Chapter 11

Josh and Janie, Jason's girlfriend, were engaged in very hot sexual intercourse. Josh was moving over Janie, moaning deeply. That's what the noises she had heard had been. Complete and total rage filled her insides. She knew she had just done the same thing, but she had done it by accident. These two looked like they were experienced with each other.

"Josh!" she screeched. Josh and Janie both looked up in surprise. Josh's eyes widened.

"Oh, my God! Crystal, it's not what it looks like!" Josh said, scrambling off of Janie.

"Oh yeah? Then what the hell was it then? She accidently tripped and landed on your penis?" she said explictly. She didn't care, she was too enraged.

"Crystal, please don't be this way! I love you so much! I just needed to satisfy my sexual desires because you weren't giving them to me, so I had to get them from somewhere. She means nothing to me, Crystal! I love you!" he cried.

"Oh, fuck you, Joshua Payton!" Crystal screamed, before she ran out of the room.

"Crystal! Come back here! Please! Crystal!" Josh said. He picked up his discarded pants and almost fell in his haste to put them on.

Crystal ran blindly out of the house and into her back yard. She quickly climbed up the trellis and landed on her back in her room, sobs racking her body once again.

"Crystal! What's wrong?" Nick said, alarmed. He flew off the bed, and ran to her side. Crystal continued to cry. Nick picked her up and placed her on her bed. From a distance, he heard the doorbell ring.

"Sweetie, what's the matter?" he asked softly, brushing her hair away from her face.

"J-Josh! The damn jerk! H-He ch-cheated on me with that bitch Janie! I saw them having sex!" Crystal cried, throwing herself into Nick's arms. He wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back.

"'s okay, Crystal. Don't cry, baby, you're breaking my heart," Nick whispered. Just then, there was a knock at her door. Both Nick and Jessica looked up.

"Crystal, honey, please open the door! I want to explain!" Josh said from the other side. Nick was about to open his mouth when Crystal silenced him.

"Don't say anything. That'll make matters worse. He'll tell my dad and he'll surely kill me!" Crystal whispered. She stood up, and walked up to her door.

"I told you to fuck off, Josh. Or don't you understand? Leave me alone, asshole, I don't want to speak to your sorry ass ever again!" she said.

"Please, let me explain! I told you that it meant nothing to me!" he protested.

"Oh, cut the bullshit, Josh! Stop trying to justify yourself. I can't believe I could have ever thought that I loved you. You're a pathetic asshole! So leave me the hell alone!" she screeched.

"But, Crystal-" Josh started. He was interrupted by Eric Marshal.

"What is going on here?" Eric bellowed.

"Oh, God," Crystal groaned.

"Crystal won't let me in her room," Josh explained. Crystal felt as if she would explode from anger.

"Crystal, open the door this minute!" Eric demanded.

"Fuck off!" she screamed, not caring that she was talking to her father.

"What the hell did you just say to me, you ungrateful bitch?" Eric cried, exploding.

"Oh, man, what have I done? I just made matters a million times worse! He'll murder me for sure!" she wailed. Nick walked up to her.

"Crystal, please, let's go! He's going to beat you again!" Nick whispered. She shook her head.

"I can't, Nick. It'll get even worse," she cried.

"Crystal, open the damn door now, before I break it down, you slutty bitch!" Eric screamed.

"Uh, Mr. Marshal-" Josh said.

"Shut up, Josh!" Eric snapped. Josh closed his mouth. Eric started to slam his shoulder against the door.

Amanda Marshal heard the commotion, but dared not leave her room for fear that Eric would bash in her face. She softly cried.

"I do want to help you, Crystal. I really do! But I don't want Eric to kill me!" she sobbed.

Eric kept on slamming his shoulder onto her door. Josh just stood there, dumbfounded.

"When I get in there, I'm gonna tear your head off, you hear me? Worse than before!" Eric raged.

"Nick, you better go! I don't want your presence to make things even worse," Crystal pleaded.

"But-" Nick protested.

"No, Nick. Do you want things to go worse for me? I'm gonna have to face him sooner or later! Please leave now! I'll talk to you later, okay?" Crystal cried, pushing him towards the window.

"Okay," he reluctantly agreed, "but don't forget I love you, Crystal."

"I love you too, Nick," Crystal said softly.

"And, Crystal, I promise you that I'm going to take you away and protect you from that bastard. I promise you that we're going to have a better life after this. It will get better, Crystal. Believe that." She nodded tearfully. He planted a feverish kiss on her lips, and with that, Nick went out the window, and down the trellis.

Crystal turned around, and took a deep breath. She had to face him sooner or later, and she'd rather he didn't break down the door. As if in slow motion, she walked over to her bedroom door, unlocked it, and flung it open, prepared for the very worst.

Chapter 12
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