Chapter 4

A few days later, they were at a hotel in France. The Backstreet tour was finally coming to a beginning. They were going to have a concert that night. Right now, they were at sound check, and Jenna stayed in the hotel, bored like hell.

"If I knew that this was what I was gonna be doing all the time, I'd have rather stayed behind," she said to herself. She turned the TV on. Like that helped much, since all of the channels were in French. She sighed, and turned it back off. She decided to take a walk outside.

Once she was outside, she walked aimlessly for what seemed like hours. She found herself sitting down at a local park, and watched the children play.

It was pretty cold, and Jenna wasn't producing much heat with her light jacket, so she decided to head back to the hotel.

When she entered her hotel room, she found that Nick and Brian were there, playing video games. She shook her head.

"Guys, is that all you're gonna do while you're here in Paris? Play video games all the time? I might as well not have come," she pouted, "Leaving me all alone in this stuffy hotel room with nothing to do."

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry. Come here," Nick said. He paused the game, and stood up. Brian just watched with jealousy as Nick kissed Jenna thoroughly, and slid his hands up and down her body.

"What are we gonna do?" Jenna inquired, breaking away the kiss, aware that Brian was watching them intently.

"Whatever you want, baby. I'd do anything to please you," he said, kissing her on the neck.

Brian seethed inside. He hated how this jealousy was going to eat him alive if he didn't do anything about it. He decided to leave. "Hey, Nick, I'm gonna head down to get some food. I'm kinda hungry. I'll talk to ya later. Bye," Brian said, before exiting the room.

"Good, we're alone," Nick whispered, leading Jenna towards the big bed, and pulling her with him as he lay down.

Jenna's head filled with thoughts of Brian, and what it would be like to be with him.What am I thinking? Especially when I'm with Nick. I need to get some serious mental help, she told herself, falling into Nick's kisses and caresses.

Brian decided to go for a walk so he could cool off. He was still raging with jealousy from seeing Nick kiss the girl he loved. "Oh, God, how could I have let myself fall for her? How?" he said, as he took the same route that Jenna had taken earlier that day.

In the aftermath of their lovemaking, Nick pulled Jenna into his arms, and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you, baby. So much. I will always love you, Jen. Always," Nick whispered.

"I love you, too, Nick," Jenna responded, cuddling closer to Nick.

Chapter 5
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