Chapter 1

"Nick, man, I think you'd better chill. I know you don't like me telling you think, but you change girls like you change underwear!" Brian complained. "You're getting to be worse than AJ!"

"Brian, I appreciate your concern, but will you please mind your business? What do you care who I go out with? It's my life, so let me live it my way, okay? Sheesh!" Nick said, exasperated. He headed out of the living room of the hotel suite, and slammed the door behind him.

Brian shook his head sadly. Nick had changed terribly after his relationship with Gina. She had left him flat, hurting him deeply, and now to console himself he had a different girl every day. But he and Gina had broken up over six months ago, and he still hadn't stopped with his obsession for girls. At the rate Nick was going, he would eventually get a sexually transmitted disease.

They were in a different city every day because of the tour, but even that didn't stop Nick from finding girls, loving them and leaving them; telling them that he loved them, but just buttering them up, because all he wanted was one thing.

Nick angrily stalked out of the hotel, not caring if anyone recognized him. He was sick of Brian telling him what to do. He was old enough to make his own decisions. He was almost 21. Why couldn't anyone accept that?

"I better stop thinking about this, it's only giving me a headache," Nick muttered, spotting a café. He quickly entered it, and sat down at the closest table he could find. He slumped over, and put his head in his hands. All he wanted and needed right now was a lovely lady to spend the night with.

"May I help you, sir?" a voice asked. Nick looked up, and saw a small, pretty brunette in a waitress uniform. He smiled. She would do perfectly. He saw that the girl recognized who he was. Her eyes widened and she started to blush.

"I-I-" she stammered.

"It's okay...Nicole," Nick said, looking at her name tag. "You don't have to get all tongue-tied. Wanna have a drink with me?" he asked. The girl looked so regretful and torn.

"I don't get off until 9," she said hopefully. Nick smiled.

"That's perfect. I'll swing around at 9. See ya then, Nicole. I don't feel like ordering any more," Nick said. With that, he stood up, and walked out of the café . The girl just stared after him, wide-eyed. None of her friends would believe she was going to have a drink with Nick Carter. They were all very huge fans of Nick Carter. They'd never believe her. They would if she had pictures. Smiling, she got back to work.

Nick entered the hotel suite he was sharing with Brian and Leighanne reluctantly. He didn't want Brian to start with him again. He heaved a sigh of relief when he noticed that Brian wasn't in the room. He was probably off somewhere with his wife, Leighanne. Nick plopped down on his bed, and decided to have a little nap before he went out to meet...whatever her name was.

At around one o'clock, Nick entered the suite, trying not to make too much noise. He had had a great time with the chick he had been with. But now he was tired and worn out, and all he wanted was to get to bed without waking anyone up. He stumbled into his room, and closed the door behind him. He didn't bother to change clothes, he just slipped under the cool covers, and was out in two minutes.

Chapter 2
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