Chapter 15

Nick dejectedly walked back to Crystal's room. When he walked in, he closed the door behind him and went to sit beside her. He realized that her eyes were closed. She looked like she was sleeping. He sighed and put his head in his hands. He jerked his head back up when he heard a moan.

Crystal slowly opened her eyes. She saw something from the corner of her eye and turned her head in that direction. She realized it was Nick, and tried to smile.

"Nick," she whispered hoarsely.

"Crystal! You woke up!" Nick exclaimed, jumping up from his chair. He was so happy that she had come out of her...trance so to speak. He leaned down and engulfed her in a big hug.

"God, you don't know how happy I am that you're okay," Nick murmured. Crystal put her arms around Nick's neck, pulling him closer to her. She buried her face in his neck, and let the tears start to flow.

He heard her, and he hugged her closer.

"Don't cry, sweetie. It'll be okay. Please, Crystal, come with me. Let's leave this place. Away from everyone that's hurt you and me," Nick pleaded.

Crystal pulled back and looked into Nick's eyes and slowly nodded.

"Yes, Nick. I won't wait until he kills me. I wanna go far away from here. And I wanna go with you. Please don't ever leave me. You're the only person that means something to me," she whispered.

"Of course, I'll never leave you, Crystal. I love you," he said.

"I love you too," she said. Nick leaned in slowly and settled his lips over hers, parting his mouth and softly running his tongue over her lips. She pulled back.

"Thank you, Nick," Crystal said.

"Why?" Nick asked, confused.

"For saving my life and for caring so much about me to risk yours," she said quietly.

"Don't worry, Crystal. We'll be happy. That you can be sure of."

"When are we leaving?" Crystal asked.

"Well, we'll have to sneak back into our houses to take money and clothes. I know where my dad has a stash of thousands of dollars. I've heard my mom tell him to put it in the back, but he's too stubborn. He says that they'll just steal his money. Can you believe you narrow-minded he is? Anyway, hon, I know you probably won't wanna sneak into your house, so I can go for you," he offered.

"No. I'll go myself. I'll sneak in through my window to take my clothes. My dad has a MAC card, so I can sneak into his room when he's sleeping and take it," Crystal said.

"Crystal, isn't that a little too risky?" Nick asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I guess, but we have to take as much money as we possibly can. Then I can take my clothes, my mom's money, my dad's money, and all of it combined we should be able to come up with a pretty plum amount," Crystal said.

"Yeah. Okay, but we'll have to wait until the doctor releases you," Nick said.

"No, Nick! I wanna leave now. The sooner the better. And if you disagree, well that's tough. I'll leave here with or without you. It's your decision," she said. She knew she was bluffing. She would never leave without him, but she didn't want to stay here another second. Nick sighed.

"Okay, Crystal. Well, let's get going. Your shirt was thrown in the trash because it was torn, so you can borrow my undershirt. Your jeans are in that drawer over there," he said, pointing to the set of drawers next to the bed.

"Okay," Crystal said, standing up and walking to the drawer. She opened it and took out her jeans, slipping them on quickly. Nick took off his undershirt and handed it to Crystal while he put on his shirt.

A few minutes later, they were ready to go. Nick grabbed Crystal's hand.

"Okay, act natural. Let's go," Nick said. They walked out of the room, and sneaked past the nurses' station and into the elevators.

When they reached Nick's car, or rather his dad's car, Nick unlocked the doors and they entered the car. He turned on the engine, exited the parking lot, and headed towards their block. Crystal's heart was pounding but she knew she had to get this over with, and start a whole new life with Nick.

Chapter 16
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