Chapter 3

"Hey, Carol. Did your boyfriend show up?" Lorelei asked, dropping on her bed. Carol looked to be in the same position that Lorelei had found her in hours ago.

"No. The fool didn't show up! Ugh! I'm gonna break up with him! I'm through with his shit!" Carol grumbled.

"Oh, come on, Carol! You say that about a billion times a week. Why would this time be any different?" Lorelei said. She sat up, and grabbed her Psychology textbook from her nightstand and started to flip through the chapter they were in. She put the book right back, and decided to go online for a little while, chat with some friends if they're on, and then go back to her Psychology book.

"Whatever, Lori. I'm gonna go take a shower. I reek!" Carol said, standing up from her bed. She grabbed the bag that held her toiletries, picked up her towel from the floor, and exited the room.

"Ohhh...I'm in loooove! Nick is sooo hot! And sooner or later, I know we'll end up together. It's obvious we were meant for each other," Lorelei said to herself, smiling.

"Do you think I should go now?" John asked, nervously.

"To do what, dude?" Nick asked. He was lying on his bed, flipping through the magazine Lorelei had been flipping through earlier.

"Ask Lorelei out! I can't take it anymore. I don't want to wait forever and then have some other guy ask her out!" John exclaimed, standing up from his desk where he had been doing his Calculus III homework.

"Um...yeah, sure, before you lose your nerve," Nick said.

"I'll see ya later, Nick. I'll tell you what happens." John exited the room.

"Oh, you sure will. I'll make sure of that," Nick mumbled, unable to ignore the twinge of jealousy that had sprouted.

Lorelei jumped when there was a knock on her door. Who could it be? Carol was still in the shower. She stood up from bed, dropped her Psychology book on the table, and walked to the door, swinging it open. To her surprise it was John, Nick's roommate. She smiled.

"Hey, John! What's up?" Lorelei asked.

"Um, can I come in? I just wanted to ask you something," John responded. Lorelei cocked her head.

"Sure, John. Come in." Lorelei opened the door wider, allowing John to enter the room. "Sit down on the desk chair over there."

After they were both settled, John cleared his throat.

"So what brings you by? I mean, you can whenever you want, but I'm just wondering," Lorelei asked. She crossed her leg, her skirt rising considerably. John stared at her legs, a flush creeping up on his cheeks.

"I, uh...was wondering...if you'd like to go out with me this weekend," John rushed out, looking down at his hands. He didn't see the thorough shock that flashed through her face, but she quickly masked it.

"Sure, John. That would be great," she said, not missing a beat. She didn't want to hurt his feelings. He really was a cutey, and was really sweet, too. It wouldn't take much to fall for him. But she already had her heart set on Nick. the same time, she liked John too, for always being so sweet to her.

"Really?" John's head whipped up.

"Of course!" Lorelei laughed, touching his knee with her hand briefly. That was almost his undoing.

"Great!" John said, standing up, not knowning what else to do after the shock of her accepting. He really hadn't expected her to accept. But she had!

"Well, I'll talk to you about the details tomorrow, okay? I better go now, I have a huge Calculus test tomorrow," John said.

"Okay." She walked him to the door. She leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I'll see you later, John."

"Bye," he said, smiling like an idiot. He left her room, and she closed the door behind him. John was a really great person. She definitely wouldn't mind going out with him.

"How'd it go?" Nick asked, anxiously, when John entered with a stupid smile on his face.

"She said yes! I couldn't believe my ears when she agreed to go out with me this weekend! And she kissed me!" John exclaimed, touching his cheek.

"On the cheek?" Nick inquired.

"Yeah. That's a great start so far. I'm gonna make her so happy this weekend, she's gonna wanna go out with me again, and again, and again, until she falls in love with me!" John said, flopping down on his bed, sighing happily.

"And how exactly are you gonna accomplish that?" Nick asked.

"Well...I don't know yet, but I'll figure it out. It's Thursday, so I'll make out date for Saturday night. I'm gonna take her to the fanciest restaurant around," John said.

"Where are you gonna get the money from?" Nick asked. He already had an idea, judging from John's designer clothes, and top of the line computer. His parents probably gave him the money.

"Oh...uh..." he blushed. "Okay, so I accept money from my parents, big deal! They want me to concentrate on my studies and not on some job," John defended himself before Nick commented.

"Okay," Nick said, nodding. All he wanted to do was ask Lorelei out. But would it be prudent, being that his roommate was practically in love with her? He didn't know, but he was still planning on asking her out, regardless of what his roommate said. He really didn't know the guy, and if he didn't, then he wouldn't feel so guilty going after the girl he loves.

And as the old saying goes...Everything's fair in love and war.

Chapter 4
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