Chapter 2

Nick entered his house, and dropped his keys on the foyer table. He was walking up the stairs when Brian's voice stopped him. Brian and Leighanne were staying with him while they recorded their new album since Brian didn't own a house in Florida. Kevin and Kristin were staying with Howie.

"Hey, Nick, what's up?" Brian asked from the living room.

"Nothing," Nick replied, depressed.

"You sound a little down. Did you finally tell Carrie?" Leighanne asked.

"No, I didn't tell her. And because I didn't, she got mad at me," Nick said. "I really just wanna go to bed right now, guys. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight, Nick," Leighanne and Brian said.

Nick walked up the rest of the stairs heavily. He went into his bedroom and plopped down on his bed. He decided to call Carrie. He picked up the cordless phone on his bedside table and dialed her house.

"Hello?" Carrie's sixteen-year-old brother, Alex, answered.

"Oh, hey, Alex. Is Carrie around?" Nick asked.

"Um...I think so. Let me get her for you." Alex put down the phone, and shouted Carrie's name.

"What?" Carrie shouted back.

"Nick's on the phone for you!"

"Okay!" Carrie walked down the stairs, in no hurry to get the phone. Finally, she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hey...are you mad at me?" Nick asked softly.

"I thought I told you I wasn't mad. You think I'm a liar now?" Carrie said, her anger resurfacing. She hated it when people told her they were going to tell her something, but then decided to put it off.

"No, that's not it-" Nick started.

"Just leave me alone right now, okay Nick?" Carrie said, extremely annoyed. She thought that her anger was irrational, because here he was trying to be sweet and caring, and she was just biting his head off.

"Okay, Carrie. I'm sorry, baby. I love you," Nick said softly. Carrie pretended not to hear, and hung up the phone. Feeling worse than before, she headed back up to her room to have a good cry.

Nick hung up the phone, his eyes watery. Carrie had never been this mad at him before, and he didn't know what to do. She was always so easygoing. He thought calling Carrie would resolve everything, but apparently he was wrong. He closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep.

The next morning, Carrie woke up with a pounding headache. She stood up from her bed, and grabbed her towel on her way to the bathroom. She stripped, and turned the water on steaming hot. She hoped that the heat would assuage her headache. She felt rotten over how she had treated Nick last night. She decided to call him and apologize.

"No, he's the one who needed to apologize and he did. Now all he has to do is tell me what's going on, and everything will be fine," Carrie told herself.

While she was eating breakfast, the doorbell rang. She glanced at the clock. It was Sunday, so everyone was still sleeping even if it was close to ten. She jumped off the kitchen stool and went to open the front door. When she swung it open, she found Nick standing there with a dozen white roses in his hands, her favorite.

"Oh, Nick," she said, her heart melting. He held out the roses, and she grabbed them and inhaled deeply, loving the fresh scent they emanated. She went and put them in one of the vases that was on top of the refrigerator. She put water in it, and stuffed the roses in it, then put the vase on the kitchen table. She turned around and found Nick right behind her. She walked into his arms and held him really tight. She inhaled his cologne, and almost sighed. She felt horrible for being so mean to him. She pulled back, and gently placed her lips over his, sucking on his lower lip softly, and letting her tongue slide over his lips. Her arms went around his neck and pulled him closer. He had to bend down pretty far to kiss her, being that she was 5'4, and he was over six feet. She pulled away, giving him a short kiss before extracting herself from his arms.

"I'm sorry," she breathed out, burying her head on his chest.

"No, I'm the one who's sorry for making you mad at me. I guess I better tell you now," Nick said, reluctantly.

"Yeah, you should. Come on, let's sit down," Carrie said. They each sat down on a stool, facing each other.

"So, what is it that you have to tell me?" Carrie asked, looking at Nick expectantly.

"Um..." he cleared his throat. "We're going on tour for three months in two weeks," he finally blurted out.

Chapter 3
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