Chapter 18

Jenna consciously wringed her fingers. She was very nervous about lying to Nick. She was fretting that Nick would see right through her.

The party had been long over, and everyone had left. Nick and Jenna were cleaning up the house, while little Emily slept.

When they had finished cleaning everything, they grabbed a couple of soda cans from the freezer, and went to sit down on the couch. They had been watching TV for a little while now, and Jenna's heart was beating a mile a minute. She was beyond nervous.

"Sweetie, you seem very pensive tonight. Is anything wrong?" Nick asked sweetly, covering one of her hands with one of his own. Jenna looked up at Nick. He was so sweet and caring. She couldn't believe she was doing this to him again.

"No, not really. Ohh, Nick, I forgot I told Lisa that I was going to go over her house tonight. She wanted to catch up," Jenna lied, her throat closing up. She felt as if she were going to throw up.

Why do I feel so sick? It's not like this should be affecting me physically, she thought.

"Oh, okay, Jen. Why don't you head over there now so you won't come back so late, and maybe we can talk a bit. I really miss our long conversations," Nick whispered, leaning closer to Jenna, one of his hands caressing her face.

"Okay, Nick. I better go now," Jenna whispered. She hesitated a second before she leaned in and kissed Nick's beautiful lips.

"I love you," Nick said, his blue eyes looking deep into her. She could have sworn Nick knew every detail about the adulterous deed she was about to commit.

"I love you, too, Nick." Jenna pulled him closer and hugged him. She laid her head on his shoulder a minute before standing up.

"I'll come as soon as I can. Do you want me to check on Emmy before I leave or will you?" Jenna asked, picking up her purse and keys.

"I'll do it, baby, don't worry. Go have fun," Nick said. Jenna froze. She knew it. He had found out. But then she relaxed.

What am I thinking? I'm feeling so guilty, I'm going paranoid! Jenna thought as she blew Nick a kiss, and exited the house.

A little while later, she was ringing the doorbell of a very huge, luxurious house, sitting alone on a tall hill. The view of the ocean was gorgeous. Everything could be seen from up there.

Brian swung open the door, and smiled.

"Jen!" he said with pleasure. He hadn't been completely sure that she would come. He had been sure that she would back out, but she hadn't. Jenna threw herself into his arms, and they began to passionately kiss in the doorway. Brian broke away.

"I think we should go inside. We don't want anyone to see us, now do we?" Brian murmured, closing the door behind him.

Brian led her to the couch and the fell into it, Brian on top of Jenna.

"I've missed you so much, Jen. You don't know how painful these last five years have been for me," Brian whispered, while he unbuttoned her blouse.

"Me, too, Brian. I can't wait to be with you," Jenna said, letting herself drown in the delicious feeling.

A few hours later, Jenna entered her house, feeling guilty as hell. It was eating her up inside. Would she be able to survive betraying Nick with Brian? She sighed, and slowly walked up the steps. She checked in on Emily, and saw that she was fitfully sleeping. She quietly closed the door behind her, then she walked into her bedroom, and saw Nick reading with his glasses on. He looked so hot and sexy with those glasses on that Jenna felt herself growing hot again. Nick looked up and smiled.

"Hey, sweetie, how'd it go?" he asked.

"It was all right," Jenna answered. That's an understatement, she thought.

"That's great, baby. Come on, get into bed. I need you so bad right now," Nick whispered. Luckily, Jenna had showered at Brian's house. She undressed quickly and got into bed with Nick.

Why am I doing this to this sweet guy? All I'm gonna end up doing is hurt him a lot. He'll never forgive me this time! What do I do? Jenna thought, as Nick kissed her neck, and ran his hands over her.

I'm gonna have to think up of something...really fast, she thought, miserably. She couldn't continue juggling two guys. Tonight was the perfect example of how disastrous it was. Going from one bed to another. With two different guys. On the same day. Jenna sighed. She definitely had to do something.

Chapter 19
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