Chapter 18

Crystal yawned, and tried to stretch her arms. She scooted closer to Nick, and laid her head on his shoulder. Nick took one of his hands from the steering wheel and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.

"Tired, sweetie?" he asked.

"Uh-huh. You don't mind if I fall asleep, do you?" she asked.

"No, hon, go right ahead. I'll wake you up when I see a motel far enough away from Ruskin," he said.

"Okay," Crystal said, yawning again. She snuggled up to Nick, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Three hours later, Nick saw a Motel 6 down the road. It would have to do, because he was very tired. It was almost dawn, and he was dead tired.

"Crystal? Wake up, sweetie," Nick said, shaking one of her shoulders. Crystal groggily opened her eyes.

"Huh? Where are we, Nick?" she asked.

"We're in Doylestown, far away from Ruskin," Nick replied. Crystal sat up, and yawned.

"We're gonna stop at that motel," Nick said, as they approached the motel.

"Okay. I know I slept the whole time, but I'm still tired. I'm gonna sleep until tomorrow," Crystal said.

They entered the parking lot. There was about ten cars parked in the lot. Nick parked the car as far away from view as possible, a parking spot behind the dumpster. They got out of the car, taking their suitcases and bookbags, and slowly walked towards the front doors.

They approached the front desk, where there was a pleasant-looking elderly woman.

"Yes?" the woman said, when they had stopped in front of her.

"Hi, we're looking for a room?" Nick said.

"Why, certainly, young man, we have plenty of those," she said.

"Well...could we have one?" Nick asked.

"Yes, of course. Cash or charge, and how long are you planning to stay?" the woman asked.

"Cash, and we'll just be staying here until tomorrow," Nick replied.

"Very well..." she said, clicking away on the computer. "One room, I presume?"

"Yes," Nick said. Crystal stood quietly next to Nick, deep in thought.

"That will be eighty dollars," she said. Nick pulled out his wallet, and pulled out four twenties. He handed them to the woman.

"Here's your key, and thank you," she said.

"No problem...Do you have a MAC machine around here?" Nick questioned.

"Yes, just down that hall over there," the woman replied, pointing to a hall.

"Okay, thanks. Come on, hon," Nick said, turning his head and looking at Crystal. She snapped out of her daydream.

"Oh, okay." She picked up her suitcase, and followed him down the hall.

"Give me your dad's MAC card," Nick said, pulling out his dad's MAC card as well. Crystal took out her dad's and her mom's MAC cards out of her bookbag.

"You took your mom's too?" Nick asked. She nodded.

About ten minutes later, after they had taken out all the money from their accounts, they headed up the stairs, and into their room. They now had about ten thousand dollars, combined. Their parents had had a significant amount of money in their bank accounts. They had been surprised, but pleased to know they had more money than they had expected.

Crystal dropped her suitcase in the bedroom, and flopped down on the bed. Nick did the same.

"Let's get under the covers. It's kind of cold in here," Crystal commented. They got under the covers, and she let Nick put his arms around her. She turned her face towards Nick. His beautiful angelic features made her heart jump. He had full pink lips, long eyelashes, beautiful blue eyes, and gorgeous blond hair.

"Nick?" she whispered. Nick opened his eyes.

"Yeah, baby?" he said.

"I love you," she said, taking one of her hands and brushing back his hair from his face. He smiled.

"I love you too, baby. Now go to sleep. We've had a long night," he whispered. Crystal nodded, and turned back. In a matter of minutes, they were both fast asleep.

Chapter 19
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