so she could do the dishes, sighing miserably. She couldn't believe that she wasn't happy. She felt as if she had no life. Lately, she had been thinking more and more of Brian. Even after the group had broken up, they kept in touch. Nick didn't know of course, because then he would get mad and very jealous. She knew Nick kept in touch with the other three, but not with Brian.

How ironic. The ones who were bestest of friends are not friends anymore, Jenna thought.

Emily ran into the room, her long blond hair flying. "Mommy, mommy! Daddy said he has a big surprise for me," she said gleefully.

"That's great, sweetheart," Jenna said absentmindely, her thoughts stuck on Brian. Emily sat down on the kitchen table, a barbie in one hand, and her thumb in her mouth.

Jenna knew that Emily's 5th birthday was tomorrow, and had already planned the party and had sent out invitations. But she had wanted to invite Brian, and she didn't know how she was going to do that without Nick getting suspicious. Anyway, Nick wouldn't want to have Brian in this house. Just then, Nick entered the room.

"Hey, baby," he greeted, kissing Jenna fully on the lips. She half-heartedly returned the gesture, forcing a smile.

"Hey, honey. What's this about a surprise for Emily?"

"Oh, I can't tell you that! Then Emily would know!" Nick said, laughing.

"Daddy, tell me! I wanna know!" Emily said, jumping off her chair and running into Nick's arms. He picked her up and sat down in the chair she had just occupated.

"I can't tell you, sweetie, you'll find out tomorrow, okay?" Nick promised, kissing her on the cheek.

"Okay, Daddy! I wanna go play now." Emily jumped off Nick's lap, and ran out of the room and up the stairs. Jenna decided this was the perfect time to ask.

"So, Nick. Why don't we invite Brian? I think you guys need to get over your differences. We're mature adults now, and an immature act on my and his part shouldn't affect your friendship now. I think you should invite him to Emily's birthday party, and from there maybe restore your friendship," Jenna suggested, her heart pounding. Nick sat thoughtfully for a second, then sighed.

"Look, Jenna. I know it was immature and that now we are much older and wiser than we were five years ago. And I have missed Brian a lot. So I think what you suggested is a very good idea," Nick said, leaning over and planting a kiss on her mouth.

"But that's just because I trust you, honey. I trust you, and I love you."

"I love you too, Nick." And oddly she meant it. She still loved Nick. But then what was wrong? What was she missing?

And why am I so unhappy? she thought.

Chapter 15
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